Pinnacle Neon 4

Posts: 11
Picked this up in mid march to replace my old Subway 1 , used it since then to commute 3-4 times a week and what a difference!! Commutes only about 3 miles but all downhill in and all up hill home . The pinnacle is so much lighter and faster than the subway !! No longer sweating and jelly legs when i get home ,even went out to North Berwick and back the other sunday and still got back in time to spend the afternoon watching football and drinking beer
round trip of 45 miles couldn't have done that on the old subway

arcothfc wrote:Picked this up in mid march to replace my old Subway 1 , used it since then to commute 3-4 times a week and what a difference!! Commutes only about 3 miles but all downhill in and all up hill home . The pinnacle is so much lighter and faster than the subway !! No longer sweating and jelly legs when i get home ,even went out to North Berwick and back the other sunday and still got back in time to spend the afternoon watching football and drinking beer
round trip of 45 miles couldn't have done that on the old subway
Some of the Pinnacles are absolute bargains. Good to see someone enjoying there commute0