The Conspiracy Theory



  • "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • As I got bumped off my flight offshore and sent home yesterday I dedicated today to reading lots of articles on

    Has anyone else so effectively pissed away a day?
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • Manc33
    Manc33 Posts: 2,157
    As I got bumped off my flight offshore and sent home yesterday I dedicated today to reading lots of articles on

    Has anyone else so effectively pissed away a day?

    Queuing up for VED at the DVLA. One hour drive there, four hour wait, hour drive back = 6 hours.

    I should have gone to Alton Towers, it would have cost less. :roll:

    Not content with only having to print worthless bits of paper to stick in your windscreen, now they are going to just charge you money and hand over to you... drum roll.... NOTHING! The money you pay will rise each year though don't forget. Now in 2015 apparently, nothing is worth something. I suppose it is if you've been brainwashed never to question anything.

    I thought we had "equal exchange" laws in place? Whats to stop someone suing the DVLA because they provided nothing and charged someone money? Get real folks, this is the real world.
  • Manc33
    Manc33 Posts: 2,157
    Maybe they are going digital because people kept asking about the design of the disc.

    There isn't a rational explanation for it and it can't be answered.

    What does the cosmos have to do with vehicle excise duty? :wink:


    It looks like a badge you'd buy from a planetarium or something.

    Let's hear what stupid stuff people come up with to explain it away this time... but remember I am showing you something that exists in the real world, you can't use mumbo jumbo to explain your way out of it, because it still remains after the mumbo jumbo, there's still a load of cosmological symbols on something like a tax disc all without explanation.

    We're all living under an ancient cult folks, the sooner you realize it the better. Laugh, cry, don't react, panic, that's none of my business, I am only telling you about it, with proof.

    The £10 note is the best one.

    Ask the Royal Mint what a £10 note is meant to be depicting and they will tell you "A hummingbird feeding from yellow blooms" yet there is vastly more to the £10 note than just that. Nevermind, if you take that as an acceptable answer then you aren't even looking or thinking. The hummingbird is touching a bit of glass, it is symbolizing a vibrating crystal.

    Darwin has a circle of square shaped compasses around him, where have we heard that before. It also show that he is "in their circle". In other words the ancient cult. Darwin was a liar, a front man. He is "revered" because he successfully lied. Same with Newton. No one can prove gravity exists, things fall due to differing densities, there isn't any gravity, its a wind up.
  • bondurant
    bondurant Posts: 858
    Why does the design of a tax disc need explanation?

    Are you quite sure that no-one can prove gravity exists? Or do you mean you can't understand it, conceptually, when it is explained?
  • bondurant
    bondurant Posts: 858
    "I am Manc33 and I would prefer to believe any old sh!t so long as it is mostly conjecture"
  • Manc33
    Manc33 Posts: 2,157
    edited April 2015
    Bondurant wrote:
    Why does the design of a tax disc need explanation?

    If it is publicly funded, why wouldn't it?
    Bondurant wrote:
    Are you quite sure that no-one can prove gravity exists? Or do you mean you can't understand it, conceptually, when it is explained?

    No one has ever proven it to exist.

    You can easily prove it doesn't exist, by knowing that "gravity" is just a difference in density between objects. When a helium balloon rises, it is less dense than the other air, when a lead weight is dropped, it falls because it is more dense than the stuff around it.

    You can attach a "force" to it if you want to but then you'd be living in a make believe world because there's no proof of it. However there is proof that objects have differing densities.

    Let's say you get a sponge and throw it into a pool of water, it floats. Then you get the sponge and pack it all into a 1mm x 1mm x 1mm cube and throw it in the water - now it sinks. Does that mean there's magically "more gravity" when you pack something closer together? No, it just means the density has changed.

    They work it so we're supposed to think "more" gravity acts on objects with more density, OK how might that work and can I see some proof?
  • MisterMuncher
    MisterMuncher Posts: 1,302
    Manc33 wrote:
    Maybe they are going digital because people kept asking about the design of the disc.

    There isn't a rational explanation for it and it can't be answered.

    What does the cosmos have to do with vehicle excise duty? :wink:


    It looks like a badge you'd buy from a planetarium or something.

    Let's hear what stupid stuff people come up with to explain it away this time... but remember I am showing you something that exists in the real world, you can't use mumbo jumbo to explain your way out of it, because it still remains after the mumbo jumbo, there's still a load of cosmological symbols on something like a tax disc all without explanation.

    We're all living under an ancient cult folks, the sooner you realize it the better. Laugh, cry, don't react, panic, that's none of my business, I am only telling you about it, with proof.

    The £10 note is the best one.

    Ask the Royal Mint what a £10 note is meant to be depicting and they will tell you "A hummingbird feeding from yellow blooms" yet there is vastly more to the £10 note than just that. Nevermind, if you take that as an acceptable answer then you aren't even looking or thinking. The hummingbird is touching a bit of glass, it is symbolizing a vibrating crystal.

    It's really, really obvious these things are anti-forgery measures. A child could figure it out.
  • Manc33
    Manc33 Posts: 2,157
    It's really, really obvious these things are anti-forgery measures. A child could figure it out.

    A child could figure out there's a million other things you could use as an anti-forgery measure, but the cosmos is for some reason the thing they do use.

    The answer would be on that same level if you asked the Royal Mint why they are hinting at frequencies on a ten pound note. They would just tell you "it was never meant to appear that way" which to them (not being one of the few people that has the final say on these designs) is an acceptable answer, because they haven't got a clue what they are looking at, don't have the time to think about it and aren't interested anyway.
  • MisterMuncher
    MisterMuncher Posts: 1,302
    Manc33 wrote:
    They work it so we're supposed to think "more" gravity acts on objects with more density

    Eh, no. They don't. Galileo works in the 16th century stated specifically that objects fall independent of their mass or density, so the idea was well sorted and experimentally verified at least as long ago as that.

    Did you just go to school because your mum turned the heat off during the day?
  • MisterMuncher
    MisterMuncher Posts: 1,302
    Manc33 wrote:
    It's really, really obvious these things are anti-forgery measures. A child could figure it out.

    A child could figure out there's a million other things you could use as an anti-forgery measure, but the cosmos is for some reason the thing they do use.

    Your pareidolia isn't proof of anything beyond itself. I'm not even touching the bit where you claim to know more about the design of the money than the people who design it.
  • MisterMuncher
    MisterMuncher Posts: 1,302
    Tell you what, I'll bite.

    So, you've established your secret ubercult, ruling the earth in secret to an inscrutable plan which never fails. Mind you, if the truth were to get out, the whole thing would be banjaxed, so you've got to be extra careful, especially in this age of mass communication, when any voice can be heard around the globe in a nanosecond.

    Naturally, what you do is hide a load of your symbolism not very well in everyday objects. Even better, you deliberately subvert things like mints and the tax offices to ensure these poorly concealed symbols are distributed as far and wide as possible. Because apparently being a secret ubercult ruling the earth in secret to an inscrutable plan which never fails, ever, is no proof against being a complete spanner.

    Have I got it right?
  • Manc33
    Manc33 Posts: 2,157
    If I can see stars, UFO's and the cosmos being portrayed on a tax disc, why would I have to "know more about it" and so on? You're just introducing jargon.

    Use all the jargon you want but you still have a tax disc with stars, UFO's and the sun on it, what do you want me to do just magic them all out of existence?

    No need because its all gone electronic.

    Obviously these people are suddenly realizing the stuff they shove in everyone's faces all the time thinking they don't notice... is being noticed. I find it hilarious.

    I would cherish the internet while we still have it...
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 12,911
    Manc, you're supposed to stop posting April Fool jokes at midday, else you become the Fool.
  • Manc33
    Manc33 Posts: 2,157
    So there's no cosmos on tax discs?

    You could have told me sooner, I better get my eyes checked.
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    I too like to read into meaningless stuff, why do you always americanize (sic) everything, have the US government sent you as a spy to see what we will and won't believe they are up to?

    Please prove you are not an American spy or I'll take that as proof you are. - a site for sore eyes
  • MisterMuncher
    MisterMuncher Posts: 1,302
    It isn't jargon, it's an accurate description. It isn't my fault your vocabulary is limited.

    I see a tax disc with star shaped perforations on it, probably because a star die to cut the holes would present difficulty in orientation for a forger, and such would be readily visible to a casual inspection. I see also a blue/yellow circle you claim as an image of the Sun. Where I'm from the sun is one colour, and it certainly isn't blue. I also see perforations that look like stylised "UFO" or flying saucers. It would seem to me based on their position that they are either feed holes for the printer that prints tax discs, or perforations to allow the stacking of blank discs, in a holder. I base this on a little common sense, and the way they're in the same place as the old line-shaped holes used on pre-2003 handwritten tax discs used for stacking them in a little holder in the tax office.

    Thinking about it, the stars only appeared then, too. Would it be beyond the bounds of possibility that they're to help align the blank in the printer, and any anti-forgery facility is just a bonus?
  • Manc33
    Manc33 Posts: 2,157
    It doesn't matter just keep laughing lol.

    Too many people are finding things out for themselves now for anyone to stop it all coming out.

    Its only a matter of time before people like the above become a majority.

    At this point they will be the ones having to psychologically nurse all the ignorant people back to some semblance of sanity, I'll try to do my bit to calm people if and when it happens. Its probably handy to start learning this stuff now so you're at least prepared in some capacity.

    The compartmentalization is the key, even people finding out NASA fakes everything generally only know that, it depends what else they have discovered to be a big lie in the meantime which is why you should start learning about these things.

    When there's a critical mass of people and it all comes out god knows what the most ignorant people are going to do, they are going to be in a living nightmare, then there will be odd people that have known this stuff for 25 years or more, probably trying to comfort and educate people on why and how it all happened.
  • MisterMuncher
    MisterMuncher Posts: 1,302
    Nicely addressing the points made there, big lad. Keep the wee power fantasy going, though. Reminds me of something you'd read on RaptureReady or similar.
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 59,532
    Manc33 wrote:
    Bondurant wrote:
    Are you quite sure that no-one can prove gravity exists? Or do you mean you can't understand it, conceptually, when it is explained?

    No one has ever proven it to exist.

    You can easily prove it doesn't exist, by knowing that "gravity" is just a difference in density between objects. When a helium balloon rises, it is less dense than the other air, when a lead weight is dropped, it falls because it is more dense than the stuff around it.

    You can attach a "force" to it if you want to but then you'd be living in a make believe world because there's no proof of it. However there is proof that objects have differing densities.

    Let's say you get a sponge and throw it into a pool of water, it floats. Then you get the sponge and pack it all into a 1mm x 1mm x 1mm cube and throw it in the water - now it sinks. Does that mean there's magically "more gravity" when you pack something closer together? No, it just means the density has changed.

    They work it so we're supposed to think "more" gravity acts on objects with more density, OK how might that work and can I see some proof?
    You clearly do not understand gravity. At all.

    The simple laymans proof is the fact that we do not float off into space due to the fact that there is a gravitational attraction between the mass in our body and the mass of the Earth.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • city_boy
    city_boy Posts: 1,616
    Stevo 666 wrote:

    The simple laymans proof is the fact that we do not float off into space

    I'm not sure you can make that statement as far a Manc33 is concerned :lol:
    Statistically, 6 out of 7 dwarves are not happy.
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 59,532
    City Boy wrote:
    Stevo 666 wrote:

    The simple laymans proof is the fact that we do not float off into space

    I'm not sure you can make that statement as far a Manc33 is concerned :lol:
    Sometimes I think you take too much pleasure from the fact that he is a Manure supporter. People might think they're all like that :D
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • harry-s
    harry-s Posts: 295
    even people finding out NASA fakes everything generally only know that

    Anyone use a Garmin on their bikes?
  • RDW
    RDW Posts: 1,900
    Manc33 wrote:
    The compartmentalization is the key, even people finding out NASA fakes everything generally only know that, it depends what else they have discovered to be a big lie in the meantime which is why you should start learning about these things

    If you knew how far the conspiracy went you wouldn't be talking about it so openly! In my researches into the tax disc I discovered some alarming, fully verified, facts about NASA's involvement: ... c/NzExOTM3

    The Truth About NASA and The tax disc

    NASA is trying to control the minds of the American people-- probably with the tax disc, which they invented and created.

    Did you know that toxins created during the the tax disc manufacturing process also turn up in children's toys?

    In 2009, a prominent Harvard professor was forced to resign after talking about the tax disc's role in cases of autism.

    Is this really the world we want our children to grow up in?

    The Chinese character for the tax disc looks a lot like the character for Khloe Kardashian's name-- and it's not a coincidence.

    It's hard to find experts willing to speak truthfully about this.

    The only way for upstanding citizens to protect themselves from this madness is to retreat from modern society entirely.

    Putnam, Robert D. "Diplomacy and domestic politics: the logic of two-level games." International organization 42.3 (1988): 427-460.

    I then shifted my focus to researching the DVLA itself, and the plot thickened:

    The Truth About The DVLA

    The DVLA is collecting data about what people think about global warming: not even our opinions are safe from data collection anymore.

    The last whistleblower to raise the issue of The DVLA's treatment of global warming was never heard from again. His whereabouts are unknown, and The DVLA refuses to comment on the matter.

    Do you feel safe living in a world where this goes unpunished?

    Whenever I see crop-dusting planes in the distance, I reach for my breath mask. There's way too much evidence that it's not a farmer behind the controls of that plane, but an agent of The DVLA-- and that he's not dropping pesticides, but compounds genetically engineered to cause chronic pain.

    It's very suspicious that more people aren't outraged by this.

    Shortly after the Anthrax scare, the number of chronic pain cases in children born to parents living nearby almost tripled. However, the government refuses to research this effect or compensate the affected families.

    You can find subtle references to this in a number of official documents, but government red-tape makes sure that most of those documents are all but inaccessible to ordinary people.

    The only way for upstanding citizens to protect themselves from this madness is to retreat from modern society entirely.

    McClosky, Herbert, Alida Brill, and Alida Brill-Scheuer. Dimensions of tolerance: What Americans believe about civil liberties. Russell Sage Foundation Publications, 1983.
    Grossman, Herschel. "The political economy of war debts and inflation." (1990).
    Huysmans, Jef. "Security! What do you mean? From concept to thick signifier." European Journal of International Relations 4.2 (1998): 226-255.
  • RDW
    RDW Posts: 1,900
    Harry-S wrote:
    even people finding out NASA fakes everything generally only know that

    Anyone use a Garmin on their bikes?
    Only if it supports GLONASS, and then only with a hacked firmware that disables the evil GPS signal. You can't be too careful.
  • Manc33
    Manc33 Posts: 2,157
  • bondurant
    bondurant Posts: 858
    Is that someone who has just been exposed to your wisdom?
  • ai_1
    ai_1 Posts: 3,060
    Your gravity piece is a new low in ill-conceived factual incompetence.
    Pretty much everything you said in that post uses bits of facts and then misunderstands them to an astounding extent.
    I'm not about to waste my time correcting you in detail but perhaps a little clue:
    How does your "density" choose a direction? What you are, sort of, describing is buoyancy and is meaningless without gravity or some other acceleration. You have given no argument concerning gravity at all.
    No? Then explain please.
    Manc33 wrote:
    A scene from one of the Syfy channel made for TV films that taught you the truth about the world?
  • Manc33
    Manc33 Posts: 2,157
    Objects of greater density fall through objects of lesser density.
    Objects of lesser density rise through objects of greater density.

    No gravity is required and it doesn't exist as a force.

    You can introduce this made up force and call it "gravity" but there's no need to - unless of course you can't explain it and want to pretend to be able to. Well we're inundated with people like that, liars that will tell the world anything if it gets them credit and recognition on a personal level, but they actually don't have any answer when it comes down to it and that's what matters - an answer.

    Scientists either need to prove gravity, or shut up about it. They are almost like politicians, especially some of the NASA spokespeople. :roll: They literally stand on a stage, tell an audience how they can't tell the audience anything and the audience just laps it up applauding and laughing... they aren't laughing at the man on stage, they are laughing at themselves and the man on stage knows this perfectly well.

    Woman in audience: "Can you tell us the file format used for transmitting thumbnail images back from Mars?"
    NASA bloke: "Nope"
    (audience in raptures thinking NASA is ultra-infallible)

    It's all a "religious cult" I'm afraid (science, NASA etc). They have the fanatical atheist demographic all sussed out and employ only those types of people that would never ask these sorts of questions.

    A lot of science does check out - that's how they use it against everyone though.

    "You can't question that, its scientific" yeah using bias scientists that are trying to get letters after their names and so on. :roll: Other scientists just as capable get ignored because their findings don't fit in with what we "already know" so they get dismissed. Its ingenious if you think about it.

    Believe me I wish we had real science as opposed to what passes for science (calling theories facts). Calling theories facts means you have a religion on your hands, calling it "science" is irrelevant. They had to have some way of dealing with all the atheists and science is the perfect religion. :lol:
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 59,532
    Manc33 wrote:
    Objects of greater density fall through objects of lesser density.
    Objects of lesser density rise through objects of greater density.

    No gravity is required and it doesn't exist as a force.
    So I put a pebble on a block of polystrene. The pebble doesn't fall through the polystyene, nor does the polystyrene rise through the pebble. Seems to be a tiny flaw in your theory.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]