3T Exploro gravel bike - medium - for sale

3T Exploro gravel bike - size medium (I am 5ft 8in) with full SRAM Rival build and I am including two pairs or wheels - Hunt Mason tubeless 38c for gravel and Hunt Mason tubeless 28c for road...hence this bike is ready for road or gravel use. (takes 5 minutes to swap the wheels)

The frame is the lightweight Exploro Team and the whole bike when new is retailing at EUR 4299 without the second pair of wheels

The bike is 2 years old and in very good condition. The bike does have some minor scratches which I have tried to show on the photos. I am not including the pedals, bottle cages or garmin mount shown on the photos. I have the receipt and manual.

Price £2950 - this includes both sets of wheels for road and gravel. I live in Keynsham, Bristol although I will deliver it 30 mins in any direction.


Any questions - 07789 397615
