Claris lever brake tension.

Mike_Mac Posts: 49

My son has been trying to master clipless pedals and had a fall that appeared to knock off the plastic cover on the Claris lever hoods.

Interestingly, it seems like we also lost some cable tension. I had to adjust the barrel on the brake to get it working properly again.

Does anyone know why the cable tension would be affected? Is it enough to just adjust the brake and refit the plastic cap?

Thanks for any advice!



  • Webboo2
    Webboo2 Posts: 1,299

    If you put the cover back on, does it put tension on the cable. I’m just guessing here.

  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,533

    from the first image it looks like the bike has mechanical disk brakes, also shows the brake cable goes through the fork

    can't tell if the cable outer is continuous down to the caliper or if there're cable stops in the fork or bars

    i'd carefully check the entire cable path - as there was an impact, perhaps the cable wasn't tight enough in the caliper and slipped, or maybe something has been bent etc., it'd only need a small slip/deformation to reduce tension

    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • Mike_Mac
    Mike_Mac Posts: 49

    Thanks, Sungod.

    I had to replace the caliper (, so I seized the chance to do it. I removed all the tension, pulled everything through, and then reinstalled the brakes.

    Regrettably, I lost the tiny screw that secures the plastic cover, though the cover appears to be just for aesthetics.....

