With the big Siberian freeze coming...

chrisaonabike Posts: 1,914
... I'm starting to think (yet) again about getting a turbo. But which one? There are so many, and every time I look through the reviews, I end up as confused as I was before.

I've narrowed down my criteria a bit:

- Smart. I'll want to be able to connect to laptop or Android tablet and do virtual rides to alleviate the boredom
- Quiet - the quieter the better
- I know I don't 'need' a power meter with it, but I quite like bells and whistles
- Low hassle factor - I really want it all to 'just work'
- Preferably not too huge
- Quite like the idea of direct drive, where I wouldn't need to use an actual wheel. Are there disadvantages to those other than price?

On the basis that you get what you pay for, and I only want to have to buy the thing once, I don't have a particular budget in mind - I'd consider something as pricey as the TacX Neo or Wahoo KICKR if it really was substantially better than the cheaper ones, and it was going to last for many years.

Are prices seasonal? I could imagine better deals as spring approaches as people might be less inclined to get one now than in the autumn.

Any advice gratefully received.
Is the gorilla tired yet?


  • dannbodge
    dannbodge Posts: 1,152
    Rather than splashing out thousands, I'd look at the Elite Direto.
    Direct drive are quieter and more accurate. They also don't need calibrating every ride like a on-tyre one does.
    The Neo is the quietest of all and the only noise you will get is drivetrain. However it is the biggest and hardest to move.

    Yes prices are seasonal and most places have discounts on in summer (I bought my Tacx Flux with £115 off in a sale last July). However don't get a Flux they are a waste of space.
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    As above the Elite Direto. Athlete Shop have been selling it for as little as £579 recently. Its an absolute steal if you can get it at anything like that as it is as good, if not better than many of the higher end smart trainers. Calibrate it once and leave it more or less. Power meter accuracy is claimed at 2.5%, but Shane Miller etc reckon it is nearer 1%. 1400 watts max output at 40kph and 14% incline representative. That's more than enough for me and most people. Compatible with Zwift, TrainerRoad, Sufferfest, TrainingPeaks etc and ANT+ and BTE operation or both at the same time. It will work without power for warm ups outside, but restricted to 220watts. Accepts thru axles and conventional skewers.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • Can't think of any disadvantages of direct drive, in fact I'd never go back to wheel-on now!

    The Elite Direto - as mentioned above - is a very good trainer and more than enough for most folk. Prices do seem to be coming down in the smart trainer field so there's deals to be had. If you've got the cash to splash then the Wahoo KICKR2 is awesome, the Tacx NEO is awesome and quiet.
  • Thanks guys, for the comments so far.

    Direct drive does seem to be worth the premium, so it's going to be one of the following, I think:

    Elite Direto
    Elite Drivo
    Wahoo KICKR
    Tacx Neo

    I think I'm going to draw the line at a budget of a grand, and in any case the Neo is heowge.

    So Direto, Drivo or KICKR

    Direto I can get from Wiggle for £712 with gold discount; Drivo would be £998, KICKR would be £950. So that's almost £250 cheaper if I go for the Direto.

    Direto seems a bit plasticky from the reviews, but with slightly better power accuracy than the KICKR, which is a bit noisier, has a longer power lead, and slightly less lag on resistance changes.

    Still thinking, any more comments much appreciated!!
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • alex222
    alex222 Posts: 598
    edited February 2018
    Have been using the Direto for a couple of months now. Great piece of kit, no complaints
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    Thanks guys, for the comments so far.

    Direto I can get from Wiggle for £712 with gold discount;

    Direto seems a bit plasticky from the reviews, but with slightly better power accuracy than the KICKR, which is a bit noisier, has a longer power lead, and slightly less lag on resistance changes.

    Still thinking, any more comments much appreciated!!

    Elite DIreto £577 from Athlete Shop. Have dealt with them before and always came through with orders.

    https://www.athleteshop.co.uk/elite-dir ... nteractive

    The casing is plastic ABS type materiel, but it is rock solid. The Drivo is made of the same plastic materiel as is the Kura which I previously owned and that was solid too. Out of the saddle sprinting puts no stress on the component parts.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • Is Sprockets Cycles a reputable shop?

    They have the Elite Drivo at £900 with an Interest-Free option.

    Not that I'm ever going to need the higher max power compared with the Direto, or the steeper max gradient, but it does look less plasticky.

    If I'm going to spend 700, I'm not overly averse to stretching a bit more for better build quality, and interest-free makes it very attractive!

    EDIT: hadn't see Philthy's post when I posted this - thanks for that.

    Would still be interested to know if Sprockets is ok.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • rabk
    rabk Posts: 182
    Is Sprockets Cycles a reputable shop?

    They have the Elite Drivo at £900 with an Interest-Free option.

    Not that I'm ever going to need the higher max power compared with the Direto, or the steeper max gradient, but it does look less plasticky.

    If I'm going to spend 700, I'm not overly averse to stretching a bit more for better build quality, and interest-free makes it very attractive!

    EDIT: hadn't see Philthy's post when I posted this - thanks for that.

    Would still be interested to know if Sprockets is ok.

    Yeah they are a reputable shop with a proper shop front presence (not online only)- I bought my Tacx Neo there.

    The shop is local to me and I've had excellent service from them - so much so - I google reviewed them and I never do reviews!
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    I used to have the basic Tacx Satori - it was ok - but non-smart - so had to be replaced.
    I wanted one that uses the rider weight to apply the pressure from the backwheel to the drive - so got the BKool Smart Go (didn't think I needed to spend the premium on the Smart Pro)

    I use a standard road tyre - so could be better with a turbo tyre - but basically - very little slip and only when you try and put power down suddenly rather than gradual change. The resistance change on the turbo does seem a little sluggish - doesn't match the onscreen requirements in Trainer road - but that could be TR or the turbo software - or both.

    They have a smart Air coming soon - which is a direct drive unit. https://store.bkool.com/en/18-trainers
  • super_davo
    super_davo Posts: 1,205
    I got my Direto from Wiggle for £660 (Platinum discount) with Topcashback tracking at £20, so ultimately will work out at £640.

    I didn't actually have Platinum discount level; I was short by about £50 so ordered enough to take me over and then sent a few bits back after I got it!

    Personally much rather deal with Wiggle for something that costs this much that could potentially go wrong and would be expensive to return if its needs support, especially Vs a non UK retailer.

    Fantastic bit of kit though, totally recommend it. Had a dumb trainer before and this is so much better it's unreal. Did a 1 1/2 hour session at the weekend watching Omloop, could never have imagined spending that long on the turbo before.
  • Sprockets Cycles .... have the Elite Drivo at £900 with an Interest-Free option.
    Couple of things that might be of interest...

    I went online to Wiggle and asked them if they'd price match - and they don't price match Sprockets Cycles.

    So I tried to add a Drivo to my basket on the Sprockets site, and despite saying 'in stock' it wouldn't let me.

    So I phoned them, and it turns out that they won't do the £899.99 price on interest free - it would be £975 if I wanted interest free!!!! They also don't have any current stock, so they'd have to put in a supplier order.

    Back to thinking.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • sh3p
    sh3p Posts: 98
    Just to throw another in the mix, the cycleopps Hammer is good at least mine has been, also gets good reviews and is a little under £800 from Halfords with BC discount :)
  • super_davo wrote:
    Personally much rather deal with Wiggle for something that costs this much that could potentially go wrong and would be expensive to return if its needs support, especially Vs a non UK retailer.
    ^^^ Excellent point. This in itself is worth a bit of a premium.

    I've now narrowed it down to Drivo vs Direto. Wiggle can deliver tomorrow if I order today... oh the temptation.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • sh3p wrote:
    Just to throw another in the mix, the cycleopps Hammer is good at least mine has been, also gets good reviews and is a little under £800 from Halfords with BC discount :)
    Yeah, it's the noise I'm a bit concerned about with the Hammer and the KICKR. Both seem to have more of a high-pitched whine than either of the Elite models, from the YoutTube vids I've seen.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • Quick question...

    Apparently the Drivo doesn't come with a skewer - can I use the one that's already on the bike or should I get a separate one?

    Any particular type?
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • dannbodge
    dannbodge Posts: 1,152
    I only paid £785 for my Neo :lol:
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    sh3p wrote:
    Just to throw another in the mix, the cycleopps Hammer is good at least mine has been, also gets good reviews and is a little under £800 from Halfords with BC discount :)
    Yeah, it's the noise I'm a bit concerned about with the Hammer and the KICKR. Both seem to have more of a high-pitched whine than either of the Elite models, from the YoutTube vids I've seen.

    yer - but once you've got headphones on playing some 80's pop - you'll be none-the-wiser ;)
  • Dannbodge wrote:
    I only paid £785 for my Neo :lol:
    You can go off people, you know ;)
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • dannbodge
    dannbodge Posts: 1,152
    Dannbodge wrote:
    I only paid £785 for my Neo :lol:
    You can go off people, you know ;)

    Only problem with my cheap Neo was the hassle of going through three Flux first
  • Dannbodge wrote:
    Dannbodge wrote:
    I only paid £785 for my Neo :lol:
    You can go off people, you know ;)

    Only problem with my cheap Neo was the hassle of going through three Flux first
    Well this is the thing. I want to buy exactly one turbo... in my whole lifetime. :D
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • Well, I've ordered a Drivo from Wiggle. And paid an extra fiver to get it tomorrow.

    Now in shock. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • singleton
    singleton Posts: 2,523
    Just gonna ask if you really needed the adjustable resistance.
    I've just ordered an Elite Turbo Muin Smart B+ for £290.
  • Singleton wrote:
    Just gonna ask if you really needed the adjustable resistance.
    I've just ordered an Elite Turbo Muin Smart B+ for £290.
    What I need is someone reassuring me that I've made a worthwhile investment in my health, fitness and enjoyment levels.... not someone reinforcing my fear that I've spent three times as much as I needed on an impulse buy :D

    My OH's reaction (on Skype IM) was:

    "A grand? Blimey...."

    and then...

    "and you ordered a mat as well to cover the carpet, right?"

    All I can say is, if she wants to use it (she's a roadie too), then she can bloody well rent it from me :D
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    You need a turbo skewer as the standard one that comes with a bike will not stand up to the stresses being put through it on the turbo.

    DO you need auto resistance? 6 months ago I'd have said no, but having changed from a Kura to a Direto, I now say yes. ERG mode is so much better for training programs by keeping within the zone and the realism it puts through the legs on an incline. With the Kura, it was easy just to pedal away with my power relating to speed, but you didn't get the pain factor of auto resistance. When the road goes up, in ERG mode, it doesn't matter what gear you select, it feels like a hill.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • Having used Zwift / turbo trainer this winterfrom home I think you’ve made a good decision. You now have an option to ride if it’s wet, icy or have limited time to good effect. I’m enjoying getting back out on the road too but know my overall bike fitness is better.
    Enjoy the flexibility!
  • Don’t forget to order a cassette unless you’re taking it off your bike
    My blog: http://www.roubaixcycling.cc (kit reviews and other musings)
    Facebook? No. Just say no.
  • Don’t forget to order a cassette unless you’re taking it off your bike
    Cheers :D

    Actually I have two spare cassettes - I'm on 10 sp 12-30, and I bought two spares a while back when lots of shops seemed to not be stocking them any more. However, Wiggle do seem to have them again now.

    Also thinking of changing the chain, as the one that's on there is a bit mucky. The last thing I want is to get on the trainer, pedal enthusiastically for a few minutes, and then discover that I've sprayed oil and crap all over the wall.

    It's out for delivery apparently - getting quite excited.

    And Elite Dangerous v3.0 is also due out today - what a day to be at work... :evil:
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • Don’t forget to order a cassette unless you’re taking it off your bike
    Cheers :D

    Actually I have two spare cassettes - I'm on 10 sp 12-30, and I bought two spares a while back when lots of shops seemed to not be stocking them any more. However, Wiggle do seem to have them again now.

    Also thinking of changing the chain, as the one that's on there is a bit mucky. The last thing I want is to get on the trainer, pedal enthusiastically for a few minutes, and then discover that I've sprayed oil and crap all over the wall.

    It's out for delivery apparently - getting quite excited.

    And Elite Dangerous v3.0 is also due out today - what a day to be at work... :evil:

    Oh, forgot. Don't forget to get a spare bike too. Anything will do, it's just easier leaving it there :D

    And a TV, and some speakers.

    https://roubaixcycling.cc/2018/02/08/th ... g-indoors/
    My blog: http://www.roubaixcycling.cc (kit reviews and other musings)
    Facebook? No. Just say no.
  • ^^ You're absolutely right. The dining room table has to go.

    Actually, I wonder if it'll fit in the room the other way round. Reckon the OH would notice if I turned the table round and got rid of the chairs?
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    @ chrisonabike... another big fan of Elite Dangerous here!