Singletrack bikes *Warning*



  • Angus Young
    Angus Young Posts: 3,063
    FishFish wrote:
    When you pick up a newspaper then you have technically accepted the offer - it is a contract.

    Don't be daft. No.
    All the gear, no idea and loving the smell of jealousy in the morning.
    Kona Process 134 viewtopic.php?f=10017&t=12994607
  • poah
    poah Posts: 3,369
    cooldad wrote:
    As this is not what happened to the OP, the point is somewhat moot.

    Or in other words, boohoo.

    it is if they are shown for sale at a lower price that what appears at checkout. if it changed on the site between him clicking buy and then going to the checkout then that's just really bad luck :lol:
  • poah
    poah Posts: 3,369
    The Rookie wrote:
    POAH wrote:
    The Rookie wrote:
    As pointed out above, yes you can.

    no you can't - sure you can have mistakes which would then have to be rectified once you found out but you can't keep the price different once you have been made aware of the mistake. Misleading is a criminal offence.
    No, but Fraud would be, and you would have to show Mens rae which would be hard.

    Best to stick to posting about stuff you know.

    like this what with me having to work in retail at the moment :roll:
  • Edit, changed my mind but feel free to google pharmaceutical society vs boots and caveat emptor!
    All hail the FSM and his noodly appendage!