'Ouses, Greenbelt and stuff



  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 28,226

    No it's still there.

    Should really have some sort of render on it to protect the stone. It used to be pebbledashed but a lorry backed into the corner and knocked the whole lot off. We also picked the 1987 storm to redo the roof.

    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 18,588

    IIRC, a lot of church towers are described as having 'rubble-filled' walls.

  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 28,226

    It's hard working dressing stone, so makes sense to do as little as possible.

    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 18,588

    More stuff going on the cob to hold it in place. First thing this morning was making wooden wedges to hammer into the cob into which he could hammer the studs to hold the mesh in place. He's hoping to put some hessian on tomorrow. Plus a wooden lintel above the door, which, having scraped of black rotten stuff is as hard as nails, even if rather bowed on the outside. Just need to get the new door installed without it falling down once the old door & rotten frame is removed. Fascinating to watch the methods and progress.

  • pangolin
    pangolin Posts: 6,432

    It's all 3 of the little piggies houses in 1 building

    - Genesis Croix de Fer
    - Dolan Tuono
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 15,298
    edited June 14

    Are you sure that's cement and not period appropriate material?

  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 15,298

    I was expecting the UK to be worse. Is there a graph with just Cambridge on it?

  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 41,471

    Not housing related but a big planning decision was issued today by the High Court ruling that an application for oil extraction in Surrey was unlawfully granted as it failed to consider the downstream emissions from burning the oil in the environmental assessment of the scheme.

  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 41,471

    Just been looking at the plans for the redevelopment of Bromley-by-Bow gasworks. Another example of how you can get high density urban development (looks like over 200 units per hectare plus community facilities) whilst also creating a pleasant inner city place to live. 80% will be accessible to the public and they are refurbishing the 7 listed gas holders which will form an integral part of the scheme with the new tower blocks being designed on a similar footprint. Personally I don't see the point in protecting 7 rusting gas holders but they seem to be doing it without losing development land.

  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 73,837
    edited June 23

    Wrong thread