Turbo legs v Road legs???



  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Imposter wrote:
    Nice to see another knowledgeable person on here ( said no one, ever)

    Looking forward to the day when the admins find a way to ban you permanently from this site - and also looking forward to the day when your ISP finally gets enough complaints about you to close your internet account. Neither of those days can come soon enough.

    Yeah, I look forward to the day someone works out where you are, and when you’re there, and has a word with you. I just hope they record it, and post it on YouTube or something.

    Send me a PM - I'll give you my address. Will you be arriving in your Shelby Mustang, or your old brown Honda Accord..?

    Let's see if you put your money where your big fat lying mouth is...
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    And there you’ve proved how little you actually know about the subject of this ( supposedly bike specific ) forum.

    https://www.active.com/cycling/articles ... -pepperjam

    An interesting article about which I’ve just posted.

    Doesn't seem to relate much to your earlier troll post. There's a surprise...

    Still no PM, by the way...
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Ooh scary ( said no one ever )

    So you were all up for 'doin me over' in your last post. You really are a pathetic excuse for a human being (said lots of people, many, many times)...
  • Is "tissue jiggle" a euphemism?
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Imposter wrote:
    Ooh scary ( said no one ever )

    So you were all up for 'doin me over' in your last post...

    No I didn’t say that, I just hope someone gives you a talking to, and films it.

    The only person who would want to do that is you Nick. My offer is open. You won't accept it though, because you're nothing but a pathetic trolling fantasist - and real life frightens you.

    On the upside though, there's probably only another 24/48 hours before your next ban...
  • Did my first turbo ride in ages today, and my legs actually felt fine, no extra-sore muscles riding at threshold vs outside, but my HR was through the roof and it made me feel sick. Did a race and couldn't get my HR to go below 193 even recovering in Z2, then pipping into Z5 power and HR instantly to 202 (my max is 206 and I rarely go > 200 bpm outside). Which I assume is down to the crap cooling I had.

    The main difference I feel however is in the fluidity of the movement. On my road bike, transitioning to out of the saddle or up/down hill feels really nice and a lot more comfortable, it all feels very clunky on the turbo. No idea if turbo's with flywheels feel more natural and maintain momentum properly.
  • MishMash95 wrote:
    Did my first turbo ride in ages today, and my legs actually felt fine, no extra-sore muscles riding at threshold vs outside, but my HR was through the roof and it made me feel sick. Did a race and couldn't get my HR to go below 193 even recovering in Z2, then pipping into Z5 power and HR instantly to 202 (my max is 206 and I rarely go > 200 bpm outside). Which I assume is down to the crap cooling I had.

    If you start regular doing relatively hard turbo sessions in the warm, something like every other day, your body will adapt over a few weeks and give similar heart rate to power readings... Just have plenty of water to hand for the turbo sessions, I can easily go through the best part of two 750ml bottles on 45-60min sessions at approx 23C! :shock: :lol:

    I've just had a quick look at my last turbo session from Wednesday against two short outdoor rides the last two days (where I was comfortable besides slightly cold feet), looking for ~4min intervals of comparable power near my estimated FTP...
    https://www.strava.com/activities/20507 ... /2305/2641 (301W, 164bpm on turbo Weds)
    https://www.strava.com/activities/20529 ... /3230/3479 (302W, 165bpm outdoors Thurs)
    https://www.strava.com/activities/20552 ... /3620/3853 (302W, 165bpm outdoors Fri)

    My max heart rate from early November is 194bpm, my LTHR over 20mins is ~170bpm.

    While my second turbo ride of this winter https://www.strava.com/activities/19399 ... /3673/3907 was giving 166bpm for 237W for the first bit of the switchbacks segment shown in-game, having taken the previous ~61mins quite steady.
    2020 Voodoo Marasa
    2017 Cube Attain GTC Pro Disc 2016
    2016 Voodoo Wazoo
  • While my second turbo ride of this winter https://www.strava.com/activities/19399 ... /3673/3907 was giving 166bpm for 237W for the first bit of the switchbacks segment shown in-game, having taken the previous ~61mins quite steady.

    Ah wow, that's a massive difference. While I tend to do most of my riding during my commute, as it gets colder and rainier, will defo be on more. Good to hear that your body adapts to the heat. I bailed after 30 minutes in a race today, and legs were fine, but HR was disgustingly high to the point I was shaking xD Managed to almost get through 2 bottles as well haha xD.

    For me, I did a ride on Tuesday at avg. 184bpm, 268w avg for 90 minutes. This race, 196bpm, 267w for 30 minutes :x, where my outside LTHR tends to stabilise around 192bpm. The main issue was just the lack of ability to get it to go back down xD Outside, once I drop back from Z4 to Z2 power, my HR will be entirely within Z2, about 155bpm after 40-50s. In this race, 2:30 at Z2 on a descent and only dropped back down to 186.. brutal :S