I've got around £2k to £2.5k for a new road bike...



  • s1mples
    s1mples Posts: 63
    mrb123 said:

    Looking at Gumtree there are some lovely bikes to be had. Good job I need a big size otherwise I could easily spend a lot of money. If you're a 54 or 56 the possibilities seem almost endless.

    Music to my ears!

    Though I do keep going back and looking that Fairlight Strael, I do have a soft pot for steel bikes and am slightly wary of carbon fibre (just thinking damage).

    Thanks again for all the replies:-)

  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    I have had more breakages with steel frames than carbon. Just don’t ride them in the wet.
  • froze
    froze Posts: 213
    I understand you said some bits are wearing out, but the truth of the matter is a 9 to 10 year old bike is not remotely done riding yet. Personally, I would just fix what's wrong, doing that won't cost anywhere near the price of a new bike, and once you spend that money on a bike you can't get it back! Perhaps use the money to pay off a debt, oh I know, there's no fun in that other than getting closer to becoming debt free, and I'm there, and there is nothing more fun than that!! Freedom from the imprisonment of banks.

    Be honest with us, why do you really want a new bike? Noticed I used the word "want" instead of "need" because you really don't need a new bike. Is it because some riding friend of yours bought a brand-new bike now you feel you must come up to their level or better?

    I just resurrected my old 1977 Raleigh Competition GS, it sat in the garage for years because it needed some parts, and I had other bikes so who cares right? Those parts cost me $150 this year, plus I went into my storage and pulled out my brand new unused 1975 Campy Nuovo Record derailleurs and brakes and put those on the bike instead of the persnickety Campy GS components, the bike rides great, a tad heavy compared to my more modern bikes, but it still works, and works great, and if that was the only bike I had I would have no qualms about riding it daily.

    I have quite a few bikes from the 80s, most still work great, a couple would once I start restoring them like I did with the Raleigh. My main ride is a 2013 Lynskey Peloton, nothing has worn out, but that bike rides like a dream, if something was to wear out, I would simply fix it.

    But I can't tell you what to do with your money, you're an adult, so make an adult decision, all I am doing is giving you an opinion, throw it out the door if it doesn't suit you.
  • pep.fermi
    pep.fermi Posts: 383
    I bought new and I bought used.

    Don't buy new. Like cars, don't buy new unless not having scratches is so important to you that you're prepared to pay crazy sum on top.

    Last I bought, Cannondale Synapse, new price 3600, I bought 2yr old for 2400, 2yr old but basically new. And it was during covid, now used prices dropped even further.