Variable results from different turbos?

twinpop Posts: 31
I have a power meter and for the last week or so I have been doing some testing between a Cyleops Fluid 2 trainer and the Cyleops Jet fluid pro.
What I have found does not seem to make sense??? but the power tap cannot lie or can it???
These efforts were under taken on the same gearing,same temperature.And with as close to the eye could see on roller pressure and the exact same tyre pressure.
I have found that the Fluid 2 is easier to maintain FTP power over 30 min efforts than the Jet fluid Pro.
My heart rate is much lower at the end of each 30 min period using the fluid 2 at the same wattage and higher .
The Jet fluid pro seems to have a steeper power curve producing a lower cadence and a feeling of more fatigue.
Both tests were ridden in two blocks of 30 min efforts with 5 mins steady between rides with a few days between to ensure freshness.
I can`t understand this?? maybe some of you can educate me a little?


  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    How much lower is your hr ? I don't think you can be definitive on two tests. Maybe you were tired for one ? Did you calibrate both times ?

    Are you riding at your ftp for 30 mins ? That's a tough workout.

    Have you tried a lower power ?
  • I have a power tap and I was very strict with the tests even using a vernier to check tyre compression of tyre from the roller.
    Yes rides were at FTP 30min x 2 with 5 mins between each effort.
    Tests were both taken 7 days apart with the same TSS scores up to each test.
    Its got me baffled this.
    When riding the Fluid 2 it just feels easier at the same watts.
    Reading my own sentence above, well it just does not make sense because watts are watts are they not?
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Was the easier one the second session ?
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,567
    does the fluid 2 have a larger/heavier flywheel?

    fwiw at the same power, i find fluid trainers feel easier than magnetic, and with fluid the bigger the flywheel the better the feel

    the fluid+big flywheel isn't as draggy over the dead spot in the pedal cycle
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • Am I missing the point!

    What is the point of this?

    There is no way that two cheap mechanical systems are going to be similarly calibrated. The watts they report are only estimated watts, effectively virtual watts, not real watts which would take a very expensive set of scientific equipment to measure. The numbers mean almost nothing. I have done FTP tests on different machines and noted a 20% difference.

    Set up your machine the same way every time and stop worrying about it. :D the numbers do not matter. What matters is your progression over time on the same machine, in similar environmental circumstances.
  • er.. he is actually using a 'proper ' power meter not a toy thing, my sweetness
    My pen won't write on the screen
  • Cougie

    I like your way of thinking maybe the Fluid 2 does not take well to heat and there fore the resistance lowers over time.
    The Jet fluid Pro does have a plastic cowl device that apparently helps cool the unit maybe this is key!!
    I was hoping one or two the cycling coaches that scan the forum could maybe cast a thought on this.
  • Yes I am indeed using a power meter.
    It is probably my bad grammar and typing that confused things :oops:
    And neither of the turbos are cheap to be honest :lol:
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    Do the comparisons at the same power AND cadence and make sure you manually zero the powertap before you start and again after you've been riding for ~20 minutes.

    Gearing and roller pressure are pretty much irrelevant if you're actually measuring power.
    More problems but still living....
  • Cadence is within 1 rev on both efforts.
    The jet fluid pro does feel like I have to work harder to maintain the higher equal cadence though.
    AS for zeroing the powertap after riding 20 mins I never thought of that.
    What would I learn from doing this.
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    You'll get reliable power numbers. Do you manually zero at the start of every ride? If you don't then you should start doing this as auto zero only works if the zero offset hasn't changed much.
    More problems but still living....
  • frisbee
    frisbee Posts: 691
    The Powertap will give you an average power, the distribution of torque around the pedal stroke will be affected by the characteristics of the turbo, how quickly the speed decays between down strokes - how big the flywheel is.

    There are probably secondary factors as well.
  • Thanks all for the imput and the zeroing advice.
    So I believe the Kurt kinetic has a huge fly wheel this will indeed make it easier to maintain higher watts then?
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I know I've messed up the calibration on my powertap for one session. I only realised it after when my power was so off compared to my hr. it was 40w or so lower than I'd expect.

    Repeat the test again - I know that for the first 20 mins of any session I'm just warming up. It's a lot harder to hit my power than it is later in the session. I don't think it's a flywheel thing.

    Maybe it was different times of the day ? Differeht activity levels before each session ?
  • It is likely that you'll be able to maintain a higher steady state power on the turbo with the higher inertia

  • Thanks Xav
    I`ve just read Alex`s blog regarding inertia it explained a lot.
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    The inertia of those cycleops turbo trainers probably isn't very different. I would guess that the jet fluid pro has greater inertia anyway.

    I still suspect the issue is with zeroing (or not) of your PowerTap.
    More problems but still living....
  • Its not that Amaferanga.
    Even without the figures the data shows as I mentioned it feels much harder to hold said watts for the same amount of time.
    The fluid 2 spin down goes on much longer than the Jet fluid pro does.
    If your nearby your more than welcome to try it and be shocked your self by the results.
    Kurt kinetic roll down is much longer than both of the above mentioned turbos.
    And national level coach Alex shares his knowledge on his blog explaining its easier to maintain constant power over long periods.And with the rides i have done I tend to believe him.
    I do value your advise on zeroing the Powertap though many thanks for that.
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    But if the PowerTap zero is suspect then you don't know if you're comparing like with like. I've read Alex's blog, but I don't believe that that's the answer with these two turbo trainers unless the jet fluid pro has some kind of fault.
    More problems but still living....
  • Just out of interest what trainer do you use ama ?
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    I have a fluid 2.
    More problems but still living....
  • Nice and smooth turbo not feeling much deadspot