40th birthday gift...



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I think we can safely say the OP isn't going to get the 300 quid pump(s). Or probably anyone else for that matter whose first name isn't Sheikh.

    I don't think its as safe a bet as you think. Do you think Sigmasport stock items just for sheiks then?
    I was half tempted myself until I found out it would have a red dial and not yellow.

    The pump (apart from being £50 over budget) seems to be the best suggestion so far.

    The pump would be much better than wall art. Its art in itself (I imagine as have never seen one) anyway, and you can actually use it.

    Its funny how a lot of people would think a print of a painting is justifyable to spend hundreds of pounds on, but a well engineered, super high quality tool that you use every week is not.

    It does not get much more 'memorable' than something you interact with on a weekly basis :wink:
    23p per week for the 25 years its guaranteed.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    How about a 'Venture' type photo session?
    You could have a large wall hung photo of you in kit/with bike etc.
    Maybe with your mum and/or other family members/friends.
  • Moonbiker
    Moonbiker Posts: 1,706
    A lifetimes supply of SILCA NFS Pro Chain Lube

    As its
    'magic chain lube'

  • BikeRadar Communities Manager
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Now thats just plain silly and a step too far for me........ I'm out, and sticking with my Joe Blow.

    Has put me off the £300 one......... unless it had a yellow dial, and I saw it with 50% off 8)
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,955
    Birthday presents should be something frivolous that you wouldn't normally buy yourself, but a £300 pump is a bit much for most I would think. Never mind an $800 pump, but there are some with considerably more disposable income than most. I was given a framed photograph as part of my 40th present. But it had my kids in it, I wouldn't want to look at a picture of me in cycling kit and I very much doubt anyone else would want to.
    Kinesis Pro6
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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    edited November 2015
    Me neither lol, but then again I would get the pump if I were after doing what the OP seems to want to do.

    Cycling trips are a far worse idea but they do not get shot down.
    They sound ok, but in reality have a lot of flaws.

    You may remember a good trip that you have had, but counting on having a good trip to remember something by is setting yourself up for a fall IMO.

    Not sure you will get it for £250 anyway. Good food and wine after taking your bike abroad sounds expensive, even if you do own a tent.
    Do you go alone, pay for someone to go with you, or hope you can persuade others to go and pay for their own trip?

    The point is to remember the 40th via a monetary gift a love one gave. Creating another event to remember it by at a time you could be nearer 41 seems a tad convoluted at best.

    Go for a nice 40th birthday cycle for sure, go on a cycling trip/s, but do them because you want to cycle.

    Buying something you will use regularly, will last, and that you get pleasure from every time you use it seems the best idea if you want to mark/remember a point in time/gift from someone IMO/IME.

    How about a very decent, but cheaper track pump and some premium bonds?
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,955
    I think I agree with you Carbonator. The pump only seems ridiculously expensive when compared to mass produced stuff you can buy for a 10th of the price. When you think about the amount of work that goes into producing something like that in low volume it's not so bad. My biggest issue with it now is that I'd need one for the MTB and another one for road tyres. My Joe Blow does both.
    How much is the Campag corkscrew? How about that and a nice bottle of red? Something to enjoy now and something that will last. Also fits the something frivolous you wouldn't buy yourself criteria.
    I'm not convinced by the holiday ideas either. Although I did take the EPO away for her 50th.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • bobones
    bobones Posts: 1,215
    With Zwift being all the rage for winter training, then what about spending the £250 on a "smart" turbo like the Tacx Vortex Smart, for which Zwift can control the resistance to simulate gradients on the trainer. Have fun while getting fit over the winter?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I think we are the same age lol Veronese68.
    Are you a toyboy too then?

    Why does the 160 psi one not pump up an MTB tyre?
    You have the Joe Blow for that anyway :wink:

    When I first saw the yellow dial with 60 psi on it, I assumed that the pressure reading only started at 100 psi and it went up to 160 psi (so each increment shown was plus 100 psi).

    Another reason I thought it was cool that has now been dashed!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    The most useless/frivolous thing I own is a £150 pencil.

    It looks great though and is lovely to pick up (move around desk looking for pen).

    It will always be on the desk (because it is too expensive to be anywhere else) and I remember who bought it for me and why most times I touch it.

    Useless as a pencil, but 100% effective in reminding me why it was bought and how I felt when I received it.
    £150 well spent :wink:
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,955
    I think we are the same age lol Veronese68.
    Are you a toyboy too then?
    Well, I am to her. :oops:
    Why does the 160 psi one not pump up an MTB tyre?
    You have the Joe Blow for that anyway :wink:

    When I first saw the yellow dial with 60 psi on it, I assumed that the pressure reading only started at 100 psi and it went up to 160 psi (so each increment shown was plus 100 psi).

    Another reason I thought it was cool that has now been dashed!
    I thought that too about the gauge starting late until I realised the bar reading was linear. Yes, the 160 should do both. Does the low pressure one have a larger diameter barrel to get the volume of air into fat tyres faster. Or are they saying it's not as accurate at lower readings or something.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…