British MTBer shot dead in French Alps



  • 02gf74
    02gf74 Posts: 1,171
    The irony of it, pretending to be concerned, /sad over a shooting yet you are quite happy to promote guns with a user name of 'sniper68'?.
  • 02gf74
    02gf74 Posts: 1,171
    I was pointing out the irony. Of course it is especially tragic for those close but why does it make him special that commrnts, sarky or otherwise cannot be made... Snipers have killed thousands of people in various wars and conflicted, its just as sad for those involved
  • swod1
    swod1 Posts: 1,639
    A tragic accident but I did read the rider was in brightly coloured clothing so could it actually be classified as manslaughter?

    So you would think that you could easily distinguish a biker to a deer etc
  • slc123
    slc123 Posts: 407
    They did originally say that there is no way he could have been confused with an animal as it wasn’t dark and he was wearing bright clothing and a bright bike. I think they also mentioned the shooter was 22 so I’m guessing the are eluding to the fact he got jumpy and just shot what he saw moving. I believe they are looking at aggrevated man slaughter. Either way it’s tragic. Should be able to ride somewhere like that without fear of being shot!
    Cannondale Trail 27.5 | 2015
    Titus El Chulo 27.5 | 2017
    Trek Slash 9 27.5 | 2015 (building)
  • sniper68
    sniper68 Posts: 2,910
    02GF74 wrote:
    The irony of it, pretending to be concerned, /sad over a shooting yet you are quite happy to promote guns with a user name of 'sniper68'?.
    I think rather than making a comment like that you should actually ask why I have this user name.Instead you decide to come across as a bit of a d!ck :roll:
    Irony?Pretending to be concerned/sad?Promoting guns?You actually got all that from a username :|
    What a Tw@ you seem to be :roll:
  • dabber
    dabber Posts: 1,996
    slc123 wrote:
    They did originally say that there is no way he could have been confused with an animal as it wasn’t dark and he was wearing bright clothing and a bright bike. I think they also mentioned the shooter was 22 so I’m guessing the are eluding to the fact he got jumpy and just shot what he saw moving. I believe they are looking at aggrevated man slaughter. Either way it’s tragic. Should be able to ride somewhere like that without fear of being shot!

    There is no safety during the hunting season in France. A little personal story....

    Cycling up a steepish, bendy 2 miles or so Cat 3climb in near to Marcilhac on the river Cele in France I came across a lunatic hunter and his rifle. He was looking up through the forest that bordered the road. I called up to him to make sure he knew I was there.
    The next second there was a load of barking and a boar came charging through the forest towards the lunatic chased by a pack of dogs. The lunatic fires his rifle, misses the boar which takes off at right angles further into the wood.
    The trajectory of this lunatic's shot was right across a hairpin bend further up the hill just at the time a car was driving down. By luck he missed the car and by luck I hadn't passed him (I slowed down). I gave him a mouthfull and got the usual Gallic shrug.

    French hunters are a real danger to everyone.
    I arrived back in this area on Sunday and will take great care over the next few weeks when I'm cycling and walking as these idiots have no discipline or sense.
    “You may think that; I couldn’t possibly comment!”

    Wilier Cento Uno SR/Wilier Mortirolo/Specialized Roubaix Comp/Kona Hei Hei/Calibre Bossnut
  • Why did you choose that username?
  • 02gf74
    02gf74 Posts: 1,171
    Sniper68 wrote:
    02GF74 wrote:
    The irony of it, pretending to be concerned, /sad over a shooting yet you are quite happy to promote guns with a user name of 'sniper68'?.
    I think rather than making a comment like that you should actually ask why I have this user name.Instead you decide to come across as a bit of a d!ck :roll:
    Irony?Pretending to be concerned/sad?Promoting guns?You actually got all that from a username :|
    What a Tw@ you seem to be :roll:

    Swearing just confirms your lack of intellect. I know what 'sniper' means, I suggest that you find an adult with a dictionary to read it out to you.
  • sniper68
    sniper68 Posts: 2,910
    02GF74 wrote:
    Sniper68 wrote:
    02GF74 wrote:
    The irony of it, pretending to be concerned, /sad over a shooting yet you are quite happy to promote guns with a user name of 'sniper68'?.
    I think rather than making a comment like that you should actually ask why I have this user name.Instead you decide to come across as a bit of a d!ck :roll:
    Irony?Pretending to be concerned/sad?Promoting guns?You actually got all that from a username :|
    What a Tw@ you seem to be :roll:

    Swearing just confirms your lack of intellect. I know what 'sniper' means, I suggest that you find an adult with a dictionary to read it out to you.
    Making assumptions also shows alack of intellect :wink:
    I know exactly what sniper means you idiot :lol:
    Unfortunately you don't know me or why I use it but,hey,let's not let that get in the way of you making your sad little comment that quite frankly wasn't called for on this thread.
    So instead of being a d!ck maybe show a bit of respect for the actual intention of this thread?

    Lack of intellect?
    How old are you?
    Are you old enough to remember O know before GCSEs?Well I have 8 of them so I think I'm OK there :roll:
    Why did you choose that username?
    Long story.
  • IanHg
    IanHg Posts: 6
    02GF74 wrote:
    Swearing just confirms your lack of intellect. I know what 'sniper' means, I suggest that you find an adult with a dictionary to read it out to you.

    You're reading a ridiculous amount into a user name.
  • Sniper68 wrote:
    Why did you choose that username?
    Long story.
    OK but it's an interesting choice.

    My name was chosen after I'd been reading about a few cyclist who'd had crashes at the same time or were detailing their recovery. Probably other forums but my warped mind was thinking of username (I'm no good at thinking of his ones) when it just popped into the head. I thought it was a good username but probably a bit insensitive.

    I think I will guess to myself how you came up with your name. 68 is year for sure. It has to be. Sniper military or a civilian in joke among your friends. Loads of possible reasons for name choice. I don't see what's wrong with it though.
  • JGTR
    JGTR Posts: 1,404
    Sensitive bunch aren’t you :lol: :roll:
  • steve_sordy
    steve_sordy Posts: 2,460
    One of my mates (he's not on here) has an email address starting with sniper. He is a gun collector, hence the sniper handle. Like sniper68, he is a fine upstanding citizen.
  • trek_dan
    trek_dan Posts: 1,366
    Wonder if this follow up article is true? ... r-8046179/
    May be more to it is the guy was a serial sex predator.
  • Sensitivity isn't something necessary in this case if reports on what the victim was like are true. Except to the hunter if it was a genuine mistake.

    The mother calls him a monster and hopes he rots on hell. Ex girlfriends and current girlfriends are relieved he's dead. The woman he abused and raped from the age of 8 is OK with its death too.

    No idea of it's all true but it seems he's not going to be missed by some who knows him well.

    BTW I've not linked to the site I've read that on but it's in range of online newspapers from independent to evening standard. Plus no doubt BBC, Sky and other UK news sites by now. They all seem to be reporting that he was a nasty piece of work.

    If even your mother is happy you're dead then sympathy isn't needed. You offer sympathy to relatives and significant people in his life who survived him, but if they're happy about his death, then is sympathy really needed?
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    Sensitivity isn't something necessary in this case if reports on what the victim was like are true. Except to the hunter if it was a genuine mistake.

    The mother calls him a monster and hopes he rots on hell. Ex girlfriends and current girlfriends are relieved he's dead. The woman he abused and raped from the age of 8 is OK with its death too.

    No idea of it's all true but it seems he's not going to be missed by some who knows him well.

    BTW I've not linked to the site I've read that on but it's in range of online newspapers from independent to evening standard. Plus no doubt BBC, Sky and other UK news sites by now. They all seem to be reporting that he was a nasty piece of work.

    If even your mother is happy you're dead then sympathy isn't needed. You offer sympathy to relatives and significant people in his life who survived him, but if they're happy about his death, then is sympathy really needed?
    Well, if I read anywhere about substantiated allegations, that will make... absolutely no difference whatsoever to the issue here, which is the ease of getting shot when out and about in France.

    Meanwhile, at least one of the statements in your piece ("current girlfriends..." ) is factually wrong.
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,219
    bompington wrote:
    that will make... absolutely no difference whatsoever to the issue here, which is the ease of getting shot when out and about in France.
    Yep, could've been absolutely anyone who was out for a ride.
  • billycool
    billycool Posts: 833
    I think the victim's background is irrelevant. A MTB rider was shot dead whilst riding a public MTB trail. That's my biggest concern. That could have been anyone, a friend or relative etc.

    If it transpires that the guy might have a dark past, so what? So what if it was an upstanding member of the community, loved and cherished by all? Would we all be singing a different tune. I don't think it's for us to judge right now.

    As for 02GF74 having a pop at Sniper68, I think that's totally unecessary. You may say his post is `ironic` but it's grossly unfair to say that he's `pretending to concerned/sad` and because of his user name, he is `promoting guns`. Anyone who shoots responsibly would be mortified by what's happened, certainly in terms of safety and best practice. To then enter into an argument about it is pretty purile and way off topic.

    The bigger picture is that a MTB rider died (whether we like them or not) and it could well happen again to someone we do care about.

    BTW - my name isn't Billy and I'm not very cool.
    "Ride, crash, replace"
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    bompington wrote:
    Sensitivity isn't something necessary in this case if reports on what the victim was like are true. Except to the hunter if it was a genuine mistake.

    The mother calls him a monster and hopes he rots on hell. Ex girlfriends and current girlfriends are relieved he's dead. The woman he abused and raped from the age of 8 is OK with its death too.

    No idea of it's all true but it seems he's not going to be missed by some who knows him well.

    BTW I've not linked to the site I've read that on but it's in range of online newspapers from independent to evening standard. Plus no doubt BBC, Sky and other UK news sites by now. They all seem to be reporting that he was a nasty piece of work.

    If even your mother is happy you're dead then sympathy isn't needed. You offer sympathy to relatives and significant people in his life who survived him, but if they're happy about his death, then is sympathy really needed?
    Well, if I read anywhere about substantiated allegations, that will make... absolutely no difference whatsoever to the issue here, which is the ease of getting shot when out and about in France.

    Meanwhile, at least one of the statements in your piece ("current girlfriends..." ) is factually wrong.

    Who knows, but his partner of 9 years doesn't seem to think he was a monster, neither did his father. ... R1IwhwUjTI

    The allegations from his mother/sister all sound quite Jeremy Kyle.

    But who knows.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • peat
    peat Posts: 1,242
    The Metro readers can breath a sigh of relief and let their hate of cyclists flow, guilt free, once more.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,947
    BillyCool wrote:
    BTW - my name isn't Billy and I'm not very cool.
    I feel hurt and offended that you have lied to us all. I'm going to have to go to my safe place and have a lie down now.
    Peat wrote:
    The Metro readers can breath a sigh of relief and let their hate of cyclists flow, guilt free, once more.
    Will they not just think all cyclists are sex offenders now?
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • sniper68
    sniper68 Posts: 2,910

    I think I will guess to myself how you came up with your name. 68 is year for sure. It has to be. Sniper military or a civilian in joke among your friends. Loads of possible reasons for name choice. I don't see what's wrong with it though.
    Right and nearly.
    68 is my year of birth.
    Sniper is a bit of a pi$$ take at me.
    When I started in the Steel works back in the mid-80s everyone had a nickname.Some for obvious reasons,some not so obvious and some(by todays standards) would be deemed un-PC/offensive.One of the old boys was well into Military History especially WW2.One day he brought one of his WW2 books into work proclaiming he "had a photo of my grandad"The photo was actually of a WW2 Japanese Sniper who did look a bit like me but mainly as his little round glasses looked like my glasses.That was it I was Jap-Sniper eventually shortened to Sniper.I left that Mill to go elsewhere and the name was left with it.....until a couple of years ago.
    A bloke came into our Dept and it turns out he knew/grew up with a couple of the lads from the old Mill.He must have mentioned me to them as a few weeks later he shouted "Nah then Sniper tha kept that quiet"!So a thirty-odd year old nickname was reincarnated :roll:
    Not Ironic in any way regarding the OP.It's just a nickname and a pretty tame one at that.

    (I do actually shoot Air Guns at Indoor ranges with my son but that has nowt to do with the name.I've shot Air guns on and off for 40+ years).
  • steve_sordy
    steve_sordy Posts: 2,460
    BillyCool wrote:

    BTW - my name isn't Billy and I'm not very cool.

    Well you are half right at least.
  • cooldad wrote:
    bompington wrote:
    Sensitivity isn't something necessary in this case if reports on what the victim was like are true. Except to the hunter if it was a genuine mistake.

    The mother calls him a monster and hopes he rots on hell. Ex girlfriends and current girlfriends are relieved he's dead. The woman he abused and raped from the age of 8 is OK with its death too.

    No idea of it's all true but it seems he's not going to be missed by some who knows him well.

    BTW I've not linked to the site I've read that on but it's in range of online newspapers from independent to evening standard. Plus no doubt BBC, Sky and other UK news sites by now. They all seem to be reporting that he was a nasty piece of work.

    If even your mother is happy you're dead then sympathy isn't needed. You offer sympathy to relatives and significant people in his life who survived him, but if they're happy about his death, then is sympathy really needed?
    Well, if I read anywhere about substantiated allegations, that will make... absolutely no difference whatsoever to the issue here, which is the ease of getting shot when out and about in France.

    Meanwhile, at least one of the statements in your piece ("current girlfriends..." ) is factually wrong.

    Who knows, but his partner of 9 years doesn't seem to think he was a monster, neither did his father. ... R1IwhwUjTI

    The allegations from his mother/sister all sound quite Jeremy Kyle.

    But who knows.
    One of the early reports I went off said current girlfriend held a similar view. Later reports changed the story. I think the early report I read said he'd beaten her a few times. Can't find it now to quote so perhaps the story has changed with better information. However it's not always as clear cut. Abusive people can be controlling, that can extend beyond their death. Or so I've been told by people who have studied such issues.

    You're right about the issue being with maniac hunters in France. I've heard about hunting issues in France before from expats. The other issue is local knowledge. IIRC the deceased had moved out there a few years back and ran a business. Part of the local community. I wonder if the risk of this happening was known in the local community or not. From what I've been told by expats there's areas where hunting is more common than others and they're best avoiding in season.

    A bad situation especially since ski resorts often market themselves for out of ski season activities like biking or hiking. Will that area take a hit?
  • dabber
    dabber Posts: 1,996

    You're right about the issue being with maniac hunters in France. I've heard about hunting issues in France before from expats. The other issue is local knowledge. IIRC the deceased had moved out there a few years back and ran a business. Part of the local community. I wonder if the risk of this happening was known in the local community or not. From what I've been told by expats there's areas where hunting is more common than others and they're best avoiding in season.

    Just as an aside from my previous post on chasse experience in France....
    I'm back there now and the last couple of days I've been exploring some new (road) routes I haven't used before. Very nice, no traffic at all and decent road surfaces given their remoteness.
    However, there's no way I'll be riding them over this weekend when the chasse will be in full cry... I'll be sticking to more major roads (still without any traffic to speak of) which are generally a bit safer.
    “You may think that; I couldn’t possibly comment!”

    Wilier Cento Uno SR/Wilier Mortirolo/Specialized Roubaix Comp/Kona Hei Hei/Calibre Bossnut
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,947
    Sniper68 wrote:
    68 is my year of birth.
    Y’old fart :lol:
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • sniper68
    sniper68 Posts: 2,910
    Veronese68 wrote:
    Sniper68 wrote:
    68 is my year of birth.
    Y’old fart :lol:
    Oi! I'm only 50 :|
  • steve_sordy
    steve_sordy Posts: 2,460
    Sniper68 wrote:
    Veronese68 wrote:
    Sniper68 wrote:
    68 is my year of birth.
    Y’old fart :lol:
    Oi! I'm only 50 :|

    My God, that must make me ancient in the eyes of Veronese68! :shock:
  • IanHg wrote:
    02GF74 wrote:
    Swearing just confirms your lack of intellect. I know what 'sniper' means, I suggest that you find an adult with a dictionary to read it out to you.

    You're reading a ridiculous amount into a user name

    Anyone care to read into my username?

    That quote was the last message I read so far in this thread so this may already have been said but the shot cyclist was a sister rapist! Think twice next time before dishing out your condolences.
  • It's been said but the reply was that it isn't the issue is that anyone can be shot on france by the maniac hunters even if on paths, roads or tracks and even if wearing bright colours. I guess they mean discuss the issues not the guy himself. Personally I do both, he's a nasty piece of work if it's true but it seems france needs better control over hunting.