Training help, 2 weeks to event

diplodicus Posts: 732
I have signed up to do the moor to sea extreme in 2 weeks time. 180km 3,352m elevation

My problem is that 3 weeks ago I came off the bike. I have been on crutches until Thursday just gone and still walk with a little discomfort.

Friday I managed my first ride 76km 548m elevation. Sunday I rode 78km 721m elevation.

I am reasonably fit, average 140km per week, ride with a club, but not that fast, 10 mile tt pb mid 27mins. Weight 73kg height 170cm so no racing whippet :(

Background over, here's my questions.

What if anything can I do to improve my performance on the day?

Am I better to do lots of miles in the hope of regaining the fitness I had pre accident, or just do my normal mileage?

Any other ideas and/or opinions welcome.


  • craker
    craker Posts: 1,739
    Has your doctor / physio ventured an opinion?

    If you're comfortable with the cycling then give it a go. With two weeks to go it's not worth doing a massive training ride though.
  • diplodicus
    diplodicus Posts: 732
    Thanks for reply. Not under doctor/physio. They took x rays after accident in hospital, and confirmed it was just soft tissue damage. They issued me with crutches but their only instructions were to contact them if it didn't improve. It has improved every day although slower than I would like, but that is more to do with my impatience.
  • marcusjb
    marcusjb Posts: 2,412
    If you are still having discomfort, doing massive miles between now and the event is unlikely to improve performance much anyway, and risks a full recovery from your off.

    I'd take it a little steadier and let my body recover more personally.
  • danlikesbikes
    danlikesbikes Posts: 3,898
    I you managed 76 on Friday and 78 on Sunday with no discomfort would suggest that you in pretty good shape.

    After a relatively short period off the bike your speed fitness will have suffered however your endurance should be similar if you only had 3 weeks off.

    If it were me I'd perhaps try a ride in the 2/3rd to 3/4rs distance just to make sure you don't suffer any discomfort from your injury, but it sounds like your doing well already.
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.
  • diplodicus
    diplodicus Posts: 732
    Thanks for the replies. It sounds quite positive.

    I normally ride 3 times a week. Tuesday tt, Thursday chaingang or a fast ride with friends, both short and hard. Saturday club ride. I think I will try just riding as normal, except maybe not as hard on Tues and Thurs.

    I wouldn't say the 76 and 78 were totally comfortable so Danlikes idea of doing a 3/4 distance might be a good plan for Sat

  • danlikesbikes
    danlikesbikes Posts: 3,898
    If it's not comfortable from your injury perhaps take your phone with you just in case you need a lift home?

    If it's just the distance then test yourself out on a longer ride and see how you go, but people do turn up to distance events with little or no real training or riding behind them.
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.
  • diplodicus
    diplodicus Posts: 732
    I think I will be ok for distance. I have done over 200km in a single ride before, also did Paris Roubaix earlier this year which was 173km. However the most elevation I have done in a single ride was 2800m, so I think that is where the challenge lies.

    Hopefully another two weeks will eliminate the remaining discomfort :|
  • danlikesbikes
    danlikesbikes Posts: 3,898
    Get yourself a reusable ice pack, I had a minor hip injury and used this instead of over the counter pain killers/anti inflammatory tablets.

    Sure you'll be fine though but good luck with the ride!
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.
  • diplodicus
    diplodicus Posts: 732
    Cheers Dan, will try that