First Accident! Almost 600 miles in.



  • Well they gave me a laugh!

    Still dealing with the back pain, got some stretching exercises and weekly physio exercises to deal with. Im kinda surprised that Im still having back pain over two weeks after the incident. Speed was relatively low and the side impact was a few mph. Although the ground was just as hard!
  • Stacker - I feel your pain. I was left hooked by a female driver at the end of August last year. She was in the lane to my right and I was in the bus/cycle lane. She turned left into a side turning failing to see me. I hit my brakes as hard as I could, but this only resulted in me going over the top of my handlebars and because my cleats were still attached, the bike following me. All coming down in a heap on her front wing.
    Ended up with suspected broken ribs (only suspected as despite going to A&E, they don't even x-ray them now) and some small grazing so very lucky. The driver was very apologetic and happy to give me her details. Police were not called.
    As a British Cycling member, I used their legal team, who I cannot speak highly enough of. Somehow my bike escaped without any damage at all. I was still awarded just over £3k which I got in November.
  • No real update at the moment.

    Quote for the damage from the LBS was 226 pounds. I've sent this off to my solicitors, however as of a few days ago they had not heard back from the other parties insurance. The police basically told me to expect a call if the lady goes to court for careless driving.

    In the meantime I've purchased this for a bargain price while I'm waiting to see what they want me to do with my old bike (It hasn't been touched since the accident)


    Excuse the flat pedals, I don't have the cash to clip in at the moment!