Question about Riding with Sprained Back

ScottLev10 Posts: 16
A few days ago, I woke up with a stiff and strained back. I probably slept wrong, and have also been coming off of medication that's known to cause sore muscles. Either way, my back has been getting better each day, and today, I decided to do a ride. While I noticed that my back was bothering me a little bit, I also noticed that I was putting more weight on my hands while I rode. Could this increased hand pressure be because of my strained back? My fit was good before this injury, so I imagine that it's the lack of core strength due to my back still recovering, but would like some input on this. What would you do in this situation? Keep my regiment, or scale it back until the back is fully healed?


  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Not clear on what you have done to your back, what the medication is for, or why you think you have a weak core?
  • Imposter wrote:
    Not clear on what you have done to your back, what the medication is for, or why you think you have a weak core?
    -As stated, I probably slept in a weird position and woke up with a very stiff back. It feels a bit like a pulled muscle which is healing.
    -Oral steroids for a completely unrelated sinus condition.
    -The question was about whether a sprained back may cause issues with your core, and hence could lead to one putting more pressure on the hands to compensate.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,878
    If you’ve hurt your back I doubt you are holding yourself well so there is more weight on your hands.
    If you haven’t done anything serious you should be alright to ride, but we can’t tell you how serious it is. You could try riding and if it hurts more stop until your back feels a bit better.
  • If you haven't already, flip the stem to raise the bars a fraction and see if that helps, while your back heals.
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  • secretsqizz
    secretsqizz Posts: 424
    Of course the stock Internet answer to "does it hurt doing it?"
    "carry on doing it, muppet."
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