Employment Lawyer, How to spot a good 'un?



  • Paulie W
    Paulie W Posts: 1,492
    We could not make this thread about VTech!
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    @pdstsp the comment was at nathancom not you.

    @mamba80, that was my point, they said they took measurements but I claimed that they couldn't have as the work wasn't complete. The judge ruled on the fact that I singed the agreement with the wording at the top being ASAP on fitting or delivery time. The judge wondered why I signed it even though I didn't take not of it at the time.
    Living MY dream.
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    The judge told you that you were wrong, we all now know that you were wrong, so it's just you that has to accept that you were wrong and we will then all be in agreement for once :D
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    team47b wrote:
    The judge told you that you were wrong, we all now know that you were wrong, so it's just you that has to accept that you were wrong and we will then all be in agreement for once :D

    The judge was just jealous of his wealth and success...
  • nathancom
    nathancom Posts: 1,567
    Imposter wrote:
    team47b wrote:
    The judge told you that you were wrong, we all now know that you were wrong, so it's just you that has to accept that you were wrong and we will then all be in agreement for once :D

    The judge was just jealous of his wealth and success...
    Well he is only human after all...
  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    VTech wrote:
    I had a pm asking me why I was so angry about this :)

    here is the reason.

    I have taken 3 legal cases out and lost all 3.

    1) i claimed against a staircase firm who came to build me an oak staircase, the cost was £15k (not to make a meal of the money but to give an idea of the value of loss)
    they came to the house and gave the quote but as my house wasn't finished and the walls were just built but not plastered they couldn't do a final measure.
    they agreed to come back in three months.
    After three months i called and asked for the stairs, they replied that they had burned them as they thought i didn't want them.
    i said of course i did but got nowhere.
    i took them to small claims court and thought i would win.
    i lost the case on two issues, 1) on the agreement i signed at the top it had a line that said how soon do you need the stairs, he wrote asap and i singed the bottom. 2) the judge said that with the money i have i should have employed a solicitor to fight the case.
    i was shocked at both parts and lost the complete amount plus the £800 it cost to bring the case plus the guy requested costs of £300 which the judge awarded.

    2) i bought a house which was made derelict after an oil leak, it took 2 years to rebuild the house and i was not liable for council tax as it was a derelict property. the council kept sending bills and i kept replying i don't legally owe anything. they took me to court, i went equipped with the VOS (valuation office) report, pictures of the house, environmental health report and insurance documents. I lost the case and had to pay £17800 for the two years tax, excess fee for empty home loss and costs.

    3) i made a claim against a company who worked for my old company, they did our security. i had to have sensitive software removed from my pc but i had written confirmation that a piece of software for my new company wasn't to be touched, this was signed and notarised.
    they deleted this (i would say on purpose) but they didn't care and the costs were astronomical. i took them to small claims court and the judgement was done in our absence as this is how they now do it.
    the reply from the courts was that the claim is struck out as there is no basis for me to make a claim.
    Losses on that one were originally £45,000 but I managed to fix for £6400.

    I dont trust the legal system, to me they all seem in it together and string out things when times are tough.
    Imagine this, they have little work then a case comes in that they can solve in a couple of hours, they decide to drag it out for a few weeks and the costs treble/quadruple. Its a game, problem is that its like a fruit machine.


    So, let me get this straight.

    You've represented yourself in 3 court / tribunal cases and lost all 3 cases?

    now you are blaming the legal profession for that?

    Want to know the Spen666 behind the posts?
    Then read MY BLOG @ http://www.pebennett.com

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  • Colinthecop
    Colinthecop Posts: 996
    At least he's not blaming Wiggle.

  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    VTech wrote:
    @pdstsp the comment was at nathancom not you.

    @mamba80, that was my point, they said they took measurements but I claimed that they couldn't have as the work wasn't complete. The judge ruled on the fact that I singed the agreement with the wording at the top being ASAP on fitting or delivery time. The judge wondered why I signed it even though I didn't take not of it at the time.

    The Judge probably thought you had been responsible for the burning of the staircase given your admission
    Want to know the Spen666 behind the posts?
    Then read MY BLOG @ http://www.pebennett.com

    Twittering @spen_666
  • nathancom
    nathancom Posts: 1,567
    "A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client". Just saying
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Brilliant :lol::lol::lol:
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,150
    Has VTech had a ban? Haven't seen him post recently.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Pross wrote:
    Has VTech had a ban? Haven't seen him post recently.

    Considering Velonutter's previous advise, it wouldn't surprise me.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    MattC59 wrote:
    Pross wrote:
    Has VTech had a ban? Haven't seen him post recently.

    Considering Velonutter's previous advise, it wouldn't surprise me.

    Why would I be banned ? If i was banned what would that actually do ?

    Think of me like superman, right now, others need me more than you :wink:
    Ill have more time for you guys when the season ends.
    Living MY dream.
  • nathancom
    nathancom Posts: 1,567
    More like Voldemort. He who must not be mentioned.
  • florerider
    florerider Posts: 1,112
    Is that why you went to Glasgow to get your van Vtech? Hoping for more luck with a different legal system?

    had he used the traditional routes for dispute resolution with the building trade in Glasgow I'm sure he would have won his case. They operate from big vans too :twisted:
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    So, just rounding this one off as it looks like my issue has been amicable resolved. I would like to thank those chaps who posted some helpful advice about lawyers...and the advice that the best lawyer is the one you don't need or use!

    In my case, thankfully I didn't need to get any lawyers involved as I found the ACAS service simply brilliant. They were incredibly helpful, I never waited on the phone for more than a couple of minutes and they always had time to talk through the issues and give expert advice where needed...and all for free. Once I opened an early conciliation claim (this is now mandatory prior to any tribunal) the ACAS advisor spoke to all the parties and the problems just did not seem so big anymore :)