Pyjama Shoppers



  • smoggysteve
    smoggysteve Posts: 2,909
    Got to be up early in the mornin to beat me dude.

    And not be sat in yer jimmy jams
  • LukeTC
    LukeTC Posts: 211
    On yer bikes
  • smoggysteve
    smoggysteve Posts: 2,909
    LukeTC wrote:
    On yer bikes


  • LukeTC
    LukeTC Posts: 211
    LukeTC wrote:
    On yer bikes


    I was going to say something about her not wanting her jugs shown to just anyone, but she goes down the shops with no bra on so I'm fighting a losing battle on that front
  • capt_slog
    capt_slog Posts: 3,965
    LukeTC wrote:
    LukeTC wrote:
    On yer bikes


    I was going to say something about her not wanting her jugs shown to just anyone, but she goes down the shops with no bra on so I'm fighting a losing battle on that front

    So is she.

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • slowmart
    slowmart Posts: 4,516
    LukeTC wrote:
    LukeTC wrote:
    On yer bikes


    I was going to say something about her not wanting her jugs shown to just anyone, but she goes down the shops with no bra on so I'm fighting a losing battle on that front

    Well i suppose that will save smoggy and bally from taking their laptops to be repaired again after splattering their screen and keyboard while perusing your wife's assets......
    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring”

    Desmond Tutu
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Well if there are no pics, howsabout naming the offie so that any locals on here can pop down to have a look?
    Or she may be already known by all in the locality for her casual attire.
  • LukeTC
    LukeTC Posts: 211
    :lol: GoodNews in Bristol, if you know where it is then you might catch some knockers swinging on a weekend, if you want the post code then you can keep wishing
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    LukeTC wrote:
    :lol: GoodNews in Bristol, if you know where it is then you might catch some knockers swinging on a weekend, if you want the post code then you can keep wishing

    bally thinks she is a total scutter, so would nt look....... :lol:
  • 'Hello to Jason Isaacs'
  • LukeTC
    LukeTC Posts: 211
    Adding a nsfw tag to that :lol: just opened it and the first pic was a lass spreading her s**tbox
  • laurentian
    laurentian Posts: 2,501
    Fish and Chips on a Friday lunch time is a time honoured tradition in our office.

    Aforementioned fish and chips are procured from a most excellent chip shop about 5 minutes away in one of the <<ahem>> less salubrious estates of the town.

    Between 1pm and 2.30pm on a Friday, I have often seen ladies in Pajamas, dressing gown and slippers walking to and queuing up to buy fish and chips (or kebab meat roll).

    I have often thought to myself that if they went naked, it would at least represent some effort on their part.

    Wilier Izoard XP
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,195
    I have a flashback to the Fat Slags of Viz fame. Shudder.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,145
    There were some teenage girls at the stables where my daughter used to keep her horse. They'd turn up near midday in onesies. They would muck out the stables and ride their horses dressed like that so either they slept in the clothes they wore to shovel horse s**t around or they actually took the trouble to get changed into a onesie to go to the stables. Either way is nuts. I also went into B&M discounts in Cwmbran before Christmas and half the people were in dressing gowns and pyjamas despite it being mid afternoon. I can't agree that it's not an issue, it's yet another sign of a generation of slobs and lowering standards. If people start to accept it as a norm it will deteriorate further and if people are doing this in normal work hours are they really making an effort to find employment (assuming they aren't all shift workers)?
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,085
    [quote="Frank Wilson"I suppose the question to be asked is would you want to be downwind of a congregation of unwashed minge at the check out whilst queuing to pay for your pain au chocolat?[/quote]

    Get on your knees, sniff out the freshest one and make her an offer.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Pinno wrote:
    [quote="Frank Wilson"I suppose the question to be asked is would you want to be downwind of a congregation of unwashed minge at the check out whilst queuing to pay for your pain au chocolat?

    Get on your knees, sniff out the freshest one and make her an offer.[/quote]
    Some people would pay good money to be downwind of unwashed minge. Lucky bastard Frank.
    Ecrasez l’infame
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 16,683
    So is shopping in PJs better or worse than shopping in fully lycra?
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,689
    So is shopping in PJs better or worse than shopping in fully lycra?
    I know what I think, but those in pj's may think the reverse.
  • Garry H
    Garry H Posts: 6,639
    So is shopping in PJs better or worse than shopping in fully lycra?
    Worse. Cycling gear is suitable outdoor attire.
  • SME
    SME Posts: 348
    fat daddy wrote:
    FatTed wrote:
    "Pyjamas shouldn't be worn anywhere outside the front door! IMHO"

    normally I would agree, but I have chased a fox down the road once in my pyjamas (I was wearing them not the fox) .... 3am in the morning the little fceker kept screetching away in the garden .

    This is fine, there is always an exception to the rule.
    Ammendment 5, sub-section C..
    "Pyjamas may be worn on emergency visits to A&E, or whilst chasing noisy dogs, wailing cats, or vermin from one's property."
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,026
    Veronese68 wrote:
    mamba80 wrote:
    Am I alone in not being bothered in the slightest by people shopping in pyjamas. Why does it matter?

    No, your not, tbh does it matter? what matters is your own standards, not other peoples.

    Yes, it does matter, other people's standards matter. Some people don't give a monkeys about anything, they don't care about themselves or their surroundings. The same people that don't care about themselves really aren't going to give a toss about anyone else, they dump litter, their kids are allowed to run riot and have no discipline, they are quite happy to sponge off the state as they see no point in working when they can get money for doing nothing and who knows what else. Yes, standards do matter as the lack of them has an impact on other people.

    Hang on, shopping in PJs isn't the same as dumping litter or allowing your kids to riot.

    If we are going to have standards fine but let's have standards that make sense - don't drop litter, don't riot, don't drive a diesel car, pay the taxes you owe by the spirit of the law. Criticise the things that matter, shopping in PJs doesn't.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • Garry H
    Garry H Posts: 6,639
    I don't think that it's the shopping in pjs per se that is the issue, it's the underlying attitude that leads people to think it's an acceptable form of attire to wear outdoors (chasing foxes down the street excepted). Lazy slobs.
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,026
    Garry H wrote:
    I don't think that it's the shopping in pjs per se that is the issue, it's the underlying attitude that leads people to think it's an acceptable form of attire to wear outdoors (chasing foxes down the street excepted). Lazy slobs.

    So everyone that shops in PJs is a member of some underclass...including these girls that have horses and muck out the stables in onesies?
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • SME wrote:
    fat daddy wrote:
    FatTed wrote:
    "Pyjamas shouldn't be worn anywhere outside the front door! IMHO"

    normally I would agree, but I have chased a fox down the road once in my pyjamas (I was wearing them not the fox) .... 3am in the morning the little fceker kept screetching away in the garden .

    This is fine, there is always an exception to the rule.
    Ammendment 5, sub-section C..
    "Pyjamas may be worn on emergency visits to A&E, or whilst chasing noisy dogs, wailing cats, or vermin from one's property."

    So presumably it'd be ok to turn up to one these in pjs :D

  • Garry H wrote:
    I don't think that it's the shopping in pjs per se that is the issue, it's the underlying attitude that leads people to think it's an acceptable form of attire to wear outdoors (chasing foxes down the street excepted). Lazy slobs.

    So everyone that shops in PJs is a member of some underclass...including these girls that have horses and muck out the stables in onesies?

  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,689
    Garry H wrote:
    I don't think that it's the shopping in pjs per se that is the issue, it's the underlying attitude that leads people to think it's an acceptable form of attire to wear outdoors (chasing foxes down the street excepted). Lazy slobs.

    So everyone that shops in PJs is a member of some underclass...including these girls that have horses and muck out the stables in onesies?
    Bit of a generalisation, but in the vast majority of cases I would say so. A person that has so little pride in themselves they can't even be bothered to get dressed to go shopping is not going to be the sort of person that takes pride in their surroundings so I think it's a reasonable conclusion. If a person is really unwell and pops to the chemist to pick up some pills I can understand it. But the kind of person that thinks going to the supermarket or to take the kids to school in pyjamas is acceptable is more than a bit scuzzy.
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,084
    So is shopping in PJs better or worse than shopping in fully lycra?
    That depends on the context: just popped into shop on way to somewhere else - fine; got dressed up in your best team kit to do the shopping - bit odd, but it's a free country; got dressed up in your best team kit but don't actually own a bike - starting to get a bit suspect.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,145
    Garry H wrote:
    I don't think that it's the shopping in pjs per se that is the issue, it's the underlying attitude that leads people to think it's an acceptable form of attire to wear outdoors (chasing foxes down the street excepted). Lazy slobs.

    So everyone that shops in PJs is a member of some underclass...including these girls that have horses and muck out the stables in onesies?

    Yep. Owning a horse just means you can afford to own a horse. This is a matter of 'class' not whether the person is rich or poor, there's no correlation between the two.
  • Garry H
    Garry H Posts: 6,639
    Garry H wrote:
    I don't think that it's the shopping in pjs per se that is the issue, it's the underlying attitude that leads people to think it's an acceptable form of attire to wear outdoors (chasing foxes down the street excepted). Lazy slobs.

    So everyone that shops in PJs is a member of some underclass...including these girls that have horses and muck out the stables in onesies?
    I have no idea about the stable girlls, but people that shop in pjs are lazy slobs. Never made an association between that and social status, although you obviously did.
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    Veronese68 wrote:
    mamba80 wrote:
    Am I alone in not being bothered in the slightest by people shopping in pyjamas. Why does it matter?

    No, your not, tbh does it matter? what matters is your own standards, not other peoples.

    Yes, it does matter, other people's standards matter. Some people don't give a monkeys about anything, they don't care about themselves or their surroundings. The same people that don't care about themselves really aren't going to give a toss about anyone else, they dump litter, their kids are allowed to run riot and have no discipline, they are quite happy to sponge off the state as they see no point in working when they can get money for doing nothing and who knows what else. Yes, standards do matter as the lack of them has an impact on other people.

    Hang on, shopping in PJs isn't the same as dumping litter or allowing your kids to riot.

    If we are going to have standards fine but let's have standards that make sense - don't drop litter, don't riot, don't drive a diesel car, pay the taxes you owe by the spirit of the law. Criticise the things that matter, shopping in PJs doesn't.

    the point is, you are not going to change peoples desire or otherwise to shop in PJ's no matter how much it offends you, if enough people dont dump litter, let their kids behave badly etc then it becomes social unacceptable to behave as such, people tend to follow social norms.

    the thread solely done to bully b.1998 was a heap more offensive than someone who you know zero about, who happens to wear their PJs in Tesco, the comments directed toward b.1998 were twisted tbh.

    As for muckin out stables to then going horse riding, really, anyone actually cleaned out a stable or ridden a horse? your onesie wouldnt last 5 minutes, these lasses would end up with very sore inner legs on anything more than a walk, not too mention their boobs flying all over the place :shock:
    though a little odd, perhaps these onesies were old hat and being worn as some sort of overall?