Have you ever been banned from a forum?



  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 12,934
    Didn't vtech (using his or his missus' names, I forget the detail) surface running some crypto scam scheme out of Dubai? Would fit his profile.
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 59,599
    orraloon said:

    Didn't vtech (using his or his missus' names, I forget the detail) surface running some crypto scam scheme out of Dubai? Would fit his profile.

    Something like that, yep. He disappeared from here sharpish once his activities became known.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,531
    Stevo_666 said:

    orraloon said:

    Didn't vtech (using his or his missus' names, I forget the detail) surface running some crypto scam scheme out of Dubai? Would fit his profile.

    Something like that, yep. He disappeared from here sharpish once his activities became known.
    Had he been a mod he could have deleted the thread and banned the person that started it to hide from their wrongdoing like someone else did.
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 59,599

    Stevo_666 said:

    orraloon said:

    Didn't vtech (using his or his missus' names, I forget the detail) surface running some crypto scam scheme out of Dubai? Would fit his profile.

    Something like that, yep. He disappeared from here sharpish once his activities became known.
    Had he been a mod he could have deleted the thread and banned the person that started it to hide from their wrongdoing like someone else did.
    Sounds like they managed to pick some wrong'uns back in the day.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 8,822
    Once got threatened with a ban here for messing up photos on a bike for sale post. It was when you had to link to images hosted elsewhere. I remember thinking at the time this is ridiculous - I seem to remember I was given a time limit to fix the post or I'd be banned.

    I just think most forum mods confirm the findings of the Stanford prison experiment (or whatever uni it was).

    Do we even have mods on the forum now - I assume someone must remove offensive posts and spam but it seems to be very much a lighter touch.

    Never actually been banned from any forum - nearly got a Facebook ban for a joke which involved shooting farmers - i mean it wasn't even offensive.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • kingstongraham
    kingstongraham Posts: 27,015
    Spam gets removed when it gets flagged by 5 different users, so disappears pretty quickly through self policing.
  • TheBigBean
    TheBigBean Posts: 21,006

    Spam gets removed when it gets flagged by 5 different users, so disappears pretty quickly through self policing.

    Wish they could extend this to other flags. 10 votes to sticky makes a sticky. 5 flags for offensive posts etc.
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 12,934
    There aren't any active mods on here now are there? Recall there was an admin type user id occasionally showing. But just auto response to flagging now. The spambots keep posting away, like that 'samanthanichollsnnnn' one.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 18,692
    orraloon said:

    There aren't any active mods on here now are there? Recall there was an admin type user id occasionally showing. But just auto response to flagging now. The spambots keep posting away, like that 'samanthanichollsnnnn' one.

    Hadn't twigged that it was auto response for multiple flagging. TBH, it's probably just as well that they don't feel the need to put much effort into the forum, given the limited number of active users here, which wouldn't translate well into income in return for hosting it. Not quite in the Twitter or FB league.
  • kingstongraham
    kingstongraham Posts: 27,015
    I can't think of any offensive posts recently. Unless hero worship counts, obviously.