Stand for front of bike

I am looking for a stand for the front of my bike on the turbo. Basically I am trying to save space in a congested garage and pushing the bike towards the wall will make some space.

I found this old thread but some of the suggestions/links are dead or not available.

@markhewitt1978 - are you still using the front wheel turned 90 degrees? Is it stable enough?

I am using a Kcker Core 0 if that makes any difference.

Any suggestions?


  • redvision
    redvision Posts: 2,958
    If you can afford it then as you've got a kickr you could get a kickr climb. Would give you the fork stand you're after and add an extra element to your training.
  • navrig2
    navrig2 Posts: 1,851
    £423........ maybe not.

    I've bought one of these and am going to screw it onto a spare piece of sleeper we used to create raised beds in the garden.

    £16, sorted (I hope!).
  • racerex
    racerex Posts: 69
    I just salvaged the fork mount off an old windtrainer and bolted it to a piece of plywood. With some of those rubber balance balls underneath to give it some movement.
  • navrig2
    navrig2 Posts: 1,851
    The balance balls sound interesting. Don't you get "sea sick"?
  • racerex
    racerex Posts: 69
    Nope. Nice firm, cushy ride. Especially out of saddle it has a good natural movement.
  • navrig2
    navrig2 Posts: 1,851
    So here we go:

    Feels nice and stable. I'll try it out later in the week.
  • super_davo
    super_davo Posts: 1,205
    I like that. Checked my set up and I reckon dispensing with a front wheel would save a useful amount of space & allow a bit of a move around of stuff.

    What was the £16 front fork mount that made it all possible?
  • navrig2
    navrig2 Posts: 1,851
    edited July 2023
    Yes. They come in pairs. Three wood screws and a block of wood. We have just finished some garden work which used sleepers and I used offcuts for the support.

    The bike mounts come with fixings for QR and fixed axles (3 types).

    Once the wood is cut to the right length it is quick and easy.