Oleg, Oleg, Oleg...



  • ocdupalais
    ocdupalais Posts: 4,318
    Yes, defiantly incorrect. It does make me question equality, when rappers liberally use the N word and refer to women as hoe's and b1tches, without condemnation.

    The UK and many other countries have/are evolving in terms of equality). The advantage of social media now is that people can be picked up on it and hopefully evolve too.

    Rappers using the N word is, it is argued, a way of reclaiming the word and turning it into a tool of black identity rather than a term of abuse. Given, however, that it is usually the artists who disrespect women with the terms you quote I'm not sure of it's effectiveness but not being an African American myself its probably not my place to judge.

    Many within the hip hop community are also anti the disrespect of women with such names. I'm old now and so not in touch with whats going on these days but Talib Kwali, Common, Lupe Fiasco amongst others used to be of this persuasion.

    JayZ recently joined the gang after his daughter was born out of respect for his daughter. I did wonder why he didn't have this for his wife?

    Iz it cos she is black?
  • :lol:
  • effillo
    effillo Posts: 257
    I saw this tweet. Made me realised once again what a complete moron Oleg is. I was just warming to him slightly with his campaign to change the way cycling is governed etc but this sort of thing just shows why he will never be taken seriously.

    Anyone saying it's because he is Russian is just as bad in my opinion. It feels silly to point out that this sort of generalisation that all Russian people are racist is just as bad.

    Also, comparing calling cheeky kids monkeys to using it as a racial slur is just ludicrous.
  • Bo Duke
    Bo Duke Posts: 1,058
    Anyone saying it's because he is Russian is just as bad in my opinion. It feels silly to point out that this sort of generalisation that all Russian people are racist is just as bad.
    I spent 3 years living in Russia and 15 working with them so I kinda know what I'm talking about. :wink:
    'Performance analysis and Froome not being clean was a media driven story. I haven’t heard one guy in the peloton say a negative thing about Froome, and I haven’t heard a single person in the peloton suggest Froome isn’t clean.' TSP
  • stu-bim
    stu-bim Posts: 384
    It's almost too ignorant to believe he typed it
    Raleigh RX 2.0
    Diamondback Outlook
    Planet X Pro Carbon
  • edeverett
    edeverett Posts: 224
    Has there been any statement at all from the UCI on Tinkov's racism?

    Disgraceful if not. Ignoring racism is condoning it.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,812
    No, very few people made any sort of fuss

    Sky were refusing to admit that they were totally doping you see, nothing else was deemed important in the cycling world
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Has there been any statement at all from the UCI on Tinkov's racism?

    Disgraceful if not. Ignoring racism is condoning it.

    You don't know if they're ignoring it or not.

    Don't need to make a statement every time someone involved in pro-cycling farts or follows through.

    You can still tell them off behind the scenes and teach them how to sh!t properly.
  • I see no issue. JV mocked Putin, Oleg mocked Obama.

    And there are a few 'professionally outraged' members in this thread I see.
  • I see no issue. JV mocked Putin, Oleg mocked Obama.

    And there are a few 'professionally outraged' members in this thread I see.

    It's PC gone mad I tell you. What's the world coming to when you can't compare a black person to a primate? These Loony lefties will be telling us we can't hang them now for being all uppity and above themselves.

    You need to take a long hard look at yourself if you think it's acceptable to call people 'monkies' because of their race.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,291
    I see no issue. JV mocked Putin, Oleg mocked Obama.

    And there are a few 'professionally outraged' members in this thread I see.
    There used to be a poster on here like that. Went by the username 'TMR'. Big Hincapie fan he was. Called me a racist for making a joke referencing the potato famine (see link below). Just the sort you're objecting to. Fortunately for you, the likes of him aren't around anymore.

    Twitter: @RichN95
  • To clarify for slowmart's benefit:

    Comparing children to monkeys for being "mischievous" = OK.

    Comparing black people to monkeys = not OK, for obvious reasons.

    ok - thanks ..... I think ....

    but what if you've got a child who is black - can you call them a "little monkey" ? What if you're black yourself?

    this is where IMO it has all gone wrong, you would get hung drawn and quartered for calling a child who is black a monkey even if it was just because he was messing around with his mates and you would have called a white kid doing the exact same thing a monkey. It should be about the context it is put in but people seem to ignore that.

    I think could well be wrong though that most 'racism' isn't actually proper racism, most people may call someone black as freely and harmlessly as you may call someone lanky, short, fat , ginger but people assume calling someone black to be way more offensive. Sure you get nutters who hate for no reason but they are few and far between
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,812
    I sympathise Ozzy but I think in this case Oleg was directly out to mean offense.

    I have some sympathy with him in so far that he was unquestionably being goaded by JV, that Russians (and I'm aware this generalization is not much better) tend to have less enlightened views on race - not least because there are so few non-white people in Russia, and finally because it is still perfectly acceptable to make jokes at their expense
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    I see no issue. JV mocked Putin, Oleg mocked Obama.

    And there are a few 'professionally outraged' members in this thread I see.
    There used to be a poster on here like that. Went by the username 'TMR'. Big Hincapie fan he was. Called me a racist for making a joke referencing the potato famine (see link below). Just the sort you're objecting to. Fortunately for you, the likes of him aren't around anymore.


    Don't hold a grudge though do you?
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,059
    I was listening to an interesting interview on the radio a couple of days ago with someone who has just written a book on how people react to social media comments with such outrage that they in turn make threats, use abusive language and cost people their jobs (possibly even lives?).

    Two of the incidents mentioned were; a woman who tweeted about going to Africa and hoping she doesn't catch Aids but then she'd be OK as she's white (intended as a jibe at people who think Aids is only a problem for black people). By time she laned she had been sacked. The other was someone who outed a computer geek on Twitter for an allegedly sexist comment they overheard him make to a friend at a conference that resulted in him losing his job due to the resultant fuss. The woman who made the Tweet then ended up being the recipient of a hate campaign herself.

    Oleg by contrast appears rich / powerful / arrogant enough that he can make what can only be deliberately offensive remarks and not be affected at all. It's a strange world!
  • dish_dash
    dish_dash Posts: 5,650
    I was listening to an interesting interview on the radio a couple of days ago with someone who has just written a book on how people react to social media comments with such outrage that they in turn make threats, use abusive language and cost people their jobs (possibly even lives?).

    Two of the incidents mentioned were; a woman who tweeted about going to Africa and hoping she doesn't catch Aids but then she'd be OK as she's white (intended as a jibe at people who think Aids is only a problem for black people). By time she laned she had been sacked. The other was someone who outed a computer geek on Twitter for an allegedly sexist comment they overheard him make to a friend at a conference that resulted in him losing his job due to the resultant fuss. The woman who made the Tweet then ended up being the recipient of a hate campaign herself.

    Oleg by contrast appears rich / powerful / arrogant enough that he can make what can only be deliberately offensive remarks and not be affected at all. It's a strange world!

    Jon Ronson... superb writer...

    You're quite right, Pross, also put Donald Trump in the same category as Oleg...
  • gweeds
    gweeds Posts: 2,628
    I was listening to an interesting interview on the radio a couple of days ago with someone who has just written a book on how people react to social media comments with such outrage that they in turn make threats, use abusive language and cost people their jobs (possibly even lives?).

    Two of the incidents mentioned were; a woman who tweeted about going to Africa and hoping she doesn't catch Aids but then she'd be OK as she's white (intended as a jibe at people who think Aids is only a problem for black people). By time she laned she had been sacked. The other was someone who outed a computer geek on Twitter for an allegedly sexist comment they overheard him make to a friend at a conference that resulted in him losing his job due to the resultant fuss. The woman who made the Tweet then ended up being the recipient of a hate campaign herself.

    Oleg by contrast appears rich / powerful / arrogant enough that he can make what can only be deliberately offensive remarks and not be affected at all. It's a strange world!

    Jon Ronson... superb writer...

    You're quite right, Pross, also put Donald Trump in the same category as Oleg...

    Similar point made by Bob Lefsetz a couple of days ago:


    'If Donald Trump were poor, he’d have no traction. He gets attention, and in many cases a pass, because he’s a billionaire. That’s the nation we live in, one in which the rich have the power and the poor believe the loaded are better than they are. Or, that they too can become a billionaire, if they just work hard enough, even though statistically odds of upgrading are better in Canada and Europe. The rich have been crapping on the downtrodden poor for so long they believe it. We watch the Kardashians, we believe Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are saints, is it any wonder people look up to Donald Trump?'
    Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
  • philbar72
    philbar72 Posts: 2,229
    I was listening to an interesting interview on the radio a couple of days ago with someone who has just written a book on how people react to social media comments with such outrage that they in turn make threats, use abusive language and cost people their jobs (possibly even lives?).

    Two of the incidents mentioned were; a woman who tweeted about going to Africa and hoping she doesn't catch Aids but then she'd be OK as she's white (intended as a jibe at people who think Aids is only a problem for black people). By time she laned she had been sacked. The other was someone who outed a computer geek on Twitter for an allegedly sexist comment they overheard him make to a friend at a conference that resulted in him losing his job due to the resultant fuss. The woman who made the Tweet then ended up being the recipient of a hate campaign herself.

    Oleg by contrast appears rich / powerful / arrogant enough that he can make what can only be deliberately offensive remarks and not be affected at all. It's a strange world!

    Jon Ronson... superb writer...

    You're quite right, Pross, also put Donald Trump in the same category as Oleg...

    Similar point made by Bob Lefsetz a couple of days ago:


    'If Donald Trump were poor, he’d have no traction. He gets attention, and in many cases a pass, because he’s a billionaire. That’s the nation we live in, one in which the rich have the power and the poor believe the loaded are better than they are. Or, that they too can become a billionaire, if they just work hard enough, even though statistically odds of upgrading are better in Canada and Europe. The rich have been crapping on the downtrodden poor for so long they believe it. We watch the Kardashians, we believe Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are saints, is it any wonder people look up to Donald Trump?'

    who honestly in their right mind would look up to Trump? the guys a tool.
  • gweeds
    gweeds Posts: 2,628
    Totally agree. But look at his incoming Tweets. Plenty think otherwise.

    Beats me though.
    Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
  • I see no issue. JV mocked Putin, Oleg mocked Obama.

    And there are a few 'professionally outraged' members in this thread I see.

    It's PC gone mad I tell you. What's the world coming to when you can't compare a black person to a primate? These Loony lefties will be telling us we can't hang them now for being all uppity and above themselves.

    You need to take a long hard look at yourself if you think it's acceptable to call people 'monkies' because of their race.

    I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself if you get bothered by a name, regardless of what it is. Far worse happens in the World every day; I'll save my outrage for something important if it's all the same to you.
  • I see no issue. JV mocked Putin, Oleg mocked Obama.

    And there are a few 'professionally outraged' members in this thread I see.
    There used to be a poster on here like that. Went by the username 'TMR'. Big Hincapie fan he was. Called me a racist for making a joke referencing the potato famine (see link below). Just the sort you're objecting to. Fortunately for you, the likes of him aren't around anymore.


    Fortunate indeed. At least he had good taste in riders; every cloud etc.
  • edeverett
    edeverett Posts: 224
    "I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself if you get bothered by a name"

    White male privelege in a nutshell. If refuse to put the tinyiest effort into at least recognising racism then you are a big part of the problem - you are being racist by perpetuating racism.

    To make this about cycling - the problem is all the non-white teenagers that are riding their bikes a bit less because they see their heros on a team where they wounldn't be welcome. Or parents who won't take their children to be inspired by races because of the same.
  • I see no issue. JV mocked Putin, Oleg mocked Obama.

    And there are a few 'professionally outraged' members in this thread I see.

    It's PC gone mad I tell you. What's the world coming to when you can't compare a black person to a primate? These Loony lefties will be telling us we can't hang them now for being all uppity and above themselves.

    You need to take a long hard look at yourself if you think it's acceptable to call people 'monkies' because of their race.

    I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself if you get bothered by a name, regardless of what it is. Far worse happens in the World every day; I'll save my outrage for something important if it's all the same to you.

    Ah, so because there's worse things going on in the world this is acceptable. You were bothered enough to reply to this thread, I was bothered enough to respond. I'm not especially outraged by it but I think that it's poor in this day and age that people think being derogatory about people's race Is acceptable.

    You crack on with your views. I'll crack on with being 'right on'
  • I don't really care if people hold racist views or air them in public. It's an easy way for me to identify stupid people. The wonderful thing about free speech is that it allows people to identify idiots and gives said idiots enough rope to hang themselves.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,291
    If you get the chance I would recommend reading Daniel Friebe's interviews in Procycling with both Oleg Tinkov and Marc Madiot. Basically asking both the same questions. Absolute polar opposites of course. The Donald Trump and Jeremy Corbyn of pro cycling.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • gweeds
    gweeds Posts: 2,628
    If you get the chance I would recommend reading Daniel Friebe's interviews in Procycling with both Oleg Tinkov and Marc Madiot. Basically asking both the same questions. Absolute polar opposites of course. The Donald Trump and Jeremy Corbyn of pro cycling.

    The current issue (not the TDF review one)?
    Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
  • mike6
    mike6 Posts: 1,199
    Oleg works on the old principal that he is very rich and very powerfull so he can prety much get away with doing anything, and he can certainly get away with saying anything. he likes. And if someone realy dosent like it he can afford a much better lawyer than they can.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,291
    If you get the chance I would recommend reading Daniel Friebe's interviews in Procycling with both Oleg Tinkov and Marc Madiot. Basically asking both the same questions. Absolute polar opposites of course. The Donald Trump and Jeremy Corbyn of pro cycling.

    The current issue (not the TDF review one)?
    The one that came out this week (there's a lot of TDF review in it). It's got Froome on the cover.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • gweeds
    gweeds Posts: 2,628
    Thank you, will pick it up later
    Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
  • "I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself if you get bothered by a name"

    White male privelege in a nutshell. If refuse to put the tinyiest effort into at least recognising racism then you are a big part of the problem - you are being racist by perpetuating racism.

    To make this about cycling - the problem is all the non-white teenagers that are riding their bikes a bit less because they see their heros on a team where they wounldn't be welcome. Or parents who won't take their children to be inspired by races because of the same.

    Goodness me. Well that's one view I suppose. Not one I subscribe too obviously.