1st Power Meter purchase - HELP!



  • stevie63
    stevie63 Posts: 481
    I don't mean physical effort, I just mean concentration. I should have been clearer.
  • wongataa
    wongataa Posts: 1,001
    stevie63 wrote:
    I went the route of buying a Power Meter instead of a Smart trainer so that I could have the same numbers inside and out. Yes it means on the turbo that it requires more effort to hit the numbers but for me that's the same as doing it outdoors so it feels more natural to me.

    It's also highlighted for me that unless you get a decent smart trainer that measures power accurately and consistently then how do you now that your numbers are the same from one session to the next. The reason I mention this is that I usually do a easy recovery session that lasts an hour once a week and using the same tyre pressure and resistance level the total distance travelled can vary by more than 10%. If I was using a Turbo that measures the power from the roller speed(such as the Tacx Flow) then the intensity of my workouts could vary quite a bit even for the same session. So for me personally I would say go for the power meter.
    If you use Trainerroad and have a poweremeter and smart trainer with the powermatch feature turned on (the default setting) the power you see is from your power meter and Trainerroad adjusts the turbo to get the required number from your power meter so everything correlates well.
  • I have a P2M Rotor 3D24 type S power meter. It can fit on to all 5 of my bikes. Whether I can be ar### changing it over is another question. I don't see what the problem is.

    Same goes for me, I have exactly the same P2M and can swap it between my 4 bikes which between them have 3 different BB types. According to Rotor with the right BB fitted the 3D24 will fitted both English and Italian threaded and the following non threaded BBs, BB90, BB86, BB30, PF30, BBRight PF, BB386EVO so I'm guessing that's most possible new bikes covered.
    'Hello to Jason Isaacs'
  • johand
    johand Posts: 16
    I also have an old bike (shim 105 10 speed) on a kurt Kinetic and another bike (shim 105 11 speed) for summer outside. What budget meter would one recommend that can be fairly easy changed to both bikes?
  • johand wrote:
    I also have an old bike (shim 105 10 speed) on a kurt Kinetic and another bike (shim 105 11 speed) for summer outside. What budget meter would one recommend that can be fairly easy changed to both bikes?

    Probably a Stages / 4iiii / Pioneer whichever you can get cheapest. Stages 105 can be found for about 450 4iiii is 315 at Ribble right now
  • johand
    johand Posts: 16
    Probably a Stages / 4iiii / Pioneer whichever you can get cheapest. Stages 105 can be found for about 450 4iiii is 315 at Ribble right now
    Crankset system that is?
  • johand wrote:
    Probably a Stages / 4iiii / Pioneer whichever you can get cheapest. Stages 105 can be found for about 450 4iiii is 315 at Ribble right now
    Crankset system that is?

    If your bikes - which you said are both shimano 105 - have a shimano chainset on them ie hollowtech then they will fit both bikes. All hollowtech chainsets are interchangeable. You could stick a 105 crank arm on a DA chainset and VV if you so wished.
  • johand
    johand Posts: 16
    they are 105-5700 10 speed and 105-5800 11 speed (don't know about Hollowtech)
  • johand wrote:
    they are 105-5700 10 speed and 105-5800 11 speed (don't know about Hollowtech)

    If both chainsets have "shimano 105" stamped on them anywhere they will be hollowtech and will both accept the same power meter.
  • mattbell
    mattbell Posts: 203
    Have you looked at the Garmin 3/3S? Easy to move between bikes, first reviews are good. Not too expensive with the single pedal version.