distracted by car passanger



  • steve6690
    steve6690 Posts: 190
    It's common assault and the police do deal with it, at least round here they do :

    http://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/105 ... er/?ref=rc
  • tootsie323
    tootsie323 Posts: 199
    .blitz wrote:
    report it to the police. In isolation they won't do anything but if the same car is reported again they will become interested and eventually have a word
    Good point. If everyone takes the position that it is not worth reporting, a given driver may make a habit of throwing things at cyclists on the basis that he / she is getting away with it. If everyone takes the position that if it is reported, it may just lead to something, the police will take an interest if said given driver (car) is being repeatedly highlighted in the incident database.
    Preferably before one such incident results in a severe injury, or worse.
  • curto80
    curto80 Posts: 314
    FishFish wrote:
    OK here is a good trick. I was on the bike at a mini roundabout in Essex and someone had a real go at me - a driver - horn, fingers, swearing and all that sort of sht. I was not doing anything wrong - just asserting my place because I wanted to go straight on. Actually he had not noticed a car coming from the other side of the roundabout turning right - so I was correct to wait. When I got to the other side he drove at me and drove off. I got his number but just knew I'd end up being humiliated by the coppers. There was a young girl in the car - about 8 YO and my wife said to me - the bill can ignore you but because there is a young girl then social services cant!!!! Turned out to be a big win his wife booted him out - and get this - after Social Services paid a visit.. So there must have been a much deeper behavioural issue there - and tw@ish as it may be - I am pleased.

    Something similar happened to me recently. Van Matey winds down his window and gives me a load of abuse because he tried to left hook me at a roundabout and I was wise to it and stopped it happening with my road position. In reply I just said "mate do you realise your back right is flat". It made him get out his van to check whilst I rode off leaving him looking very confused. Still don't know where I got the idea but it made me feel better.
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