Elite Chrono Fluid Elastogel and riser

Dan Walton
Dan Walton Posts: 147
Bought this turbo for Christmas last year along with the matching riser block, so why do I find myself in this situation!?


Front end is a good inch or so lower when using the block. It's the Elite Elastogel riser that supposedly goes with the turbo, it even fits on the turbo for storage, but doesn't actually manage to raise the front of the bike enough to serve it's purpose.


  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,283
    You got a pricey piece of plastic under that front wheel. Me, I used different thicknesses of (free) offcut wood until I got the one that felt comfortable.
  • grenw
    grenw Posts: 804
    Have the same turbo and riser and all is fine. Don't use it myself but my wife puts in a couple of hours a week and hasn't had a bad word to say about it.

    Not checked it with a spirit level or anything though
  • AK_jnr
    AK_jnr Posts: 717
    You are definitely riding up hill there. I have the same turbo and have about 60mm jacking me up.
  • Well when riding mine felt odd, I measured drop out to floor at both ends and the front when in the riser is at least an inch lower (can't remember exactly off the top of my head).
    It's much more evident with my new bike as it has a horizontal top tube, no measuring needed, you can see the difference.
    I'll take a pic of the roller to share later then, to make sure I haven't built it wrong!
  • ForumNewbie
    ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
    I have the same turbo and riser and it is a bit lower at the front but not much. I just adjusted my saddle to make the saddle level and it feels fine.
  • Elfed
    Elfed Posts: 459
    To measure the correct height for the front wheel just measure from the floor to your back wheel's quick release centre, or it's edge, then replicate on the front.
  • To measure the correct height for the front wheel just measure from the floor to your back wheel's quick release centre, or it's edge, then replicate on the front.

    Yes, that's what I said I did and when using the riser it's still too low. So what is the point of buying the riser when you still have to stack things up under it?
  • AK_jnr
    AK_jnr Posts: 717
    How much is it out by?

    Edit - just read you said its at least an inch
  • My Elite riser has an adjustment mechanism which you can only see if you turn the thing upside down. Even with that am not sure it is with the money.
  • Is the floor level? If so I find Argos do super catalogue riser
  • Elfed
    Elfed Posts: 459
    To measure the correct height for the front wheel just measure from the floor to your back wheel's quick release centre, or it's edge, then replicate on the front.

    Yes, that's what I said I did and when using the riser it's still too low. So what is the point of buying the riser when you still have to stack things up under it?

    I had an Elite Mag trainer and riser block, that was too low as well, no idea why they make it that way either.
  • DKay
    DKay Posts: 1,652
    I've got the same turbo/riser block combo and the latter is definitely significantly lower and it's really noticeable when using the turbo. I have to stick half a dozen car mags under the riser to get the bike level. It's really bloody stupid.
  • the reason for the problem is mostl likely that the plastic riser block is generic across their range. I have the MAG force version (https://www.decathlon.co.uk/super-crono-mag-force-turbo-trainer-pack-id_8313999.html) and the riser is pretty much correct.
  • Freeza
    Freeza Posts: 128
    I used to own the exact same turbo/riser combo and yes, had the exact same problem where the front was significantly lower. It was unrideable for more than a few minutes as it made my arms ache, I too resorted to a thick book to level the setup. Eventually annoyed me so much I sold the lot on eBay and bought rollers instead.
  • I have an older version of this turbo and also need a block of wood under the plastic riser.

    I think the plastic riser is good for "normal" turbos. However on the single legged trainer like the Elite the rear wheel sits above a large bar. This makes the rear wheel sit higher, hence the higher front wheel required.