ladybower, peaks, the beast, sat 2nd june



  • Sidey
    Sidey Posts: 183
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by gary_fisher3</i>

    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">oh yes I am out<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Nice one, I take you'll be bringing the correct bike this time!
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    I'll be bringing the green beastie with me [^] . can't ride it any faster but don't seem to fall off as much [:D]
  • gary_fisher3
    gary_fisher3 Posts: 3,466
    Thanks for the ride everyone. At least I didn't have to walk down the beast!!!
  • gary_fisher3
    gary_fisher3 Posts: 3,466
    Just back from my run. I don't think i've got the energy to move now.
  • Sidey
    Sidey Posts: 183
    Thanx for the ride people, Win hill was a blast (once again) as was the BEAST. Only trouble is now my tyres are well and truely shot, just washed her and there's 6 nobles missing off the back and Freddie Kruger's been at the side wall's on both, man what a good day still got the grin factor
  • hi guys
    great ride as always thanx again gf3 dont 4get the frame forks cheers mate will post a ride 4 next week mid week any suggestions
  • trio25
    trio25 Posts: 300
    So you rode down the beast gf3? I'm impressed!
  • gary_fisher3
    gary_fisher3 Posts: 3,466
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by trio25</i>

    So you rode down the beast gf3? I'm impressed!
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Sorry Trio, I didn't. [:I]

    I took a BIG shortcut back to the car (missing the beast) to get Kate to work on time. I'm sure you'll get the full story shortly.

    I'm sorry you couldn't make it today. Hopefully I will get to join you for a ride again in a few weeks time.
  • gary_fisher3
    gary_fisher3 Posts: 3,466
    Stevie, I've forgot what i'm bidding up to.

    So far i've bid œ300 on the frame and œ30 on the forks. I will keep bidding small amounts to push the price up.

    I assume you want at-least œ400 for the frame and œ75 for the forks???
  • trio25
    trio25 Posts: 300
    Kate was nearly late for work again............what ever next!

    So what is the full story?
  • gary_fisher3
    gary_fisher3 Posts: 3,466
    Sorry no gossip. We just parted from the group and took the short way back to the car(s). I think she was early for once!
  • gary_fisher3
    gary_fisher3 Posts: 3,466
    Talking of gossip, you'll get to meet Rach tomorrow, I'm dreading it. I know what you ladies can be like when you get chance to have a good chin wag.
  • trio25
    trio25 Posts: 300
    Oh so you just did too long a ride to get her back on time. Boring story.
  • chers gf3
    im thinking 430 ish 4 the frame 100 4 the forks cheers mate
  • gary_fisher3
    gary_fisher3 Posts: 3,466
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by stevie j</i>

    chers gf3
    im thinking 430 ish 4 the frame 100 4 the forks cheers mate
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Right, I will keep bidding up to that then.
  • pmerryman
    pmerryman Posts: 236
    any links to the sales?

    Cheers Paul
    <hr noshade size="1">
    Avalanche 0.5 Disc
  • pmerryman
    pmerryman Posts: 236
    cheers gf3

    Cheers Paul
    <hr noshade size="1">
    Avalanche 0.5 Disc
  • cheers gf3
  • gary_fisher3
    gary_fisher3 Posts: 3,466
    Have you got that helmet yet Paul?
  • pmerryman
    pmerryman Posts: 236
    Not yet. Been working my weekends, and have had a virus, so not been out on the bike. Have to get one this week, as the nice weather is here for biking.

    Would you believe it, went to Edinburgh Cycles in Manchester today to get a led, and guess what, its bleedin stock take day.

    Cheers Paul
    <hr noshade size="1">
    Avalanche 0.5 Disc
  • hi gf3
    thats great on the frame see how it goes now if it sells 4 that im happy just the fork now cheers mate
  • gary_fisher3
    gary_fisher3 Posts: 3,466
    My max bid on the frame is œ438, œ95 on the fork. You can always cancel my last bid(s) and let it go to someone else!
  • cheers gf3
  • gary_fisher3
    gary_fisher3 Posts: 3,466
    I don't think I'm going to be out much at the weekends anymore.

    On Sunday Rach attended the ladies forum ride at Kilnsey park. Unfortunately she managed to miss everyone and ended up riding on her own. To cut a long story short she got bit lost and ended up falling off quite a lot. I think the experience has rather put her off MTBing.

    She now just ordered a road bike instead. I'm afriad it looks like i'm going time trialling with Rach on a Sat morning instead of MTBing with you lot!
  • wezwmb
    wezwmb Posts: 5

    sorry to hear that maybe she just nees a little talking too !

    or we could do Sunday's instead !
  • gary_fisher3
    gary_fisher3 Posts: 3,466
    I'm normally racing or cycling with my local club on a Sunday.

    **I've had to edit this**
  • trio25
    trio25 Posts: 300
    That's rubbish gf3, I never went on sunday so I don't know how many were there. I'm sure you could get her into mountain biking, she is just on a bike that is too big. She could come out with us at some point. How tall is she? My OH's bike might be the right size.

    She is braver than me I don't like riding off road on my own!
  • gary_fisher3
    gary_fisher3 Posts: 3,466

    It's probably her own fault she missed everyone. Shes always late, and they wouldn't of known to wait for her. BTW I think you're right about the bike being too big (Fancy you knowing that!). She's 5-10 with long legs but a short body. She's probably better off with a ladies bike instead of a mans; but thank-you ever so much for offering to loan her a bike.

    I will still be MTBing, I just wont be out as often. After all, i've still got to impress you by getting down the beast without cheating! [;)]
  • trio25
    trio25 Posts: 300
    I'd better make sure I can get down the beast.

    The bike would probably fit her perfectly if she fancies a go, she really needs to start on easier stuff! But your bike being way too bike would be enough to put anyone off.

    Can't you get her two bikes? A road bike and a mountain bike?
  • gary_fisher3
    gary_fisher3 Posts: 3,466
    Thanks Trio.

    We're going to hire her a MTB bike at Cannock chase on Sunday and take it from there. Thanks to you should could well end up with a two new bikes!