Multi-day hygiene

Posts: 81
I'm looking for advise on 'best practice' on multi-day rides (with minimal facilities available).
Assuming you stop and bivi at the roadside overnight, how do you deal with hygiene in the nether regions?
Ignore it and hope for the best?
Baby-wipes cleaning before sleep, but just put on same shorts again the next morning?
Perhaps some anti-bacterial spray/ointment?
As above by try to rinse short in stream (and put up with them being wet).
As above but carry second pair to use on alternate days (the wet one might dry a bit hanging off saddlebag).
Assuming you stop and bivi at the roadside overnight, how do you deal with hygiene in the nether regions?
Ignore it and hope for the best?
Baby-wipes cleaning before sleep, but just put on same shorts again the next morning?
Perhaps some anti-bacterial spray/ointment?
As above by try to rinse short in stream (and put up with them being wet).
As above but carry second pair to use on alternate days (the wet one might dry a bit hanging off saddlebag).
You could look at triathlon shorts - the chamois drys really quickly - they won't be bib but they've been fine for me.0
I've also been wondering this while following the TCR race this year. Curious to hear answers too.
I'd suspect its quite personal though, different people have different susceptibilities and might have to be more careful than others.0 -
I wonder about this too. The crunch issue is, how can you put shorts back on after going for a poo? So far I've just avoided having to deal with that by emptying everything before a big ride (laxatives if necessary). Then the on-bike nutrition tends to be very low fibre, combined with the effect of any Ibuprofen you might take for aches on the super long stuff.. you won't go again for some time. I've had the idea not to #2 unless i'm in a hotel room or somewhere where I can immediately wash my ass before getting back into shorts... but so far even that's been needed.
With numero unos only, i've never had an issue when re-using shorts from one day to the next, other than probably being infertile due to slow roasted nuts.0 -
RutlandGav wrote:I wonder about this too. The crunch issue is, how can you put shorts back on after going for a poo?... somewhere where I can immediately wash my ass before getting back into shorts...
Just pack some baby wipes and a ziploc bag to keep the used ones til you can find a bin.
(Apologies if you've never changed a baby/toddler before, but this is pretty basic stuff if normal toilet paper isn't enough!)0 -
RutlandGav wrote:So far I've just avoided having to deal with that by emptying everything before a big ride (laxatives if necessary). Then the on-bike nutrition tends to be very low fibre, combined with the effect of any Ibuprofen you might take for aches on the super long stuff.. you won't go again for some time.
you seriously do this to ypurself?
#seriously?Postby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am
De Sisti wrote:
This is one of the silliest threads I've come across.
Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honoursmithy21 wrote:
He's right you know.0 -
I'm a complete minger sometimes and wear the same shorts for several days in a row - never had any "issues". Make sure they dry out in between rides for sure though.
Also, lots of chamois creams are anti-bacterial aren't they?0 -
Small pack of wet wipes, antibacterial hand wash and chamois cream. I suspect Step 2 is the most important... if you’ve ever had saddle sores you’ll know it’s no laughing matter! :shock:0
You can get waterless body wash products which generate a wet foam that you can towel off.
I use Nilaqua when travelling but I think it only comes in large 500ml bottles. A quick search of Amazon throws up a small 100ml bottle of Muc Off Dry Shower which does the same job; ... &s=gateway0 -
Matthewfalle wrote:RutlandGav wrote:So far I've just avoided having to deal with that by emptying everything before a big ride (laxatives if necessary). Then the on-bike nutrition tends to be very low fibre, combined with the effect of any Ibuprofen you might take for aches on the super long stuff.. you won't go again for some time.
you seriously do this to ypurself?
I'm not endorsing Bulimia or whatever. I just work a 4 day on , 4 day off 12 hour rota and tend not to be very "regular", unless I'm smashing in kilogrammes of fruit at my evening meal. Which is what i actually do most days. But If I'm doing a long ride on day 2/3 off work, I'll revert to a low residue diet 36 hours before. In fact I spend most of my first day off napping anyway to catch up on sleep (long bike commute + 12 hour shift = deficit) so don't eat that much anyway.
If my last fibre intensive meal looks like it isn't going to depart before i do, then i can take a couple Senokots.
Appreciate that this may not apply to our more regular readers, but no need to start thread crapping.0