CTL ATL TSB Ramp Rate WEEKLY EXCEL/google sheets?

sven_jto Posts: 183
Anybody have an excel where it will calculate CTL ATL TSB and Ramp rate automatically if you input weekly TSS?
I'm planning my season and really need these sheets. I've seen one with daily but that doesn't do me good I need weekly


  • wavefront
    wavefront Posts: 397
    PM me your email and I can send the one I put together over. It may be overkill for what you want, and It's actually very easy to create in excel from scratch based around formula's available online.

    https://ianbarrington.com/2007/03/02/at ... explained/

    Having an excel sheet is perfect to help plan, and strava / golden cheetah providing the remaining analysis.
  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,445
    Coincidentally I literally just built a weekly one - it's surprisingly easy. I'd been using a daily one I built but converted it to weekly.

    Unfortunately it also contains all my training data and a load of other random crap from the last couple of years... If waverfront's doesn't work I can tidy it up and send it through though.
  • topcattim
    topcattim Posts: 766
    You could download Golden Cheetah (free) and then manually input your TSS - it will calculate daily ATL, CTL TSB for you as a default on the Performance Manager chart and you can reset the parameter to show this weekly if you prefer. Same for Ramp Rate.
  • cgfw201
    cgfw201 Posts: 680
    Why not just pay for TrainingPeaks? The additional analysis and time saving that offers is surely worth the minimal fee?
  • sven_jto
    sven_jto Posts: 183
    I actually got GC and WKO4, I'm spent... and 20 dollars per month doesn't justify the cost for me...I've had premium and it really doesn't do too much an excel and GC can't do. I'm just an amateur physiologist and do it for fun, not professional.

    As per topcattim-> GC would is too much of a pain to do it that way, compared to a simple excel sheet...
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    I found this ages ago and saved it .. it is a PMC planner insert future TSS to see where your form is going to be
    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8HXlI ... sp=sharing

    hopefully you can download... opened in full Excel has the charts as well.