To all you Justin Bieber haters...
PBlakeney wrote:MattC59 wrote:PBlakeney wrote:MattC59 wrote:But it's still inappropriate to do so in the country you're visiting.
We weren't discussing whether his behaviour was of concern, we were discussing whether his behaviour was inappropriate.
Stones and glass houses comes to mind.
Anyway. What the thread was originally about was a joke. Then it switched to his illegal activities.
Inappropriate behaviour was only an ever so slightly interesting tangent.
Absolutely, Thrushy managed to change the threads direction on post three.
It's not the inappropriate nature of his activities that people are condemning him on, more the illegal nature and his contempt for others.
Whilst you may feel some on this forum make inappropriate posts, I'd guess that they don't take part in the illegal activities previously mentioned.Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved0 -
This is the Bottom Bracket - those sorts of posts are totally appropriate for this forum"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0
VTech wrote:MattC59 wrote:VTech wrote:MattC59 & nathancom, are you parents ? I do doubt it as parents have a different view on these matters. I think being a parent gives you empathy. Its definitely a great side of having children. Also works wonders for friendships too.
You really are a condescending, sanctimonious prick aren't you.
(Apologies Mods, but facts are facts. Ban/warning graciously accepted if you see fit)
I wouldn't want you banned, I would even ask the mods not to ban you. You have (in my opinion) the right to express your thoughts, even if they are to do all you can to have a pop at me.
My boss told me, "There's no I in teamwork."
So I replied, "No, but there are seven in 'meaningless platitude-spouting unimaginative prick'."0 -
I'm a parent.
Bieber is a prick.
Hope he dies.
In jail, of a penis overdose.
There.0 -
VTech wrote:MattC59 wrote:VTech wrote:MattC59 & nathancom, are you parents ? I do doubt it as parents have a different view on these matters. I think being a parent gives you empathy. Its definitely a great side of having children. Also works wonders for friendships too.
You really are a condescending, sanctimonious prick aren't you.
(Apologies Mods, but facts are facts. Ban/warning graciously accepted if you see fit)
I wouldn't want you banned, I would even ask the mods not to ban you. You have (in my opinion) the right to express your thoughts, even if they are to do all you can to have a pop at me.
I'm not havig a pop at you, I'm making a statement based on the content of the paragraph quoted, which is condescending and sanctemonious, as is your latest statement and as are numerous of your previous posts.Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved0 -
Or as we used to say - There is no I in teamwork but there is certainly a U in c*!t0
MattC59 wrote:VTech wrote:MattC59 wrote:VTech wrote:MattC59 & nathancom, are you parents ? I do doubt it as parents have a different view on these matters. I think being a parent gives you empathy. Its definitely a great side of having children. Also works wonders for friendships too.
You really are a condescending, sanctimonious prick aren't you.
(Apologies Mods, but facts are facts. Ban/warning graciously accepted if you see fit)
I wouldn't want you banned, I would even ask the mods not to ban you. You have (in my opinion) the right to express your thoughts, even if they are to do all you can to have a pop at me.
I'm not havig a pop at you, I'm making a statement based on the content of the paragraph quoted, which is condescending and sanctemonious, as is your latest statement and as are numerous of your previous posts.
Vtech ... I get the impression that by 'empathy' you mean 'could've/should've been a better parent ...'
I do admire your honesty and applaud your self awareness ...0 -
It seems the charges of assault have been dropped. It appears that the guy making the accusations had been found to have sent an email about making some money from it.
Now how do the usual haters here turn that around ?
Maybe Justin sent his "boys" round to rough him up and make him type an email to self incriminate him in order to get the charges dropped ?Living MY dream.0 -
VTech wrote:It seems the charges of assault have been dropped. It appears that the guy making the accusations had been found to have sent an email about making some money from it.
Now how do the usual haters here turn that around ?
Maybe Justin sent his "boys" round to rough him up and make him type an email to self incriminate him in order to get the charges dropped ?0 -
VTech wrote:It seems the charges of assault have been dropped. It appears that the guy making the accusations had been found to have sent an email about making some money from it.
Now how do the usual haters here turn that around ?
Maybe Justin sent his "boys" round to rough him up and make him type an email to self incriminate him in order to get the charges dropped ?
Thats nice to hear.
Source ? Google doesn't seem to have anything relating to this.Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved0 -
The two boys back to back again
I don't care much for the guy, I just find it odd why or how you people and those like you get pleasure from others unhappiness.
BTW, when you guys coming round to wash my cars ?Living MY dream.0 -
VTech wrote:The two boys back to back again
I don't care much for the guy, I just find it odd why or how you people and those like you get pleasure from others unhappiness.
BTW, when you guys coming round to wash my cars ?
Where have I indicated that I get pleasure from anyones unhappiness ? In any of my posts ? In any thread ?
You're talking sh!t again, as usual.
No source ?
What are you trying to imply by your final question ?Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved0 -
VTech wrote:The two boys back to back again
I don't care much for the guy, I just find it odd why or how you people and those like you get pleasure from others unhappiness.
BTW, when you guys coming round to wash my cars ?0 -
VTech wrote:I remember Oprah doing a show where they staged a bus crash in a major USA city and what happened immediately after the crash where the driver had been "knocked unconscious" ?
20+ people jumped on the bus as passengers !!!!!
I can't find anything about this on Google. Are you sure it's not an urban myth? :?0 -
MattC59 wrote:VTech wrote:The two boys back to back again
I don't care much for the guy, I just find it odd why or how you people and those like you get pleasure from others unhappiness.
BTW, when you guys coming round to wash my cars ?
Where have I indicated that I get pleasure from anyones unhappiness ? In any of my posts ? In any thread ?
You're talking sh!t again, as usual.
No source ?
What are you trying to imply by your final question ?
Almost everything you do here relates to having a go or being nasty to people.
So I guess my info comes from your behaviour. I on the other hand am not nasty to people I don't know and don't find pleasure in hating others.
My last comment was about trying to get you to chill and relax. Apparently cleaning a car is a great way of relaxing and I thought that as I need my cars cleaned and you need to relax we would have the perfect solution.Living MY dream.0 -
VTech wrote:The two boys back to back again
I don't care much for the guy, I just find it odd why or how you people and those like you get pleasure from others unhappiness.
BTW, when you guys coming round to wash my cars ?
I have just bought a new snow foam lance and some 20 litre buckets, complete with grit guards. I loves the 2 bucket method - can I wash your cars?“Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.”0 -
VTech wrote:MattC59 wrote:VTech wrote:The two boys back to back again
I don't care much for the guy, I just find it odd why or how you people and those like you get pleasure from others unhappiness.
BTW, when you guys coming round to wash my cars ?
Where have I indicated that I get pleasure from anyones unhappiness ? In any of my posts ? In any thread ?
You're talking sh!t again, as usual.
No source ?
What are you trying to imply by your final question ?
Almost everything you do here relates to having a go or being nasty to people. Categorically wrong. dont take my word for it, go through my posts.
So I guess my info comes from your behaviour. Well, either you're ignoring the info, or you have no info. I on the other hand am not nasty to people I don't know and don't find pleasure in hating others. And neither do I, again, where do you get the information that I take pleaseure hating others ?
My last comment was about trying to get you to chill and relax. Really ??? You need to work on your communication skills then. Apparently cleaning a car is a great way of relaxing and I thought that as I need my cars cleaned and you need to relax we would have the perfect solution.
Still no source to your info ? That's a genuine question. Google reveals nothing, so I'm wondering where you got that info from. If you're going to post info like that at least have the decency to back it up, otherwise people, and yes myslef included will continue to think you're talking bull sh!t.
I believe that Pross is also waiting for a source to one of your statements.
And dont' think that I'm being nasty to you, I'm not, I would respond in the same way to anyone who consistantly spouts the condescending, sanctemonious rubbish that you do. In fact, being as condescending and sanctemonious as you are is pretty nasty in its self.Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved0 -
This is about charges for assault being dropped: ... d-20140203 and the also on BBC TV this morning they mentioned this and the driver charges being dropped.
Also, a friend of mine was on the scene when he was stopped and confirmed, as others have that he wasn't avoiding arrest, there is even footage online confirming he pulled over right away.
I am not saying he hasn't done idiotic things, its just wrong to condemn without proof and the way of the world these days seems to be a need to prove innocence rather than others proving guilt.
Lets hope none of us face charges under this rules ehh !Living MY dream.0 -
jordan_217 wrote:VTech wrote:The two boys back to back again
I don't care much for the guy, I just find it odd why or how you people and those like you get pleasure from others unhappiness.
BTW, when you guys coming round to wash my cars ?
I have just bought a new snow foam lance and some 20 litre buckets, complete with grit guards. I loves the 2 bucket method - can I wash your cars?
On a serious note, I am looking for some kit to wash my cars, I have ben told it is therapeutic so sounds good. I have only got a clay bar and nothing else, any recommendations ?Living MY dream.0 -
VTech wrote:This is about charges for assault being dropped: ... d-20140203 and the also on BBC TV this morning they mentioned this and the driver charges being dropped.
Also, a friend of mine was on the scene when he was stopped and confirmed, as others have that he wasn't avoiding arrest, there is even footage online confirming he pulled over right away.
I am not saying he hasn't done idiotic things, its just wrong to condemn without proof and the way of the world these days seems to be a need to prove innocence rather than others proving guilt.
Lets hope none of us face charges under this rules ehh !
I'm pretty sure I heard that he was arrested for something like 'non-violently resisting arrest' because he refused to get out of his car not because he refused to stop.
Immaturity mixed with fame and money whilst being used to people doing whatever you ask / tell them is a recipe for disaster. Hopefully someone can get hold of him and teach him some common sense before he goes the same way as so many other people who had that same cocktail.0 -
Pross wrote:VTech wrote:This is about charges for assault being dropped: ... d-20140203 and the also on BBC TV this morning they mentioned this and the driver charges being dropped.
Also, a friend of mine was on the scene when he was stopped and confirmed, as others have that he wasn't avoiding arrest, there is even footage online confirming he pulled over right away.
I am not saying he hasn't done idiotic things, its just wrong to condemn without proof and the way of the world these days seems to be a need to prove innocence rather than others proving guilt.
Lets hope none of us face charges under this rules ehh !
I'm pretty sure I heard that he was arrested for something like 'non-violently resisting arrest' because he refused to get out of his car not because he refused to stop.
Immaturity mixed with fame and money whilst being used to people doing whatever you ask / tell them is a recipe for disaster. Hopefully someone can get hold of him and teach him some common sense before he goes the same way as so many other people who had that same cocktail.
Now thats the comment this thread needed.
Hating him isn't the answer, nor is it in general. Its not even about this guy to be honest, just life in general where people need a clip round the ear to put them on the right road.Living MY dream.0 -
VTech wrote:This is about charges for assault being dropped: ... d-20140203 and the also on BBC TV this morning they mentioned this and the driver charges being dropped.
Also, a friend of mine was on the scene when he was stopped and confirmed, as others have that he wasn't avoiding arrest, there is even footage online confirming he pulled over right away.
I am not saying he hasn't done idiotic things, its just wrong to condemn without proof and the way of the world these days seems to be a need to prove innocence rather than others proving guilt.
Lets hope none of us face charges under this rules ehh !
So the charges were dropped, but a settlement was made.............. could be because it's just easier, but it could equally be because the record company doesn't want a guilty verdict.
I can find no info that the Limo driver assault charge has been dropped. Perhaps the TV program you saw it on had an exclusive, as it's not on the BBC website (yet?).
Pullng over doesnt mean he's not resisting arrest.
At least we agree on something, he shouldnt be found guilty without proof, but you know what they say about smoke and fire.Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved0 -
To be honest his biggest crime is that he actually seems to have some genuine musical talent (I heard some You Tube footage of things he did at various stages of his childhood being played on the radio) and yet he allowed himself to be dragged into producing cheesy pop for the instant market. I suspect at the moment he is happy with the fame and money this has brought him (although judging by his recent behaviour, maybe not) but in the long term he may regret not becoming the musician he could have been.0
He has "clingers on" which is the issue.
They will tell him what he wants to hear in the hope of a free life of luxury.
When he hired the lambo what wasn't mentioned was that he hired the lot, everything, the whole caboodle for his "friends" and picked up the bill.Living MY dream.0 -
VTech wrote:jordan_217 wrote:VTech wrote:The two boys back to back again
I don't care much for the guy, I just find it odd why or how you people and those like you get pleasure from others unhappiness.
BTW, when you guys coming round to wash my cars ?
I have just bought a new snow foam lance and some 20 litre buckets, complete with grit guards. I loves the 2 bucket method - can I wash your cars?
On a serious note, I am looking for some kit to wash my cars, I have ben told it is therapeutic so sounds good. I have only got a clay bar and nothing else, any recommendations ?
Take a look at:
and also read the tips here: ... dvice.html
Best advice I can give is to do everything you can to remove any surface dust/mud/contaminants from the surface of your car before even go near it with a mitt and start exfoliating the paintwork.“Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.”0 -
Beiber's on my Dead Pool list, is he on anyone else's? :-)2010 Lynskey R230
2013 Yeti SB660 -