Bar tape on pull-up bar

rumbataz Posts: 796
A long shot but has anyone ever used bicycle bar tape on a pull-up bar?

I've now got a weightlifting power rack at home with a pull-up bar, but the bar hurts my hands. So, I was thinking of buying some bar tape to wrap around it but I'm worried it might slip as it would need to cope with my entire bodyweight as I attempt to do chin-ups and pull-ups.


  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    rumbataz wrote:
    A long shot but has anyone ever used bicycle bar tape on a pull-up bar?

    I've now got a weightlifting power rack at home with a pull-up bar, but the bar hurts my hands. So, I was thinking of buying some bar tape to wrap around it but I'm worried it might slip as it would need to cope with my entire bodyweight as I attempt to do chin-ups and pull-ups.
    Has it got barbed wire on it or something. If not maybe you need to MTFU :roll:
  • redvision
    redvision Posts: 2,958
    Never had any issues with my pull up bar.
    Can't imagine how it would hurt your hands though.
  • matudavey
    matudavey Posts: 108
    Not used bar tape, but I've used old inner tubes.

    Bar was diy - had no knurling and was a bit too thin.
    Wrapped some old punctured tubes tightly around it - incredibly grippy and soft!
  • stu-bim
    stu-bim Posts: 384
    diy wrote:

    Raleigh RX 2.0
    Diamondback Outlook
    Planet X Pro Carbon
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Haha - I hadn't realised they'd gone out of fashion again. I still use the pair I bought in 1992. What is left of them.
  • pastryboy
    pastryboy Posts: 1,385
    Calluses and MTFU.
  • rumbataz
    rumbataz Posts: 796
    I've got very low upper body strength at the moment - I've mainly developed leg strength since I started exercising. The bar on my power rack is quite thin and knurled. I have to stretch to my limit to reach it and am currently just trying to do dead bodyweight hangs for more than a couple of seconds.

    Pulling myself up is out of the question at the moment.

    I know I will get stronger through my weight training over time but it's frustrating not to be able to do a single pull-up at the moment.

    Researching the issue, it looks like I need to develop my grip strength (fingers and forearms) so I'll be working on that.

    So calluses and having to MTFU it is, I guess.
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    If you are struggling to hang body weight from a bar. You are going take a fair while to get to doing pull-ups just doing weights.
    Have you access to a Lat pull down machine that would be a way to build up both grip strength and help with your pull ups.
    Other wise you could use a pulley system to take some of your weight off to help or stand in an inner tube or two to take the weight off.
    Or you could get one of these
    You might be better with the 1000 series.
  • matudavey
    matudavey Posts: 108
    rumbataz wrote:
    I've got very low upper body strength at the moment - I've mainly developed leg strength since I started exercising. The bar on my power rack is quite thin and knurled. I have to stretch to my limit to reach it and am currently just trying to do dead bodyweight hangs for more than a couple of seconds.

    Pulling myself up is out of the question at the moment.

    I know I will get stronger through my weight training over time but it's frustrating not to be able to do a single pull-up at the moment.

    Researching the issue, it looks like I need to develop my grip strength (fingers and forearms) so I'll be working on that.

    So calluses and having to MTFU it is, I guess.

    This shows a progression that's supposed to build you up to pull-ups and beyond. Should be able to jump in somewhere? ... -pull-ups/

    Another technique you can use is is 'negative' reps. Jump up into the top position of the pull-up, then lower yourself as slowly as possible. Muscles can take a higher force in extension than in contraction. This can help you adapt to the force of your body weight.
  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    I'd just use it for hanging clothes on. What cyclist needs to do pull ups anyway ? ;-)
  • rumbataz
    rumbataz Posts: 796
    ^^ Yeah, negative pull-ups is something I'm looking at. Being a bit of a short-arse, I need a taller set of kitchen steps to get myself up to the correct starting position in order to execute the controlled descent. I think I can manage a few negative pull-ups to start with.

    I've also got the option of doing inverted rows by placing my barbell low down on the rack and pulling myself up from the ground with my feet remaining on the ground - that way I'm lifting less than my bodyweight. Being several KG over my target bodyweight doesn't help!

    @Webboo - I've got access to my local gym so can use the lat pull-down there.
  • rumbataz
    rumbataz Posts: 796
    Fenix wrote:
    I'd just use it for hanging clothes on. What cyclist needs to do pull ups anyway ? ;-)


    You've given me an idea there. I could use my power rack to air-dry my cycling clothing! ;)
  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    LOL - the best of both worlds !
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    If you split open an old inner tube along the edge to create a giant rubber band you could use it to assist the pull up.

    Rather than doing a conventional 3 sets of 8 or 10 reps, I'd do 5 sets of 5 and do a mix of crunch and full range.

    Stick at it, you'll get there. I remember the first time I tried a muscle up or a flag pole, I never thought I'd do it. Eventually it gets easier.
  • rumbataz
    rumbataz Posts: 796
    I've been sticking at it and can now do 3 x 10 second deadweight hangs from the bar - a few weeks ago I couldn't hang for more than a second or two.

    I did let myself go a bit over the Easter break with no exercise and plenty of eating so I need to burn off more fat.

    I'm also able to do a few (proper form) press-ups for the first time in many years. Very slow, but steady progress.
  • jermas
    jermas Posts: 484
    The other thing you could try are assisted pull up bands- like these You can also use them for many other strength exercises.