Burning Winter Weight - Good write up

bahzob Posts: 2,195
A perennial subject here is the best way to train to lose weight.

There is a good write up here http://trainright.com/burning-away-that-winter-weight/

The final paragraph sums it up quite well:

"What often gets lost in the argument over low-intensity, “fat-burning” workouts vs. harder efforts is the influence these intensities have on your fitness. If you want to get faster and stronger as well as leaner, you need to provide enough training stimulus to make your body adapt. Cruising along at a leisurely pace hoping to burn more fat is only going to stimulate your body to give up and find an easy chair and pants with an elastic waistband. You want to be faster, stronger, and leaner? Ramp up the intensity, increase your caloric burn rate, and challenge your body with demanding workouts that force it to adapt."
Martin S. Newbury RC