Runny nose

longster Posts: 53
Hi I seem to suffer with a runny nose all the time not just when on the bike (yes I know not a very nice subject) not the dreaded green snot but just clear. Anyone got any ideas as to why? I think I read somewhere that it can be a sign of fatigue but am not sure if did.
Thanks Mark


  • fudgey
    fudgey Posts: 854
    edited February 2016
    Do you wear glasses while riding?
    I get a really runny nose on the bike due to the wind in my eyes. Less so with glasses but i havnt bothered wearing any recently as it just seems to rain all the time.

    Just cover one nostril and fire out a snot rocket, just make sure there is no one directly to your side when you do so.

    I only get a runny nose on the bike tho.
    My winter bike is exactly the same as my summer bike,,, but dirty...
  • marcusjb
    marcusjb Posts: 2,412

    Massively common. Especially in the cold. I drip like a knackered tap in winter, and woe betide anyone riding on my wheel!

    Not much you can do, other than blow your nose really.

    I hadn't heard of it being a wide effect of fatigue though. If it persists, particularly when the weather warms up, then see the doctor, otherwise, just keep on blowing your nose. It's rarely dangerous to health I believe.
  • Yep I always got my jawbreaker's on when I ride and if I am honest I am not so bothered about it when on the bike it's just a constant and is as bad off the bike. Thanks for the replies.
  • Yeah my nose runs continuously in the winter when I'm riding my bike. I wear towelling wristbands and use them to wipe my nose.
  • crispybug2
    crispybug2 Posts: 2,915
    If you look at your gloves you will see a patch of towelling behind the thumb on both hands, just use these to mop up any drips and as someone suggested earlier cover one nostril and blow hard! A runny nose is just one of the less pleasant side effects of cycling, particularly in cold weather.
  • redvision
    redvision Posts: 2,958
    I always had a streaming nose during rides on cold days. Someone suggested i try Neilmed nasal rinse before a ride & it did help, although didn't stop it completely.
  • Thanks for the advice but its not really a issue on the bike it's every bit as bad on my rest days tbh. I always carry tissues with me when off the bike) just wondered if it is a common issue when off the bike like it is on it.
  • Rigga
    Rigga Posts: 939
    I'm the same, also when I'm eating my nose streams, doesn't matter what I'm eating it could be a salad or a curry! When out on the bike I'm a snotty mess tbh, I thought about taking a anti histamine tablet to try and dry me up a bit. Might try that on my next ride.
  • fudgey
    fudgey Posts: 854
    Might be worth taking piriton tablets then, used for hayfever etc.
    My winter bike is exactly the same as my summer bike,,, but dirty...
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,072
    Yep same here nose pouring on every ride in winter and in fact sneezing like a crazy loon inside on really cold days.
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • bendip
    bendip Posts: 114 ... 5pUSJ73.97

    Professor Kumar says it's normal physiology !
    Tell the stars I'm coming,
    make them leave a space for me;
    whether bones, or dust,
    or ashes once among them I'll be free