Flagging KOM's



  • davidof
    davidof Posts: 3,089
    I've got one or two KOMs in France because I am the only one who has done them!

    that's not really a KoM though is it? It is like one hand clapping.

    A lot of the UK Strava KoMs are like bald men fighting over a comb.
    BASI Nordic Ski Instructor
  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    Why don't Strava give out the opposite to the KOM, you're shite snap out of it.
  • Father Faff
    Father Faff Posts: 1,176
    davidof wrote:
    I've got one or two KOMs in France because I am the only one who has done them!

    that's not really a KoM though is it? It is like one hand clapping.

    A lot of the UK Strava KoMs are like bald men fighting over a comb.

    Not only do I have many French KOMS I also have climbed 51,785 feet in one climb! If you don't believe me see my profile at http://app.strava.com/athletes/2463815

    Strava never lies!
    Commencal Meta 5.5.1
    Scott CR1
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    BigMat wrote:
    I agree re "dangerous" segments such as the second one you describe, ones that are on shared use paths maybe, but roundabouts are everywhere - if I flagged every segment on my route containing a roundabout, lights, junction etc there'd be none left. A few people have flagged such segments and I just wish they'd mind their own!

    I have flagged a few segments that involve "difficult" junctions.

    IMHO it's ok if the segment is long enough - around here over 10 miles a single difficult junction will have minimal effect - but a short 200 yard segment that starts at the bottom of a shared use path before bumping down the curb and turning right across a busy main road is just silly - and in all fairness was probably auto-created as it was marked as a Cat4 climb ... which of course it isn't.

    I don't flag them just because they're dangerous to those without 1/2 a brain but also because they're pointless - the leader will be the one who has encountered the least traffic. I could ignore them but Strava is already littered with pointless segments so helping to tidy it a bit by flagging seems reasonable to me.
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    So, rather than complain, I wrote an App.

    ITs kind of a neat idea but i think the ones you are going to pick up would be pretty easy to spot anyway, and i'm sure people who are top of the leaderboard go through anyone's ride that knocks them off top spot with a fine toothed comb.

    The ones yours would miss are the people who do it sneakily, on purpose (so drive at a speed that is quick but not out of the question for a bike) or use sites like digital epo or whatever its called.

    having said that, I'm not on strava so it doesnt really concern me!
    www.conjunctivitis.com - a site for sore eyes
  • Chris,

    Given the number I'm finding, it's obvious the person pushed off the top of the leaderboard by the dodgy entry does not do anything about it.

    It checks the Top 5 entries as well as your own (regardless of position) as not every car trip makes KOM.

    Digital EPO detection is on my todo list, but obviously that's a lot harder to detect.
  • rpherts
    rpherts Posts: 207
    davidof wrote:
    I've got one or two KOMs in France because I am the only one who has done them!

    that's not really a KoM though is it? It is like one hand clapping.

    A lot of the UK Strava KoMs are like bald men fighting over a comb.


    That 200m segment with a 0.5% gradient you can't get a KOM on so you extend it another 50m by turning left at a junction. ZZZZ.

    (By 'you' I don't mean you BTW).

    My brother in law had a KOM on a descent. Someone made three attempts to beat it but couldn't, on the fourth he crashed badly and then flagged it as dangerous. Didn't seem too dangerous on the first three goes though. Then again, it is actually dangerous, a steep country lane with high hedges. Anyone who descends that at 30pmh+ is insane.
  • rpherts
    rpherts Posts: 207
    You can flag segments as dangerous, can you also flag them as 'rubbish' or 'pointless'?

    Regent's Park has about 20,000 segments on a circuit which is 4.3km long.
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    rpherts wrote:
    You can flag segments as dangerous, can you also flag them as 'rubbish' or 'pointless'?

    Regent's Park has about 20,000 segments on a circuit which is 4.3km long.

    "Flagging this segment as hazardous will automatically and immediately remove the comparative rankings of this segment's results. You will still be able to see your own personal results on this segment. You may only flag this segment as hazardous if you have recorded an effort on it.
    Reason (required)[textbox]"

    I tend to just hide those annoying non-segments especially where someone has called it something like

    "the real uphill bit"
    "100 inch sprint"
    "full segment minus 10 yards because I ran out of puff"

    I've created a few segments that may seem pointless to others - but they mean or meant something to me at the time of creation
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    I am tempted to join strava just so i can upload the last turbo session i did when I forgot to turn off the GPS signal.

    Try following that!
    www.conjunctivitis.com - a site for sore eyes
  • Father Faff
    Father Faff Posts: 1,176
    Chris Bass wrote:
    I am tempted to join strava just so i can upload the last turbo session i did when I forgot to turn off the GPS signal.

    Try following that!

    Well there is a segment in Ilkley called the Old Bridge that is literally an old bridge that happens to be a bridleway and it can't be more than 20 yards long and the KOM did it in 1 second or something. What a larf I can tell you.

    And then the other night I got a KOM on a descent because I was at the back of a group of mountain bikers who had all got to the gates before me so I could go through without stopping! At least the segment was a mile or two long.
    Commencal Meta 5.5.1
    Scott CR1