385,000 Young Workers from Eastern Europe



  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,644
    In every PR election I vote nige. When I remember.

  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,644
    Anyone here a migrant in the UK?

    Other than me.

    Well. I was. Uk passport now.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Anyone here a migrant in the UK?

    Other than me.

    Well. I was. Uk passport now.

    My wife is. I know plenty of others. Oh, what chuckles we have hearing about what an easy life all the immigrants have, and how the government gives them all free housing and money, etc.
  • johnfinch wrote:
    Anyone here a migrant in the UK?

    Other than me.

    Well. I was. Uk passport now.

    My wife is. I know plenty of others. Oh, what chuckles we have hearing about what an easy life all the immigrants have, and how the government gives them all free housing and money, etc.

    Quite. I remember watching a couple of immigrants washing cars for a few pounds each in utterly freezing conditions, it was sleeting at the time, and wondering how sh1te it must be back home for them to leave it and come here to do what they were doing.
  • mrfpb
    mrfpb Posts: 4,569
    Anyone here a migrant in the UK?

    Other than me.

    Well. I was. Uk passport now.

    I'm Welsh but live in England. I guess it depends on how petty the nationalists want to be.

    The truth is there is no evidence that the opening of our labour market to Eastern Europe did anything but good for our economy, which grew strongly though the 00's until our bankers scuppered us. There is no reason to think that opening up go two more countries will cause any more strain on services, especially as more people seem to emigrate than arrive.
  • Anyone here a migrant in the UK?

    Other than me.

    Well. I was. Uk passport now.
    I am. Came to London from Italy 10 years ago with zilch in my pocket, doing well now. I've never claimed benefits, don't even use the NHS. Nevertheless I fully agree with Nigel/UKIP, open door immigration is negative and I absolutely do see people coming here due to the pathetic benefit system. Not to mention the impact it has on communities - when they're overrun with large numbers of immigrants who don't speak the language, keep to themselves, don't integrate, are constantly coming and going, and keep their own "strange" customs (by which I mean things like dressing as if they still lived in a desert), is it any wonder that there is no sense of community anymore?
  • In every PR election I vote nige. When I remember.


    Seriously what? That sometimes I don't vote or I vote ukip in pr elections.

    England is conservative, bar the big cities, which mixed for a number of reasons, not least the right on urbanite attitude that people take on because it's fashionable with there peers. Ukips policy is desirable to traditional labor voters too. It's only offensive to neo liberals, the socialist middle classes who are hypocrites and misguided youth who don't think it's the done thing and or are naive.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,644
    I don't get offended by them. What would I be offended by??

    I just genuinely think the majority of those running it are too stupid to do anything of any coherence. You've got Farage who has recreated himself in some kind of bizarre english stereotype caracature but at least has a level of understanding of how politics works, but everyone else either seems to be the village idiot or a swivel-eyed loon. Godfrey Bloom being a classic example.
  • How many other ukip people are u aware of bar farage and bloom and the odd one that the media spends time on simply for their oddity? Pretty sweeping statement to say everyone else is a nutcase. All partys have weirdos, it's just the major ones are not focussed on. They have quote a few meps so I imagine a few of them might be competent bar the odd maverick. For every Godfrey bloom there are probably myriad normals. The Sunday times magazine had a article about first and second generation immigrant members that started off sceptical, but conckuded how normal these people were ( bar winston Mackenzie) including the head of the lse student party.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,644
    I still remember last election. It was live on news night - ukip had just announced their manifesto. There were some dodgy numbers. Paxo interviewed the chairman who was at the launch and it became clear paxo couldn't conduct the interview he wanted since the chairman actually genuinely didn't know what was on the manifesto.

    The same day on itv another ukip member standing for a seat directly contradicted the manifesto and admitted he hadn't read it.

    I do quite a lot in local stuff where I live and I have yet to meet a ukip member who doesn't come across as a clueless idiot.

    They don't occupy much of my time since I don't believe the public will vote for that.
    Europe and local elections they don't mind since the electorate typically feel a bit more divorced from them and local issues that have little relation to political alignment play a much much bigger role. Not to mention how much bigger a role protest votes play in those types of elections.

    When it comes to serious politics you genuinely can't take ukip seriously. They're, at best, a protest vote to the big 3.

    To get back to the OP, ukip don't really debate immigration in an adult and constructive manner.

    Let's move beyond immigration being a vehicle for xenophobic ideas - on both sides ( the left has a propensity to use this idea as a stick with which to beat the right with) and discuss the value of cultural diversity, the economic impact, and the social gains and costs objectively. Ukip don't do this. The big 3 rarely do either.
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    I still remember last election. It was live on news night - ukip had just announced their manifesto. There were some dodgy numbers. Paxo interviewed the chairman who was at the launch and it became clear paxo couldn't conduct the interview he wanted since the chairman actually genuinely didn't know what was on the manifesto.

    The same day on itv another ukip member standing for a seat directly contradicted the manifesto and admitted he hadn't read it.

    I do quite a lot in local stuff where I live and I have yet to meet a ukip member who doesn't come across as a clueless idiot.

    They don't occupy much of my time since I don't believe the public will vote for that.
    Europe and local elections they don't mind since the electorate typically feel a bit more divorced from them and local issues that have little relation to political alignment play a much much bigger role. Not to mention how much bigger a role protest votes play in those types of elections.

    When it comes to serious politics you genuinely can't take ukip seriously. They're, at best, a protest vote to the big 2.

    To get back to the OP, ukip don't really debate immigration in an adult and constructive manner.

    Let's move beyond immigration being a vehicle for xenophobic ideas - on both sides ( the left has a propensity to use this idea as a stick with which to beat the right with) and discuss the value of cultural diversity, the economic impact, and the social gains and costs objectively. Ukip don't do this. The big 2 rarely do either.
    Liberal haven't been a big power for decades and after recent actions, won't be again for several decades.
    They sold their soul for a piece of the pie and the electorate know it.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • bucks
    bucks Posts: 91
    I think Noam Chomsky said it the best...

    "The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mother and immigrants, the more you control all the people."
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    The fact that they get all of their views on climate change from Christopher Monckton would be enough to drive me away from them.
  • bucks wrote:
    I think Noam Chomsky said it the best...

    "The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mother and immigrants, the more you control all the people."

    Sounds like the "Person Specification" part of Paul Dacre's contract....

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • bucks
    bucks Posts: 91
    bucks wrote:
    I think Noam Chomsky said it the best...

    "The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mother and immigrants, the more you control all the people."

    Sounds like the "Person Specification" part of Paul Dacre's contract....


  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    bucks wrote:
    I think Noam Chomsky said it the best...

    "The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mother and immigrants, the more you control all the people."
    That's funny, because the regimes that have been really successful at controlling all the people have usually used other means.
  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    bompington wrote:
    bucks wrote:
    I think Noam Chomsky said it the best...

    "The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mother and immigrants, the more you control all the people."
    That's funny, because the regimes that have been really successful at controlling all the people have usually used other means.


    I don't recognise that as the method of control round here :P
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • bucks
    bucks Posts: 91
    bompington wrote:
    bucks wrote:
    I think Noam Chomsky said it the best...

    "The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mother and immigrants, the more you control all the people."
    That's funny, because the regimes that have been really successful at controlling all the people have usually used other means.

    The US and UK are porbably the best at controlling their populations given that thier biggest fears are proletarian revolution and socialism, I don't remember seeing thugs on the street enforcing laws when I walked into work this morning. I imagine MI5 are pretty good at secretly supressing dissident.

    The smartest way to keep the population passive and obedient is to stricly limit acceptable opinion but to allow lively debate
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    bucks wrote:
    bompington wrote:
    bucks wrote:
    I think Noam Chomsky said it the best...

    "The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mother and immigrants, the more you control all the people."
    That's funny, because the regimes that have been really successful at controlling all the people have usually used other means.

    The US and UK are porbably the best at controlling their populations given that thier biggest fears are proletarian revolution and socialism, I don't remember seeing thugs on the street enforcing laws when I walked into work this morning. I imagine MI5 are pretty good at secretly supressing dissident.

    The smartest way to keep the population passive and obedient is to stricly limit acceptable opinion but to allow lively debate
    It's one of the funny things about lefties, isn't it, just how highly they think of the "oppressors" and how contemptuous they are of the ability of the "little people" to think for themselves. I guess you have to, otherwise your head must wind up imploding from the cognitive dissonance of seeing your political philosophy rejected by the people who (according to your theories) have no choice but to embrace it.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    So if people would just automatically reject left-wing thought whenever they saw it (and they don't, which is why we have many of the rights and entitlements that we do have today), why does the right (and particularly the media) use all of their influence to discredit it without actually discussing what it really stands for?
  • I still remember last election. It was live on news night - ukip had just announced their manifesto. There were some dodgy numbers. Paxo interviewed the chairman who was at the launch and it became clear paxo couldn't conduct the interview he wanted since the chairman actually genuinely didn't know what was on the manifesto.

    The same day on itv another ukip member standing for a seat directly contradicted the manifesto and admitted he hadn't read it.

    I do quite a lot in local stuff where I live and I have yet to meet a ukip member who doesn't come across as a clueless idiot.

    They don't occupy much of my time since I don't believe the public will vote for that.
    Europe and local elections they don't mind since the electorate typically feel a bit more divorced from them and local issues that have little relation to political alignment play a much much bigger role. Not to mention how much bigger a role protest votes play in those types of elections.

    When it comes to serious politics you genuinely can't take ukip seriously. They're, at best, a protest vote to the big 3.

    To get back to the OP, ukip don't really debate immigration in an adult and constructive manner.

    Let's move beyond immigration being a vehicle for xenophobic ideas - on both sides ( the left has a propensity to use this idea as a stick with which to beat the right with) and discuss the value of cultural diversity, the economic impact, and the social gains and costs objectively. Ukip don't do this. The big 3 rarely do either.

    No in fptp people don't vote for them for fear of a ukip vote letting in the worst of the other evils. Until pr comes into play, or ukip make a miraculous breakthrough in one place that will give people confidence they are not wasting their vote they will struggle. Maybe not in London, bit in the country, I mean England, at large the man on the street and increasingly the typical working class labor voter, views back ukips. London is different, it always will be, it's not the same as the rest of the country. I have no doubt for example thsy were there a eh referendum, the vote would be over 65% to withdraw.
  • 'dont forget lads, one evertonian is worth twenty kopites'
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    Is this still going? Has the Daily Heil plagiarised it for its front page yet?

    What's the Romanian/Hungarian/Whateverian for "Polski Sklep"????

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    SecretSam wrote:
    Is this still going? Has the Daily Heil plagiarised it for its front page yet?

    What's the Romanian/Hungarian/Whateverian for "Polski Sklep"????

    I don't know about Romanian, but the Hungarian equivalent would be a "Magyar Bolt".
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,644
  • RideOnTime
    RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
    ^^^ What are we looking at here?
  • RideOnTime wrote:
    ^^^ What are we looking at here?

    The 2nd season of Dogging for Tesco clubcard points.
  • Lol, can't believe this is still going on.

    I've kept it alive for good measure!
  • RideOnTime
    RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
    So it's the 5th of January...

    Are they all here yet...