Power Meter for Fixed Gear

dyrlac Posts: 751
edited November 2015 in Road buying advice
Ever since iPete mentioned he had a powertap track wheel on his fixie, I've been obsessed with the idea of getting a power meter for my Charge Plug (it is after all the bike I ride most often these days). In an ideal world 4iii's Precision would fit to my OEM crank, but 4iii's current model for UK shipments seems to be the same as Stages (i.e., only sold with a crank), and with a square taper BB on the Plug, that would mean replacing the whole crankset, which feels way OTT on a bike I bought for less than £350. Alternatively, if Brim Bros would pull their fingers out, I'd convert to speedplays across the fleet, but who knows when they'll get around to shipping. I'd pay the better part of £400 for the right all-in solution. Any clever ideas other than hanging out on ebay?
