50T to 52T big rings



  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    edited October 2014
    philthy3 wrote:
    Surely the OP is not spinning out though is he. He might feel he's not putting out his best power above a certain cadence, but unless he's spinning and the chainline can't keep up with his leg speed, he isn't spinning out. I've yet to read him actually state what cadence he's doing.

    The OP did indicate he was spinning out. And spinning out is a very individual thing. I can't put out 300w at 110rpm for 20 mins, but I can at 85rpm (just a vague example). Whereas some people would have no problem doing it the opposite way.

    Does not 'spinning out' just refer to the point where a rider can no longer effectively put out power at a given cadence?

    **In retrospect I realize I may not be the best person to give advice on cadence as I have built-in limitations. But (for me), I 'spin out' at a relatively low cadence so prefer to push a bigger gear. I assume it's the same for everyone, just at higher cadences than me.
  • Andycar82
    Andycar82 Posts: 129
    Very few roads where I live are completely flat, actually it will save money getting a 52T in the long run as I wear out at 50T too quick riding in it too often, on slight down hill gradients at 52T will be beneficial, also on 'flat' otherwise I can simply change gear. Anyway i was keeping an eye on my speed and I think my effieciency drops on the compact at around 44-46kph which is comfortably reached over an 8 miles stretch on a slight down hill on a regular route I use, up hill on the way back so I would use the 36T for that. I think the bigger ring would be helpful. Thanks
    Wilier GTR and Italian Tifosi Stalion