Second bike old is too old>
Proper cyclists use saddlebags on training rides -including pros.
Poncy posers hang around at home worrying about what they'll look like if they actually dare to go riding.5 -
What's the consensus on a backpack with a camelbak?0
proper cyclist - read clubbies from a post written by a clubbie.masjer said:Proper cyclists use saddlebags on training rides -including pros.
Poncy posers hang around at home worrying about what they'll look like if they actually dare to go riding.
i bet you have mudguards (full length, fitted, rubbing) as well.
why would you need a saddle bag when you can just put in in your pockets?
.The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
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actually, just by writing the phrase "proper cyclist" makes your opinion defunct.
proper cyclist. ffs..The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
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Never been in a club but (unlike you) aren't derogatory about people who are.
Yup, full mudguards all winter- because (unlike you) I actually ride.
My pockets aren't big enough. Maybe you're an XXL and have more pocket room, plus I don't worry what people think about me and my bike (unlike you)0 -
and of course you think about what you look like before you go out otherwise we'd all look like a bunch of shitkicking hillbillies from the valleys..
The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
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definitly not one poseur in this lot, or even one who looked in the mirror before leaving home.
.The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
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Yeah but they look happy!0
errr? and?
so you can't be well dressed and not ride shitbikes covered in shitluggage and be happy?
or are you saying you have to dress like a fluorescent adolescent turkey in order to smile for a camera?
seriously dude, you're now scraping the bottom of the barrel.
.The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
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Just to clarify one point about my carrying of a "three course meal" I do this because of a health condition which needs to be controlled.
Luckily the other day I had it with me as at 7O miles the cafe I had previously selected to go to for nourishment was closed. There was not another in the vicinity.
So would I rather look a "nonce" with my saddlebag and stay alive or look like an "elite athlete" like MF and suffer?0 -
pain and suffering equals beauty.
looking PRO is part of the 7Ps that you failed miserably - you're in the middle of the mess that is england and you didn't plan a second back up establishment for "nourishment" (ie a chip cob)..The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
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i do like the drama though.womack said:Just to clarify one point about my carrying of a "three course meal" I do this because of a health condition which needs to be controlled.
Luckily the other day I had it with me as at 7O miles the cafe I had previously selected to go to for nourishment was closed. There was not another in the vicinity.
So would I rather look a "nonce" with my saddlebag and stay alive or look like an "elite athlete" like MF and suffer?
you could have always grabbed a Ginsters and a Mars Bar from a petrol station i suppose..The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
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I’m don’t know much of the rules either, but I’m aware of them and skimmed though them earlier. They seem to be a mix of sensible advice, such as being able to fix a puncture, or not riding erratically, and tongue in cheek stuff about what to wear and what not to wear, which some seem to take seriously.MattFalle said:
thanks for pointing that out but as i don't actually know much about the rules or read them its good to have someone to do it for me.oblongomaculatus said:
Oh? Well Rule 29 says no saddle bags, Rule 30 says no frame mounted pumps, Rule 31 says spare tubes, multi-tools and repair kits should be stored in jersey pockets, rule 45 says slam your stem, Rule 52 says bidons are to be small in size, 500-610ml maximum, no extra large vessels are to be seen on one’s machine. Two cages can be mounted, but only one bidon on rides under two hours is to be employed… Sounds an awful lot like The Rules to me, or at least the ones about not making your bike look like what some would consider censored . But I think not having your pockets crammed full to bursting with stuff digging into you, not riding in a position that hurts your back, neck and wrists, and carrying enough to drink is more important than what other riders may think your bike looks like.MattFalle said:
no its not.oblongomaculatus said:MattFalle said:
the fact that someone wanted to fit mudguards and an under saddle suitcase to it cannot and must not be ignored.womack said:
such sacriligious acts to a CAAD are abominable and should never be condoned.
This is The Rules, isn't it? That stuff about correct sock length, angle of QR levers and so on. In which case, I'm inclined to get as big a saddle pack as I can find.
its about not making your bike lookshit.
its about not having your bike lookshyte - call it the MF rules of not having your bike look shite.
tbh, i'm not sure why people want want to carry sandwiches, cakes and all that jazz.
ok, i ride tubs, so no inner tubes, so: back pockets:
Middle pocket: 'phone with bank card and £20 note in the case.
Left hand pockey: 1 or if i'm feeling extravagent, 2 cans of Vittoria pit stop with presta/schrader adaptor taped on.
Right hand pocket: gels and tiny cafe lock that I paid €1.50 for in a French supermarket.
I'll have either a Co2 nozzle and 2 canisters in a pocket (left hand) or if I'm feeling like impending doom, use one of those zip up things that go in a bottle cage with a small multi tool, some cable ties and a Leatherman.
bottle in other cage.
if you want a spare tube, tuck it/them under the saddle and tape it on.
you may not mind your bike looking looking like a jeffy clubbie machine with a stupid suitcase under the saddle but hey, some of us don't want to look total honking websters and have enough of the 7Ps not to need to.
I do sometimes take a sandwich with me if I’m on a really long ride. I don’t want to go into a shop for supplies because I’m not willing to leave the bike, even with a cafe lock. As I explained, I have no-one I can call for a rescue if the bike is taken, so it's not worth even a small risk.
I do have spacers, because I've found things hurt if I don’t. (The stem is pointed down though) You’re lucky you don’t get back/neck/wrist pain, but I do. I was never very flexible and getting less so as I age. Being comfortable on the bike is paramount, not what someone else deems cool or not cool.
Lastly, some questions. What is “ally”, what is a jeffy clubbie machine, a total honking webster and the 7Ps? I have never heard any of these expressions before.
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ally saves lives my friend, it saves lives..
The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
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That still doesn't explain what the word means. Or the others.MattFalle said:ally saves lives my friend, it saves lives.
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It is a common misconception, but ginsters aren't a food manufacturer. They are plumbing supplies to block pipes. For god's sake don't eat it.MattFalle said:
i do like the drama though.womack said:Just to clarify one point about my carrying of a "three course meal" I do this because of a health condition which needs to be controlled.
Luckily the other day I had it with me as at 7O miles the cafe I had previously selected to go to for nourishment was closed. There was not another in the vicinity.
So would I rather look a "nonce" with my saddlebag and stay alive or look like an "elite athlete" like MF and suffer?
you could have always grabbed a Ginsters and a Mars Bar from a petrol station i suppose.1 -
Now had a spruce up. Swapped saddle out, new bar tape and cable inners and outers. Pretty happy with it.
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Looking good.
Can you drop the stem now please and thank you..The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
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Genuine question, and I guess I need to try it for myself....but having been riding for about 5 years "seriously" and being the tender age of 39 I've never ridden on any of my bikes with a slammed stem. No idea why always presumed potentially wrongly that a) I'm too amateur, and b) it causes back painMattFalle said:Looking good.
Can you drop the stem now please and thank you.
Usually I average around 16-17mph for anything up to about 65 mile.
Am I going to see any benefit other than looking cool?0 -
More aero so either easier or faster, or a combination of both.stampz said:
Genuine question, and I guess I need to try it for myself....but having been riding for about 5 years "seriously" and being the tender age of 39 I've never ridden on any of my bikes with a slammed stem. No idea why always presumed potentially wrongly that a) I'm too amateur, and b) it causes back painMattFalle said:Looking good.
Can you drop the stem now please and thank you.
Usually I average around 16-17mph for anything up to about 65 mile.
Am I going to see any benefit other than looking cool?
You have to be comfortable but most end up with the bars lower than the saddle.The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
I am not sure. You have no chance.Veronese68 wrote:PB is the most sensible person on here.1 -
Slam a stem if it puts the bars where you want them. Don't if it doesn't. And ignore wind up merchants.3
Absolutely, I'm not a sheep in the slightest, am genuinely intrigued if there is any advantage for Joe AverageFirst.Aspect said:Slam a stem if it puts the bars where you want them. Don't if it doesn't. And ignore wind up merchants.
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Not really. That said I do prefer to keep spacers to a couple if cm max just for looks.[Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]0
as above - can be more aero, more comfy, more all round everything better including cool.stampz said:
Absolutely, I'm not a sheep in the slightest, am genuinely intrigued if there is any advantage for Joe AverageFirst.Aspect said:Slam a stem if it puts the bars where you want them. Don't if it doesn't. And ignore wind up merchants.
it may also not.
just try it and if you don't like it put the spacers, or a combo of the spacers, back.
you barely have a saddle to bar drop so its more than likely it'll be fine..The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
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Yup, try it. Assuming you are comfortable and can maintain the same position(s) with your arms you will go faster. It'll make much more difference to drag/aero than deep section wheels / aero frame / aero anything else and possibly even a skinsuit.
(edit) obviously you don't need to "slam" it, just get the bars as low as you are comfortable with. I'd generally always have a 5mm spacer below the stem anyway.0 -
"how old is to old"? Are you asking for yourself or the bike?0