Another cold this month/training advice



  • Another piece of brilliant deduction from Navrig. Your wisdom is second to none. Now we know about how good water is for you and that Aberdonians don’t eat fruit or veg what more pearls of wisdom can you enlighten us with.
  • Fighting bacteria (or viruses) by killing bacteria is a 20th century strategy, which only led to depletion of antibiotic stocks and general depletion of immune systems among the population.

    Expecting to avoid a cold by staying afar from a source of contagion is a middle ages strategy, at the time it was the plague...

    Modern medicine, which unfortunately is not very widespread among GPs, recognises that we are not humans in the usual sense, but a symbiotic creature made up of quite a large mass of bacteria... some live on our skin, many more in our gut. Killing bacteria with any method, will remove potentially mildly harmful bugs as well as colonies of symbiotic bacteria, which are essential for life as we know it... what goes to replace them can be good or can be bad... it's a lottery.

    If your immune system cannot cope with mild infections, which are part of life, you have a problem and by trying to avoid contagion with compulsive cleaning or by avoiding personal contact you are only making it worse.

    I encourage the OP to live a normal life, without being scared of common bugs and viruses... eat a healthy diet and stay clear of antibacterial products as much as possible, being that sprays, pills, soaps or else. They were meant to save lives in desperate situations and now they are used as a preventative measure...

    Would you remove your testicles as a preventative measure for cancer? So why killing your bacteria, which are just as important, in fact more? Leave them alone, you need them badly!

    When I was a child, I would go out and play with my friends and come back in absolutely filthy from playing in mud , getting bumps and scratches and got knows what else. I can still remember being made to go play with the sick kid who had mumps or measles so I’d catch it. Why? It made me immune in later life where it can be dangerous. I think I have s pretty strong immune system and I rarely get coughs colds etc and when I do it’s mild and not long lasting. I put this down to me getting these exposure to these things when I was young. That and being inoculated against every disease known to man in the space of a fortnight before invading Iraq 2003! . Now everything it anti-bacterial this and that. People with hypersensitivity to stuff is on the increase because people don’t pick up the ability to fight disease when they are younger.

    It’s generally recommend women breastfeed to pass on antibodies to their child. Soon we’ll end up like the invaders in ‘War of the Worlds’ everything will become to dangerous to us.

    Anyway, back on subject, once you are symptomatic of a cold it’s already been in your system for about a week. Suddenly sipping lemsip and taking it easy is after the horse has bolted. Best to ease of a touch but don’t wrap yourself up in cotton wool. It won’t do anything.
  • navrig2
    navrig2 Posts: 1,851
    Another piece of brilliant deduction from Navrig. Your wisdom is second to none. Now we know about how good water is for you and that Aberdonians don’t eat fruit or veg what more pearls of wisdom can you enlighten us with.

    Entirely based on my experience of living there in the early 90s and being a regular visitor ever since ;-)

    It's a great place full of really nice people. I love my visits there - genuinely. Although I do remember, with some fondness, attending an all-day business meeting where, at 1030, a tray of rowies and a tub of Flora appeared alongside the morning cup or tea!

    The cycling is not too bad either!
  • Well you did upset me there with your fruit and veg comment. I make sure I have a portion of veg each day in the form of a slice of gerkhin with my Big Mac. Between that and my slice of lemon in my G&T I have proved you wrong.
  • navrig2
    navrig2 Posts: 1,851
    Well you did upset me there with your fruit and veg comment. I make sure I have a portion of veg each day in the form of a slice of gerkhin with my Big Mac. Between that and my slice of lemon in my G&T I have proved you wrong.

    Insults and upset were never intended - my apologies. My tongue was firmly in my cheek but smilies don't always say that clearly.

    Hope to get to do the Cairn O'Mount this year and drink some beer:
  • I've raced over that hill before it's a tough one also competed in a few hill climbs to the top. Like the idea of the beer festival I'm sure a beer or two keeps colds at bay.