Helmet Camera



  • I am using mine with the K Edge Go Pro Mount, 'Big' version I think it is called, the one that puts the camera out in front of the bars. It works a treat and although quite expensive I would recommend it.
  • markmod
    markmod Posts: 501
    I have mine underneath my k edge garmin xl mount, do a search for k edge gopro combi, it is a simple adaptor that attaches to my existing garmin out front mount.
  • Pigtail
    Pigtail Posts: 424
    Hmm.... I still have my garmin mounted to the stem with the quarter-turn mount. That go-pro combi looks good and might be better for my eyesight, but I'm choking on the price!

    One of my concerns is cars emerging from junctions, as I was hit last year by someone who came through a give way. I thought a helmet mount would better track what was happening than a straight-ahead bar mount. To be honest I'm not sure how much I'll use it. In the summer I regularly ride more than three hours, which is the maximum battery life and in a crisis the last thing I would think about would be turning the camera on.
  • markmod
    markmod Posts: 501
    Yes expensive if you have to buy both the garmin mount and gopro combi mount together, fortunately I already had the k edge mount, so just need the adapter :)