Help needed from Techie Audiophiles.

tim_wand Posts: 2,552
edited February 2014 in The cake stop
I used to be really into my Hi-Fi in the day, Rega turntable, Audio Lab amps and a Nakamichi dragon (yer we are talking 20 years ago)

I am considering purchasing a Sonus Bridge and speakers, but I don't know what I m doing, and I don't want to engage with the sneering 17 year old Saturday boy in Curry's.

Basically I want to move all the music (and pictures) on this lap top onto a hard drive for back up and storage space

(First question I m looking at about 1TB and I want it to be wireless)

I then have another Lap top in the Garage/Shed I use soley for running Trainer Road workouts on the turbo.
I want to play decent quality audio (sufferfest. I.M digital radio, and my own MP3's ) on this whilst working out.

Will I have to shift all the music I want onto both laptops or can I control the hard drive from the bridge via either laptop to the speaker.

I have a Wifi network ( virgin media) and there is a spare Ethernet port on the router to attatch the bridge.

As I say I haven't got a clue, How do I do this?

I want to be able to move the speaker from the house to the shed and I want to control the bridge from both Lap tops and locations,

I also want to drop all my music onto a stand alone hard drive.


  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    Sign up to the What HiFi forum, there are loads with Sonos on there who will lend a hand.
  • marcusjb
    marcusjb Posts: 2,412
    As you've mentioned, you need a Zonebridge and some Sonos speakers to get up and running (I am assuming you're talking about Sonos speakers in this case - if not, you want a Connect:Amp and some traditional speakers).

    Plug the Zonebridge into the router, power up the speakers and run the Sonos software on your laptop - it takes minutes to get a Sonos system up and running. If your speakers are a distance away from the zonebridge, you may require another zonebridge to act as a repeater - but try it first, the range is quite long.

    You then want to look at a NAS drive for your music - this will also plug into your router (handily, the zonebridge has a second Ethernet port ideal for this).

    I personally highly rate the QNAP range of NAS, and use WD Red drives in mine. That's reasonably spendy but highly reliable.

    Whatever NAS you get, you make a folder (\music or whatever) and dump your music in there - point the Sonos software at it and you're golden.

    It's a great system - the Play:5 in particular sounds pretty decent. All their kit is very reliable and so simple to set up.

    Which speakers were you thinking about?
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    I was just going to start with a Play 1 to keep costs down and see how I got on with it, then add to it if I really took to it.

    The main job I want it to do is push decent quality sound out to the Turbo Trainer in the shed ( I had considered Bose Companion 3 speakers for the lap top, but this soloution is more versatile and can use it all over the house)
    I just can t get any decent in ears to stay in, I sweat too much, and the big style cans are too prohibitive for training hard.

    NAS Drive? is this stand alone or a bit of Hardware that needs putting into the lap top. Does it connect into the Wireless network (Ethernet/ or wirelessly) ? Can I also use it to back up other data (pictures, sufferfest downloads) or is it just music files?

    Right off to google your recommendations, hopefully I ll be a bit more savvy with all this soon, Thanks for the help.
  • marcusjb
    marcusjb Posts: 2,412
    NAS drive - network attached storage. Basically, a hard drive that is on your network and accessible from all PCs etc. on the network.

    You can store anything on it, photos, videos etc. They will start at around £100 and go upwards from there. I use a 2 drive unit at home with the drives mirroring each other (so should a drive fail, I have a backup on site (I also have an off site backup)).

    I haven't yet heard the Play:1 - but sonos know what they are doing and it all sounds pretty good.
  • We use SONOS at home at it's great. Works well, sounds good.
  • Sonos prices tend to fairly fixed (i.m.e), so why not buy from your local hifi store or from, say, John Lewis.

    I have a Connect attached to AV Amp, a Play 5 on its own and ready for a Play 1 (John Lewis still have them on sale with a free Bridge).

    If you do get stuck, you can use the Sonos support chat.

    Sign up for online music streaming like Spotify or Napster and Robert is your mothers brother !

    You will not look back ( and you'll probably listen to more music )

    All the gear, but no idea...
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    Okay, so something like this then? ... origin=pla

    And then I would have to buy 2 x 3.5 sata hard drives to go in it with the amount of storage I needed.

    This would plug into my current router by Ethernet and then be identifiable by both laptops on the home network.

    Where would I then plug in the Sonus Bridge? to the NAS or the Router, because if its to the router I think I ve ran out of available Ethernet ports, As I ve already got my Virgin/Tivo box connected and then the NAS.

    Is there anything that would do all this wirelessly (the router is hidden away as the Mrs is cable phobic/ and I don't think there is much space left where its located at the moment) or are we talking Mega Bucks?

    Actually I m okay, I ve just checked the router and there are 4 Ethernet ports in total on the back of it.

    My problem would be co-locating the NAS and getting power to it in the Routers current location. So anything wireless would be a winner.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    My go anywhere music solution is a Bose soundlink mini linking to my iPod by Bluetooth. iPod has much of my music collection on it and I also have spotify premium. Small and portable with amazing sound output. Check out the amazon reviews
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    Okay had a quick look at that solution Mikey.

    Still favouring the idea of have a networked storage hub that can then wirelessly transmit to the speaker.

    also the advantage of backing up other type of files (since little un was born 5 years ago every picture in our life is digital and on this laptop)

    Got some time off Tuesday morning so gonna hit the shops and get some demo's

    I can get the Sonos Play one speaker and bridge for £169 (seems to be a pretty set price as suggested above)

    just a matter of finding the "right" NAS at a good price.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,088
    This is what you want WandyTim:

    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    Cheers Pinarello, I was hoping someone like you would come along with some sound technical advice.

    But don't I need one of these to integrate that into my home?


    As I m currently running one of these


    And I know for bloody sure they aint compatible. :D
  • FatTed
    FatTed Posts: 1,205
    Or if you have a MAC use airplay, lot cheaper than Sonos
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,088
    My two penneth worth.
    Well, I have a Rotel amp, a Marantz CD player, Pioneer turntable with a Shure stylus and 2 sets of Wharfdale speakers - Wharfdale Diamond and 2 traditional Wharfdales that died on me so I changed the treble and base cones in the boxes with one's direct from Wharfdale.
    British speakers are second to none because they are (were) paper based but didn't last so long. My separates are archaic (late 90's) but still sound excellent.

    The Border Terrier I cannot help you with except to buy some planks and 'L' brackets, rawl plugs, paint...
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • stueyboy
    stueyboy Posts: 108
    I've gone down the Sonos route which I like. As you're finding out there are loads of alternatives but if you are thinking Sonos, this might help you out

    I like the Sonos interface and the way they have made apps for all the various mobile and computing platforms so you don't have to buy a dedicated controller. Also, if you are able to plug at least one of the Sonos speakers directly into your router, you won't need to buy the bridge (although the starter packs usually have them included).

    When I bought the system, it very quickly highlighted the difference in sound quality between MP3 and lossless formats, so I ended up going back through my entire CD collection and ripping them all in FLAC format (I had about 600 CD's so it took a while). There is a big difference to my ear.

    As far as NAS systems go, I'd recommend a Buffalo Linkstation. They are reasonably affordable but if you can afford it I would get at least this one - I have had one of the older Linkstations at work and home and they've been on almost constantly for 6 years with no problems (so far). The one I linked to is a 2 disc one that you can use to mirror your data in case of HDD failures. You can also use this for storing and streaming video to any smart TV type systems you have (or Xbox/PS3's).

    Finally, if you happen to buy a fair amount of your music from Amazon at all, there is an Amazon plugin app available from Sonos which allows you to access all of it through their cloud music service. An additional bonus of this is that Amazon also will go back through your physical CD purchases and if it's available in MP3 format, will add that to your library. I also pay for Spotify to get a huge range of music.

    The Play 1 looks like a decent bit of kit and if you get 2 you can choose to create a stereo pair (can do that with 2xPlay 3 and Play5 as well). Beware, once you get into the hardware, it's easy to get carried away.... I've got a Play 5 in the kitchen, a Connect linked to my surround sound system in the Lounge and 2 play 3's variously spread around the house.

    Hope that helps.
  • mpatts
    mpatts Posts: 1,010
    edited January 2014
    This is what I have:

    A Naim Supernait, connected to Sonos (playing through PMC20-23 speakers) in the lounge.
    2 play 3's upstairs

    To run sonos you need a bridge, and a connect if you are going to put it through your hi-fi

    I have a 1tb raided NAS drive on my network (simple task) with all of my files ripped to FLAC. I also use Spotify a lot - again simple through sonos.

    Sonos is a sinch to set up, literally just buy it, plug it in, and press a few buttons.

    I bought my sonos from here: ... on/contact

    Speak to Paul Clarke - nice chap.

    Oh and as a PS, I'd recommend getting a DAC - makes a big difference to the sound.
    Insert bike here:
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Ooh. To hijack this momentarily, mpatts - what do you make of the PMC20-23s? I recently got hold of a Naim Nait 51-2 and don't like the current speakers with it. How do you get on with the 23s?
  • mpatts
    mpatts Posts: 1,010
    CiB wrote:
    Ooh. To hijack this momentarily, mpatts - what do you make of the PMC20-23s? I recently got hold of a Naim Nait 51-2 and don't like the current speakers with it. How do you get on with the 23s?

    I love them - had them over a year now, and they took a bit of breaking in, but they sound great. If you listen to a demo set they will sound a bit bright and trebley, but after a month or so some of the 'brightness' is complimented with more roundness. Also, they don't mind being close to walls, so there are lots of placement options.

    To boot, they look fabulous!
    Insert bike here:
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Thanks for that - much appreciated, esp the placement bit. Cheers.

    Carry on everyone.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    But do listen to the bose if you get the chance...
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    Joelsim wrote:
    Sign up to the What HiFi forum, there are loads with Sonos on there who will lend a hand.
    best advice yet.

    but to sum up get a NAS then you will beable to access the music/movies from anywhere on your network with whatever you want to.
    so you can use your laptop to play it in the garage and get some powered speakers to drive from it.

    no need to have the data on the laptops.

    the sonos might not be what you want.

    my music is on a NAS (2 1TB drives giving 1TB of protected storage) and the music can be accessed by any of my Squeezebox music players or by any of myiProducts or from any of the PCs etc....

    Movies are an another couple of NAS with stupid usable storage sizes.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    Think I m going to do this in two stages.

    Firstly I m going to get the NAS and 2 1tb drives (set in RAID 1 So they mirror one another)

    Weve got loads of photos and music (the photos especially) I ve been meaning to move onto external storage for back up for years, so I can get this Purchase past Mrs W on that basis.

    FLAC? burning CD's to FLAC (Which format is this and how do I do it? is it accessible via I tunes or Windows Media player as that's where the majority of our MP3 files are at the moment) don't fancy sitting down and ripping all the CD's again.

    Next stage, hopefully if the ballot goes the right way, we are just about to agree 2013's pay award which should result in a 3% back payment on last years earnings. (this is ear marked for a new bike frame and some sonus kit)

    Thanks for all the advice at least I now feel as though I can discuss this with the boy in Currys/ Superfi without sounding like Victor Mildrew.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,088
    My god, I never thought they would come up with a cure for insomnia and then this thread came along.

    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    I wonder why? you have trouble sleeping at night.

    Glad to be of assistance.
  • meursault
    meursault Posts: 1,433
    I wouldn't mind some of this central music thingy, but I haven't a fking clue. Is there some kind of diagram I can see, that would help?

    NAS connects to router connects to.... type of thing?
    Superstition sets the whole world in flames; philosophy quenches them.

  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,088
    meursault wrote:
    I wouldn't mind some of this central music thingy, but I haven't a fking clue. Is there some kind of diagram I can see, that would help?

    NAS connects to router connects to.... type of thing?

    Yes, why can't you just chuck a bit of vinyl on and sit down and listen?

    Apart from the fact that I don't want to wear some of it out and want to burn it all on to CD using a ... oh bollox. Never mind.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    meursault wrote:
    I wouldn't mind some of this central music thingy, but I haven't a fking clue. Is there some kind of diagram I can see, that would help?

    NAS connects to router connects to.... type of thing?

    yes just plug it into your router or another switching box.

    play with the settings and you can use it as extra storage/hard drive for each user on the net work or just have a common place for all the families stuff.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,088
    nicklouse wrote:
    meursault wrote:
    I wouldn't mind some of this central music thingy, but I haven't a fking clue. Is there some kind of diagram I can see, that would help?

    NAS connects to router connects to.... type of thing?

    yes just plug it into your router or another switching box.

    play with the settings and you can use it as extra storage/hard drive for each user on the net work or just have a common place for all the families stuff.

    See? Now you're all clued up aren't you meursault? :D
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    tim wand wrote:
    Think I m going to do this in two stages.

    Firstly I m going to get the NAS and 2 1tb drives (set in RAID 1 So they mirror one another)

    Weve got loads of photos and music (the photos especially) I ve been meaning to move onto external storage for back up for years, so I can get this Purchase past Mrs W on that basis.

    FLAC? burning CD's to FLAC (Which format is this and how do I do it? is it accessible via I tunes or Windows Media player as that's where the majority of our MP3 files are at the moment) don't fancy sitting down and ripping all the CD's again.

    Next stage, hopefully if the ballot goes the right way, we are just about to agree 2013's pay award which should result in a 3% back payment on last years earnings. (this is ear marked for a new bike frame and some sonus kit)

    Thanks for all the advice at least I now feel as though I can discuss this with the boy in Currys/ Superfi without sounding like Victor Mildrew.
    'again join WHFI

    google FLAC

    itunes and MP3 are not really Audiophile i have all my tunes ripped to iTunes and to FLAC. one for every day iPhone use and the other for the HIFI

    FLAC is lossless so is equal to a CD for quality (there are other lossless formats. dont even think about WAV as it is a pain to tag and add artwork to etc).

    there are a number of tools that can be used to create any storage format. I use EAC. others are dbPoweramp,iTunes etc etc

    the format to store it in depends on what you use for playback.

    there is also software out there that will allow you to back up any movies etc

    there are loads of streamers out there that will playback music and video and cost a lot less than the music only Sonos.

    so first you need to think about what you really want to do and then look at how you do that.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    If it makes you feel any better Pinarello. I am on the look out for one of these everytime I go to Newark Antiques fair. Me and my brother used to have one in our bedroom, played 16's 32's 45's and 78's and I used to stare in wonder as a child how it could auto-load. I d give my hide teeth to find a decent one today. Far too good for the shed though.


    Uploaded with
  • meursault
    meursault Posts: 1,433
    nicklouse wrote:
    meursault wrote:
    I wouldn't mind some of this central music thingy, but I haven't a fking clue. Is there some kind of diagram I can see, that would help?

    NAS connects to router connects to.... type of thing?

    yes just plug it into your router or another switching box.

    play with the settings and you can use it as extra storage/hard drive for each user on the net work or just have a common place for all the families stuff.

    See? Now you're all clued up aren't you meursault? :D

    Yep, got it now


    Though there ain't any prizes for confusing me.
    Superstition sets the whole world in flames; philosophy quenches them.
