Confused - Rose v Canyon



  • Decided on the Rose CRS 3000. Didn't want to wait 3 months for a canyon when a Rose can be here in 2 weeks... And the price is better for the same spec.
  • ai_1
    ai_1 Posts: 3,060
    antsmithmk wrote:
    Decided on the Rose CRS 3000. Didn't want to wait 3 months for a canyon when a Rose can be here in 2 weeks... And the price is better for the same spec.
    have you no patience! :wink:
    I ordered my Canyon mid January. I should have it by the end of April!
    To be honest I'm okay with that. If we get a summer I'll have the bike in time and it'll be extra enjoyable having done my early season training on the outgoing heavyweight! However if there are any long delays like there were with the SLX last year I would cancel and buy something else. I'm not missing the summer (...again I'm assuming we get one).
  • antsmithmk wrote:
    Decided on the Rose CRS 3000. Didn't want to wait 3 months for a canyon when a Rose can be here in 2 weeks... And the price is better for the same spec.

    Really 3 months wait for a Canyon??

    And just when I was starting to look at their bikes seriously.

    Cant wait that long
  • smoggysteve
    smoggysteve Posts: 2,909
    antsmithmk wrote:
    Decided on the Rose CRS 3000. Didn't want to wait 3 months for a canyon when a Rose can be here in 2 weeks... And the price is better for the same spec.

    Really 3 months wait for a Canyon??

    And just when I was starting to look at their bikes seriously.

    Cant wait that long

    Going by the last few years, 3 months seems a generous estimate. some have waited 6 months+ even here in Germany.
  • ai_1
    ai_1 Posts: 3,060
    antsmithmk wrote:
    Decided on the Rose CRS 3000. Didn't want to wait 3 months for a canyon when a Rose can be here in 2 weeks... And the price is better for the same spec.

    Really 3 months wait for a Canyon??

    And just when I was starting to look at their bikes seriously.

    Cant wait that long

    Going by the last few years, 3 months seems a generous estimate. some have waited 6 months+ even here in Germany.
    No-one got an SLX until well after the advertised release date in March last year and then they trickled out for the following few months leaving a lot of people rightly upset.
    However, as far as I know that was a one-off issue - had it ever happened before? I haven't heard any complaints this year so I'm assuming/hoping everything's back on track. Certainly anyone I know of who ordered a bike late last year or this year received their bike on schedule.

    The Canyon website lists the predicted shipping week for each model and build of bike (select "Availability" below the picture on each product page). Some are available from stock, some in a few weeks and some (mostly the popular sizes) may take a while. I'm due to wait until April for mine (Ultimate CF SL 9.0, Compact, size M, Black & Silver) but when I ordered there were several other sizes and builds available from stock.
    I'm not in a massive hurry as long as I have it for the start of summer proper (assuming we get one!) If there was a delay I could always cancel and buy something else within a couple of weeks.
  • Yeah, the wait time hasnt really bothered me. As with AL_1, ordered in Jan (or was it Dec??!!?), CF Sl 9.0 Large in Black. With the weather we've had its not been an issue, arrival time expected to be 21st April, ish. I emailed Canyon the other week as I notice the dates had changed on the website but thats for new orders so panic over. One thing they did say was that the VCLS 2.0 seatpost will have grey lettering not white, this doesnt bother me.