Cyclist Beware!

Keyringkey Posts: 30
edited March 2015 in The cake stop
Hello cyclists,

I recently had a scare whenI was riding on the hill A640 Huddersfield Road. I want to share this with you so you can be aware of the possible dangers that I had encountered.

I was training for my 560 mile cycle challenge and was on the A640 Huddersfield Road. In the fog and sleet I was cycling uphill for about 3 miles when a small car suddenly pull over just in front of me. As i approached the rear of the car I noticed the two Asian chaps unclipping their seatbelts. I also noticed they had a long knives. At the sametime another vehilce drove passed us, the males quick buckled up. I carried on cycling on the long road, which had no turnings and i had no choice to carry on. The mentioned vehilce started to drive slowly passed me and the males looked in my direction. I thought I was going to be attacked from behind, but lucky this never happened, the vehilce carried on.

I observed the vehilce stop further up the hill, again, my thought was, are they waiting for me. I could not turn around and ride in the opposite direction, due to this being a long road and in the hills. I had no choice but to continue. The car turned around and headed towards my directions, at the same time another vehilce came passed. The car with the two asian males drove pass me and at the same time stared in my direction, as if to say, I was lucky.

There is no doubt in my mind that if those to other two vehilces had not drove pass at that time I would not be here now writing this. I am very aware of my surrounding due to my military experience and on that day, luck was on my side.

I did not report it to the police because it would of fell on deaf ears and no real harm done, other than a very bad experience.

I have decided to write this, to make all you cyclist aware of the dangers. Be care and observant when your are out cycling.
560 mile cycle challenge to raise funds for.


  • So you see a two Asians in a car with long knives who you feel would, but the presence of some passing cars, have killed you and you haven't reported it to the police because they wouldn't be interested... Have I got this correct?
  • Plodder73 wrote:
    So you see a two Asians in a car with long knives who you feel would, but the presence of some passing cars, have killed you and you haven't reported it to the police because they wouldn't be interested... Have I got this correct?
    Yes, they did not do anything, so i cannot say. but it was scary. I don't know what their intention were i can only presume.
    560 mile cycle challenge to raise funds for.
  • You have to report it - any idea on car, make/model/colour? Can't be ignored.
  • gethinceri
    gethinceri Posts: 1,638
    You either have your priorities mixed up in regard to the likely response of the police or you have invented the incident. If it is the former, go to the police and report it.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    What would you give as the SCRIM and ABCDEFG if you had to describe them?
  • What they did wrong was have big knives in the car, wether they did anything with them or not. They still had them and the police would log it for future reference if nothing else.
    Specialized S Works SL2 . Campagnolo Record 11spd. rolling on Campag Zonda wheels
  • I once got followed home from the pub by a few guys paying me too much attention. the road I lived in had another way around from the other side and as I went into it I saw 2 guys run past the road entrance to get to the other side. I know what it feels like to know there is something very wrong happening that will not end well for you.

    I never reported this incident despite my mates knowing that I was being followed (the sh1ts still left me to fend for myself) so at least there would have been corroboration in my case. Plus there had been a few attacks on other students at the time. I regret not at least filing a report on that but being young you laugh it off later but that night was not good for me even though I was safe behind a couple of locked doors.

    Report it is what I would say but I guess if you have very little info on the car it might not be worth it. If you have a partial number with the make, model and colour then you have enough to go to the police and at least they could fill in the rest of the number plate. It probably lead to nothing other than an entry into some database accessible to others if a similar report comes in. links crimes, etc. Worth doing if it happened like you said, not doubting you but I can see how some would considering you report it here but not with the police who should know. I guess that says a lot about people's trust in the police as much as anything.
  • Keyringkey wrote:
    Hello cyclists,

    Hi pal, mainly replying because I too live in Littleborough, up Shore Road...

    Anyway I know the road but there are a lot of turnings off at the bottom but towards the top, only rough farm roads. Why not turn around and ride back if you felt threatened? I know I would but then again sleet and fog don't exactly make for good escape conditions.

    It does make you wonder though as I was over CRagg Vale and Blackstone Edge last night in the pitch black and rain about half six.
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • Pituophis
    Pituophis Posts: 1,025
    I do a fair bit of riding in this area myself but as yet, always during the day. I've never had any incidents myself, but this doesn't mean that I don't believe the OP.
    I have mixed feelings on reporting it to the police. On the one hand there would then be a record of the incident. On the other, as no crime had been committed, nothing would actually be done about it either. (And no, I am not "anti police" in any way, just realistic.)
    It would be helpful if the OP could give us a bit of info on the car involved though.
    Hopefully (though it is not much better) they were only looking to steal the bike. :shock:
  • Surely two guys in a car + a witness stating he saw two large blades would give reasonable suspicion for a patrol car to pull and search them?

    A question, do police cars have equipment that picks up passing vehicles plates and flags up an offence?
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    Pituophis wrote:
    as no crime had been committed
    Wrong - as has already been mentioned in this thread, mere possession of the knife is a crime.
  • Muslim country
  • mrb123
    mrb123 Posts: 4,787
    Firstly, it is an offence to be in possession (without good reason or lawful authority) of a bladed article in a public place.

    Secondly, you will find that the police are extremely interested in any incidents which may potentially have a "terrorism" element to them in the current climate.
  • Didnt get his number plate?
    argon 18 e116 2013 Vision Metron 80
    Bianchi Oltre XR Sram Red E-tap, Fulcrum racing speed xlr
    De Rosa SK pininfarina disc
    S Works Tarmac e-tap 2017
    Rose pro sl disc
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I think we can put this one to bed as being utter BS. Next!!
  • Pituophis
    Pituophis Posts: 1,025
    bompington wrote:
    Pituophis wrote:
    as no crime had been committed
    Wrong - as has already been mentioned in this thread, mere possession of the knife is a crime.

    Let me rephrase that then. No crime can be proven.
    Do you think they will still have big knives on them now? Really?
  • dj58
    dj58 Posts: 2,222
    As has already been mentioned the offence of carrying an offensive weapon in public has been committed and they should be arrested and questioned. In view of the recent threats made by Islamist extremists this seems sinister to say the least. To the OP I would report this to the Police even if you didn't get the reg. number of the car.
  • To be perfectly honest, there is no way on earth i would cycle towards two guys carrying machettes.
    argon 18 e116 2013 Vision Metron 80
    Bianchi Oltre XR Sram Red E-tap, Fulcrum racing speed xlr
    De Rosa SK pininfarina disc
    S Works Tarmac e-tap 2017
    Rose pro sl disc
  • triban
    triban Posts: 149
    These people could go on to do to another what you feared would happen to you. you need to report them today.

    if anyone ever feels in imminent danger, don't chance it. phone the police there and then and explain the threat and ask for an officer to meet you - thats what they are there for. If possible, knock on somebodys front door and ask for help, don't be embarrassed - we could be talking about life or death. Most people are decent in this world and will understand and allow you to call / wait for the police.
  • Muslim country

    So Asian looking = Muslim
  • MrB123 wrote:
    Firstly, it is an offence to be in possession (without good reason or lawful authority) of a bladed article in a public place.

    Secondly, you will find that the police are extremely interested in any incidents which may potentially have a "terrorism" element to them in the current climate.

    So Asian looking = terrorism

    F me I despair of the world!
  • MrB123 wrote:
    Firstly, it is an offence to be in possession (without good reason or lawful authority) of a bladed article in a public place.

    Secondly, you will find that the police are extremely interested in any incidents which may potentially have a "terrorism" element to them in the current climate.

    So Asian looking = terrorism

    F me I despair of the world!

    Well I haven't noticed too many white faces hacking people's heads off just recently. Clearly no one is suggesting all Asians are terrorists or all Asians are Muslims.
  • mrb123
    mrb123 Posts: 4,787
    MrB123 wrote:
    Firstly, it is an offence to be in possession (without good reason or lawful authority) of a bladed article in a public place.

    Secondly, you will find that the police are extremely interested in any incidents which may potentially have a "terrorism" element to them in the current climate.

    So Asian looking = terrorism

    F me I despair of the world!

    The OP suggested he is or was in the military so the story inevitably brought to mind other recent events. Apologies for any unintended generalisation!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    MrB123 wrote:
    MrB123 wrote:
    Firstly, it is an offence to be in possession (without good reason or lawful authority) of a bladed article in a public place.

    Secondly, you will find that the police are extremely interested in any incidents which may potentially have a "terrorism" element to them in the current climate.

    So Asian looking = terrorism

    F me I despair of the world!

    The OP suggested he is or was in the military so the story inevitably brought to mind other recent events. Apologies for any unintended generalisation!

    Its him saying he was ex mil that makes me doubt the legitimacy of this story. He would immediately recognise the threat and would know police should be informed and would know exactly how to describe a vehicle (which he continued to misspell) and a persons characteristics. We sort of get trained to do that stuff. Not just for conflicts in far flung countries but standing on the gate on guard duty or anywhere for that matter
  • Plodder73 wrote:
    MrB123 wrote:
    Firstly, it is an offence to be in possession (without good reason or lawful authority) of a bladed article in a public place.

    Secondly, you will find that the police are extremely interested in any incidents which may potentially have a "terrorism" element to them in the current climate.

    So Asian looking = terrorism

    F me I despair of the world!

    Well I haven't noticed too many white faces hacking people's heads off just recently. Clearly no one is suggesting all Asians are terrorists or all Asians are Muslims.

    Maybe not just recently, but the bould Lenny Murphy and his mates were good white British Christians.
  • On reflection. This is bull$hit!
    argon 18 e116 2013 Vision Metron 80
    Bianchi Oltre XR Sram Red E-tap, Fulcrum racing speed xlr
    De Rosa SK pininfarina disc
    S Works Tarmac e-tap 2017
    Rose pro sl disc
  • noodleman wrote:
    On reflection. This is bull$hit!
    You think this is bullshit do you?

    I have no reason to fabricate any story, this is a true event that happened and I can say, if I went to the police and told them the story, it would not be recorded.

    I can say from my experiece I was lucky and I can tell you, in the time the event was taking place it was only matter of minutes, so reaction time was evade and jump my bike into the field, if the vehicle was headeding towards me.

    I know what I had seen and by the way you are acting is another reason why i did not mention it to the police. Also please bear this in mind. I was only making cyclist aware of the possible dangers. I bet some cyclist who have read this post are now thinking about their safety more.
    560 mile cycle challenge to raise funds for.
  • Thanks for letting your fellow cyclists know about your near death experience. I think you would be doing them more of a service by reporting it to the police. You seem to be very reluctant to do that, that is odd, if I had experienced what you claimed had happened I would definately report it. The police could then put a marker on their system that the vehicle may have occupants with knives.

    In fact it is your duty to report it, what if a fellow cyclist gets killed by these people, or a police officer stops the vehicle for a routine stop and gets killed, how would you then feel?

    Report it straight away and let us all know what the police say.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Keyringkey wrote:
    noodleman wrote:
    On reflection. This is bull$hit!
    You think this is bullshit do you?

    I have no reason to fabricate any story, this is a true event that happened and I can say, if I went to the police and told them the story, it would not be recorded.

    Lets say you are telling the truth, and I have my reservations, and someone is attacked with a knife wile out on the road. Would you have a clear conscience for not telling the police of a possible attack?

    There are 3 ways I can see it.

    1. They were after attacking a random person out of the roads cycling. I doubt any police would ignore that
    2. They were after you specifically. I would consider letting the police know for my own personal safety and that of my family
    3. They are just trouble makers out to scare you. Nothing happens and the world keeps turning. But thats a big gamble to make. It would cost nothing to just pass on details to police and if they decide to not follow if up thats there prerogative.

    But then as I say I doubt your story anyway. If you are ex military you would know the police do not turn a blind eye to stuff like this. Not in this day and age. Not a week goes by without something relating to terror threats at home being in the news. Some are real, most are not. but you never know.
  • If they look like this - sprint:
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