Darryl Impey - positive



  • RichN95 wrote:
    dsoutar wrote:
    I'm still sceptical as to whether this was ingested deliberately. Anyone seen what the dosage found was ?

    Hypothetically, what if it was taken to mask a more serious substance that would carry a more certain ban?
    Firstly that's a hell of a gamble. And secondly, if he knew he was likely to be at risk surely the first course of action would be to withdraw from the race rather than winning it.

    It does sound that an clear or guilty verdict depends on the amount detected. I would have thought this would be known to the administration from a sample collected in February(despite delays).

    There is alway this another option - Could he have been poorly advised by a 'coach' or 'doctor' that he trusted and not checked what he was taking?

    How much complete trust do riders and other athletes put in their coaches and medical staff who may keep pushing the envelope?
  • Macaloon
    Macaloon Posts: 5,545
    RichN95 wrote:
    dsoutar wrote:
    I'm still sceptical as to whether this was ingested deliberately. Anyone seen what the dosage found was ?

    Hypothetically, what if it was taken to mask a more serious substance that would carry a more certain ban?
    Firstly that's a hell of a gamble. And secondly, if he knew he was likely to be at risk surely the first course of action would be to withdraw from the race rather than winning it.

    Thirdly, how does the detection of trace amounts rule out its use as a masking agent detected several half-lives after ingestion of a mighty dose?
    ...a rare 100% loyal Pro Race poster. A poster boy for the community.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    dish_dash wrote:
    iainf72 wrote:
    I've just realised I've spoken to Daryl's dad quite a few times. When I was a teenager I used to hang around his bike shop like a bad smell.

    You only just made the connection? :roll:

    Yep. I'd never given it much thought but when I saw him fathers name in the article it came back. It was 25 years ago
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • brettjmcc
    brettjmcc Posts: 1,361
    RichN95 wrote:
    Paul 8v wrote:
    So from looking at the limited information available so far, I would hope this was an accidental positive. How would this substance be ingested by mistake, does anyone know of a way it could happen?
    One way that is possible is that chemical plants often produce a range of products using the same equipment, and if procedures are a little lax then cross-contamination between products can occur. Hard to prove mind - unless you still have supplements you took several months before.

    ^this happens


    Yes, but atheletes have always been advised to keep a sample of what they take along with the batch numbers and dates of taking/purchase, no?
    BMC GF01
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    I like Carbon
  • TimB34
    TimB34 Posts: 316
    Do they really do that? All athletes have a years backlog of little boxes containing tiny fragments of every energy bar, drink powder, gel and supplement that they've taken?? During training and racing?

    Frankly, even if Impey's positive was due to contamination, he's stuffed isn't he? It's up to him to prove contamination was present in something he ate/drank 6months ago... I can't even remember everything I ate last week, never mind batch numbers from January.
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,716
    These sort of cases always take me back to that Team GB skier who took a Vics vaporub in another country and the ingredients were different from the UK to wherever it was causing a positive test.

    All very complex.
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,031
    Well let's wait and see what his explanation is and what the levels are. It may be that there is a reasonable explanation and it may be that there isn't .
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • salsiccia1
    salsiccia1 Posts: 3,725
    It may be that there is a reasonable explanation and it may be that there isn't .

    Very perceptive, that
    It's only a bit of sport, Mun. Relax and enjoy the racing.
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,031
    I thought so - rather than assuming he's innocent because he isn't Italian or eastern European.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    TimB34 wrote:
    Do they really do that? All athletes have a years backlog of little boxes containing tiny fragments of every energy bar, drink powder, gel and supplement that they've taken?? During training and racing?

    Frankly, even if Impey's positive was due to contamination, he's stuffed isn't he? It's up to him to prove contamination was present in something he ate/drank 6months ago... I can't even remember everything I ate last week, never mind batch numbers from January.

    Well - SOME athletes might actually have that info. Or they may still have the supplements on hand (you never know). It's unlikely to be able to trace it back though (although I believe some athletes have done this before).

    There was a time when I used to keep samples of supplements I took on big race days (like World Championships) as I was fairly certainty get tested and wanted a record of what I took.

    Various athletes have increasingly levels of paranoia.
  • markwb79
    markwb79 Posts: 937
    Pokerface wrote:
    TimB34 wrote:
    Do they really do that? All athletes have a years backlog of little boxes containing tiny fragments of every energy bar, drink powder, gel and supplement that they've taken?? During training and racing?

    Frankly, even if Impey's positive was due to contamination, he's stuffed isn't he? It's up to him to prove contamination was present in something he ate/drank 6months ago... I can't even remember everything I ate last week, never mind batch numbers from January.

    Well - SOME athletes might actually have that info. Or they may still have the supplements on hand (you never know). It's unlikely to be able to trace it back though (although I believe some athletes have done this before).

    There was a time when I used to keep samples of supplements I took on big race days (like World Championships) as I was fairly certainty get tested and wanted a record of what I took.

    Various athletes have increasingly levels of paranoia.

    You was at the world championships? I never knew.
    Scott Addict 2011
    Giant TCR 2012
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Markwb79 wrote:
    Pokerface wrote:
    TimB34 wrote:
    Do they really do that? All athletes have a years backlog of little boxes containing tiny fragments of every energy bar, drink powder, gel and supplement that they've taken?? During training and racing?

    Frankly, even if Impey's positive was due to contamination, he's stuffed isn't he? It's up to him to prove contamination was present in something he ate/drank 6months ago... I can't even remember everything I ate last week, never mind batch numbers from January.

    Well - SOME athletes might actually have that info. Or they may still have the supplements on hand (you never know). It's unlikely to be able to trace it back though (although I believe some athletes have done this before).

    There was a time when I used to keep samples of supplements I took on big race days (like World Championships) as I was fairly certainty get tested and wanted a record of what I took.

    Various athletes have increasingly levels of paranoia.

    You was at the world championships? I never knew.

    Not THOSE World Championships. But I've won the Paracyclign (Paralympic) Worlds. Twice.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Pokerface wrote:
    Not THOSE World Championships. But I've won the Paracyclign (Paralympic) Worlds. Twice.
    Nice one. So just for fun, do you know what you took over the day or two leading up to 6 February 2014, and have you any proof of it? Not asking for details, just whether you keep records of that nature.

    Yes. And I know where I got it. Alas.... I do not have samples but could trace the origin. But I take the approach that as I take the same supplements from the same suppliers all the time, and all my tests come back clean, that it's a fairly 'safe' regimen. Not 100% foolproof as something could still go wrong one day - but I don't have a million pound contract riding on it either so don't feel the need to be ultra paranoid. I do the best I can to avoid taking something I shouldn't within reason (for someone in my position).
  • flanners1
    flanners1 Posts: 916
    RichN95 wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:
    Probably a mistake somehow. In itself I don't think it has any impact on performance and as a masking agent it is only worthwhile taking if it is not banned itself. There's not a lot of point masking a banned product with another banned porduct (and possible a more detectable one).

    Really? A rider on a doping regime needs to be aware of the pitfalls but they still make errors and get caught. Can't see how this substance could have been ingested accidentally.
    It could be in a medicine which wasn't checked, or cross contamination with substances made at the same plant. Just as riders doping make errors, so do those that aren't doping.
    It's just a strange drug to be caught for. When Delgado got caught it wasn't banned so useful as a masking agent. But now it is and is just as detectable as the thing it is meant to be masking. It's like playing hide and seek and hiding behind a sign saying 'I'm hiding behind this sign'

    have I missed it...thought this masking agent was a diuretic therefore it rapidly excretes the epo testosterone or whatever PED from the perps body. You don't use it only to mask or bide another banned substance it has a function not purely to hide another PED. its not banned because it hides PEDs but for the ability to dope undetected if used correctly.
    Colnago C60 SRAM eTap, Colnago C40, Milani 107E, BMC Pro Machine, Trek Madone, Viner Gladius,
    Bizango 29er
  • Macaloon
    Macaloon Posts: 5,545
    Interesting Twitter exchange on the transparency canard, with the always objective frequent doping nutter apologist, Dr Ross Tucker, Science of Sport:
    Feargal McKay ‏@fmk_RoI
    You do seem to be missing the point here @Scienceofsport - you ignored an inconvenient truth. If deliberately, that doesn't look good.
    ...a rare 100% loyal Pro Race poster. A poster boy for the community.