Please help hip ache

Bolex Posts: 15
Just a bit of background

I'm new to cycling having been on couple of bike rides in last two weeks from 4 miles to 12 miles as I want to do a charity bike ride of 25 miles in two months

Before I began cycling I had not done any sport for about 7 months when I did swimming we had a newborn baby 4 months ago and when picking him up about 2 months ago I felt a sharp pain in my left hip like a year?? Well this improved to the point I felt ok to cycle well I'm now getting an ache from the right opposite hip! I have been on the internet and can see that saddle seat height has to be right so I used the spirit length method whereby you sit on it and measure height to floor and then take 10cm off. I also suffer from bilateral plantar fascitis which comes and go which could be affecting hips I treat this with compression socks and find massage to calves and reflexology beneficial but I can't help but wonder if cycling aggregating my right hip which was otherwise fine please help many thanks as I really want to do this bike ride to raise money


  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,235
    not sure what you mean by "2 months ago I felt a sharp pain in my left hip like a year"

    you need to be clearer, describe location and nature of pain, what starts it, when it stops

    otherwise the only general advice is see a doctor and/or a bike fit specialist

    "spirit length method whereby you sit on it and measure height to floor and then take 10cm off" is not a good way to get saddle height/position correct, if you're beginning i suggest try something like... ... dle-height
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • Garry H
    Garry H Posts: 6,639
    sungod wrote:
    not sure what you mean by "2 months ago I felt a sharp pain in my left hip like a year"

    you need to be clearer, describe location and nature of pain, what starts it, when it stops

    otherwise the only general advice is see a doctor and/or a bike fit specialist

    "spirit length method whereby you sit on it and measure height to floor and then take 10cm off" is not a good way to get saddle height/position correct, if you're beginning i suggest try something like... ... dle-height
    "Like a tear"?

    Just go see a doctor
  • kingrollo
    kingrollo Posts: 3,198
    Plantar facitus - how can that effect your hips ? - off course its possible - but it could also be the other way around.

    The internet may give you guidance on saddle height - but following an internet guide won't 100% guarantee it is right. the only test if its 100% right is if you cycle pain free

    if your aim is to go from pretty much zero miles to 25 miles - yor going to feel some pain or discomfort - as you would if you started running, gym workouts, playing squash..

    for that mileage you couldn't really justify the price of a pro bike fit. My advice would be to experiment with saddle heights, warm up before hand, and stretch after each ride .....

    I would also see someone about all those aches and pains - however cycling may actually with your plantar facitus.