thursday ἄρρητον κρύπτε


ride, coffee, more coffee, biccies, much webexing
my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny


  • lincolndave
    lincolndave Posts: 9,441
    Morning, freezing at the moment, cycling later, a few little jobs to do after breakfast.
    Have a good day
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,197
    How long until springtime...? Wrap up warm day, is looking foggy and c-c-cold outside. Off to the big hospital soon for a heart MRI and ECG. 😳 What? Volunteering as part of a research project, they need an age range of 'normally healthy' individuals as control group. Free check up innit.
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,082
    Meh, cold out there and in here where the kids inability to shut the ferkin doors is even more irritating

    Not sure if I will get away with cycling again later

    Morning pics

  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217
    Lie in (compared to yesterday) so no going outside yet. Looks beautiful outside, although I reckon it's a bit chilly.

  • hopkinb
    hopkinb Posts: 7,129
    Keep hidden that which ought not be spoken?

    Wfh, coffee, crossword, lunch, more wfh.
  • hopkinb
    hopkinb Posts: 7,129
    Lovely pics from up Thistle/TLW's way.
  • Morning, More Solidworks tutorial videos to make, a teams or zoom meeting this morning, then hopefully a ride out in the sunshine before more WFH stuff.
  • elbowloh
    elbowloh Posts: 7,078
    WFH with a dodgy internet connection.

    Builders in doing a new block-paved driveway.

    Took delivery of tongue and groove boards to start lining the man-cave.
    Felt F1 2014
    Felt Z6 2012
    Red Arthur Caygill steel frame
  • Ayup!
    Cold, foggy ride ridden.
    Now basking in the crisp autumnal sunshine.
    No wind, no rain is a win-win for me.

    Umming and ahhing about buying a plot of land to build my own eco-house on. Written offers have to be in tomorrow.
    Decisions, decisions.
  • Not much to report, stuff to order. Calls to make, emails to send. Lockdown? What lockdown???
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,089
    orraloon said:

    ...they need an age range of 'normally healthy' individuals as control group.

    Then why the hell are you there?

    You know you've crossed a threshold when your bowel screening kit comes in the post.

    Cold, yes indeedy.
    My aris is sore after yesterday's epic. Well, at least I think that is the reason.
    Hard drive died. £400 for data recovery quoted. Does anyone know if I can get this cheaper?

    I'm peckish.

    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • I made it out. I'm on a boat..

  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 60,605
    pinno said:

    orraloon said:

    ...they need an age range of 'normally healthy' individuals as control group.

    Then why the hell are you there?

    You know you've crossed a threshold when your bowel screening kit comes in the post.

    Cold, yes indeedy.
    My aris is sore after yesterday's epic. Well, at least I think that is the reason.
    Hard drive died. £400 for data recovery quoted. Does anyone know if I can get this cheaper?

    I'm peckish.

    Sounds bloody pricey, maybe that includes the cost of shipping it to Nigeria to recover the data?

    None of these pre-dawn pics for me it was pretty much light by time I got up. Volunteered for one of those COVID surveys so spent a bit of the morning sticking a swab down the back of my throat and up my nose. Strifey is out and the dogs are being looked after for the day so all is peaceful. Time for lunch...
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,197
    pinno said:

    orraloon said:

    ...they need an age range of 'normally healthy' individuals as control group.

    Then why the hell are you there?
    'Cos I ain't a self serving barsteward, I volunteered to support the initiative for the greater good of humanity. Innit.

    Interesting morning deep in the bowels of the big hospital. Research team really friendly and informative. Spent what felt like a long 50 minutes in state of the art scanner, slightly wider than the standard tubes. Radiographers showed me this video image they had put together of my heart muscles beating away, jings. The scans are for research purposes but a consultant will review to confirm all normal. ECG all fine as well. And because bloods taken, I get a C19 antibody test thrown in for free.

    Feeling good about myself. So there.
  • Great, tier 3 for another three weeks.
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217
    pinno said:

    orraloon said:

    ...they need an age range of 'normally healthy' individuals as control group.

    Then why the hell are you there?
    Skewing the "normally healthy" benchmark for the benefit of the rest of us?

  • Great, tier 3 for another three weeks.


    3 weeks?

    I can't see my area (Derby/Derbyshire Dales) getting out of the highest tier for 3 months, let alone 3 weeks.

    I'm saving a shedload of money from not going to the pub, so not such a bad situation really.

    Unfortunately, my nicotine habit has gone through the roof, so I'm not really any better off :lol:

  • I seem to be spending my extra money at the butcher and wine merchant.

    Now my wife decides she doesn't want to eat as much red meat and is pregnant so can't drink.

    And wants to go veggie.

    Long pedal this morning followed by zoom calls with new future colleagues.

    Photo here (of bike ride, not colleagues)
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 60,605

    Great, tier 3 for another three weeks.

    Dodged tier 3 here although most of the rest of Kent got whacked with tier 3. The pubs are open next week but Strifey isn't a pub-goer. Might have to get some other woman to masquerade as my OH o:)
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 60,605
    Cargobike said:

    Great, tier 3 for another three weeks.


    3 weeks?

    I can't see my area (Derby/Derbyshire Dales) getting out of the highest tier for 3 months, let alone 3 weeks.

    I'm saving a shedload of money from not going to the pub, so not such a bad situation really.

    Unfortunately, my nicotine habit has gone through the roof, so I'm not really any better off :lol:

    CB, I just remembered - what happened with that stalker trial business? Is he trying to avoid picking up soap bars in the shower yet?
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • hopkinb
    hopkinb Posts: 7,129

    I seem to be spending my extra money at the butcher and wine merchant.

    Now my wife decides she doesn't want to eat as much red meat and is pregnant so can't drink.

    My favourite places to spend money.

    Good chicken is also expensive. Good red meat has extra pregnancy nutrition. Just say you're following the science.

  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,089

    I seem to be spending my extra money at the butcher and wine merchant.

    Now my wife decides she doesn't want to eat as much red meat and is pregnant so can't drink.

    And wants to go veggie.

    Long pedal this morning followed by zoom calls with new future colleagues.

    Photo here (of bike ride, not colleagues)

    You have no hope.

    Nice Colnago BTW but I don't like the paint job :smile:
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,089

    pinno said:

    orraloon said:

    ...they need an age range of 'normally healthy' individuals as control group.

    Then why the hell are you there?
    Skewing the "normally healthy" benchmark for the benefit of the rest of us?

    Thank god for that. I mean, what we really need is Cargo Bike to volunteer what an average pair of cyclist's lungs are like.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,197
    Stevo_666 said:

    Cargobike said:

    Great, tier 3 for another three weeks.


    3 weeks?

    I can't see my area (Derby/Derbyshire Dales) getting out of the highest tier for 3 months, let alone 3 weeks.

    I'm saving a shedload of money from not going to the pub, so not such a bad situation really.

    Unfortunately, my nicotine habit has gone through the roof, so I'm not really any better off :lol:

    CB, I just remembered - what happened with that stalker trial business? Is he trying to avoid picking up soap bars in the shower yet?
    Oh yeah, I remember reading that at the time and thinking jeez there's a bleep that needs a good kicking, or a spell in jail, or indeed both. Trust at least one has happened.
  • pinno said:

    I seem to be spending my extra money at the butcher and wine merchant.

    Now my wife decides she doesn't want to eat as much red meat and is pregnant so can't drink.

    And wants to go veggie.

    Long pedal this morning followed by zoom calls with new future colleagues.

    Photo here (of bike ride, not colleagues)

    You have no hope.

    Nice Colnago BTW but I don't like the paint job :smile:
    You know nothing!
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,089
    Oh I do - cats and kids; I've got 'em.
    But at least neither the cat or the kids have diarrhoea.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Cats: illness or not are useless

    Bikes: I accept it's not the 150th anniversary colourway but near as dammit. I do like your red but my colour of choice would be AD10 (notwithstanding the cost)
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,692
    Evening folks,
    Busy day in the office after a couple of hours on Teams doing training. Managed to pedal in on the old man bike, limp wrist still giving me gyp. Didn't take any pictures because I'm rubbish.
    Ride looks good SB but are the new colleagues worth getting a picture of? You probably don't want to get sacked before you start I guess.
  • Unbelievably, the c*nt is still at large.

    According to a source I have he has a crime sheet as long as his arm, yet has never done more than a few weeks bird in his life.

    After the initial interviews and statements taken by the police, it's all gone very quiet tbh. He was due to be in court last week regarding the renewing of his bail conditions but has claimed C-19 and as of now neither the OH or myself have any idea where we stand.

    Whatever happens, in the short-term we are spending most of our time at my place now, a further 15 miles away from where the OH lives which keeps the twat at arms length so to speak, but we want a resolution asap, however Covid.....

    Whatever the outcome is, we won't be staying in the area now. Our minds made up that we will be leaving Derbyshire for pastures new, possibly Stratford-upon-Avon, Cheshire or who knows where.
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,082

    I seem to be spending my extra money at the butcher and wine merchant.

    Now my wife decides she doesn't want to eat as much red meat and is pregnant so can't drink.

    And wants to go veggie.

    Long pedal this morning followed by zoom calls with new future colleagues.

    Photo here (of bike ride, not colleagues)

    Out near one of James gates!

    Nice colnago