Reverb and seat clamp issues.



  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    This sucks mate... was looking forward to having a pedal on it!

    TBH though, i'd let your LBS measure the tolerances and give an opinion before farting about with friction paste. decide at that point if you want to send it back and get your cash back.

    I would have refused the same frame being returned though and just requested a refund there and then. as soon as I feel like i'm being pissed about I lose all faith in the company I'm dealing with!
    After the debacle with my works headset which the LBS completely fecked up, I refuse to use the LBS again.

    Aye so am I! LBS measured it first visit it, the seat tube came out slightly ovalised, so was 33. something one way and 34. something t'other, can't remember exact details. Reverb came out slightly more than 31.6, and we tried 5 different seat clamps, and a Bontrager seat post as well and the frame just wasn't having it. This is the frame I'm now stuck with. I was under the impression from our e-mail and phone conversations that I was being sent a new frame, with my headset put in it and Dan Stanton was delivering it personally, I'm less than 45 minutes from his base in Derby so he said he'd hand deliver it to make sure it got there with no damage. (the 2nd frame I was sent was so badly damaged at the top of the seat tube my reverb wouldn't even fit in it, managed to force it in the end through sheer anger!).

    Instead I was given my original frame back (and a rather p!ssy e-mail after it had been delivered) and it was sent via standard courier and it came with a hope qr seatclamp, of which I'd already tried several different ones in the LBS weeks before and the chaps in the LBS did not get one of them to work...

    I'm not happy with the frame, the LBS has checked it, measured it, and re-checked, measured it etc and they're pretty convinced it's not right. I've never had any problems like this before, the seat post was fine in my old 456C (and indeed in Bails87's 456C who I bought the reverb off) so as far as I'm concerned it's the frame and it's not fit for purpose. Once I get the bike back I will get the LBS to verify the issue in writing and ask for my money back.
  • Kowalski675
    Kowalski675 Posts: 4,412
    You're not asking for your money back - you're (politely) demanding it.
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    You're not asking for your money back - you're (politely) demanding it.

    Yes, this! Demand just sounded like too strong a word :lol:
  • Kowalski675
    Kowalski675 Posts: 4,412
    best thing you can do is get the letter drafted at work, on their letterheaded paper. That'll soon get your money back.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    He's a student, so the only paper he has is bog roll and old chip wrapper.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    I work at a Solicitors I'll have you know!
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Making tea doesn't count.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    Back on topic... LBS just called to say they've bled the Reverb several times and it's still not working correctly, recommended sending it to a service centre. Now I'm not sure what to do. Imo the frame is quite clearly faulty, and has now damaged my seatpost, I'm sending the frame back and demanding a full refund, but should I ask for them to pay for the seatpost to be fixed as well, seeing as it was their faulty product that led to it being damaged? A service from TF tuned is £80 not including postage so it's gonna cost me near enough £95 to get it fixed when it was perfectly fine before and its on since it's been fitted to this frame that it's been damaged. It's an absolute piss take!!
  • thats definately one for your solicitor friends.. I'm not sure where you'd stand.
    However you should have no issues getting cash back for the frame.

    It may be a case of small claims for the reverb issue and any other incurred costs if Stanton don't play ball. Just make sure you do everything through email and keep copies of everything!
  • russyh
    russyh Posts: 1,375
    I had a similar issue with my first reverb, sent it back to SRAM and they replaced under warranty (well sent it back to supplier) I hadnt clamped it overly right, but it just dumped its fluid out of the remote. i rebled the post 3 times each time it chucked fluid from the remote. More than a little annoying. I would check with SRAM to see if they can confirm it was the seat clamp that caused the damage, if they are willing to confirm 100% that the clamp caused the issue via over tightening then to my mind the frame manufacturer should cough up. If they say the post was faulty, then you will get a replacement and just ask for your money from the frame builders.

    Either way the whole process seems like a joke.
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    The post was bought second hand, but it was repaired under warranty about 3 weeks after I bought it, and it's been used on half a dozen proper rides since, I didn't got on with the 456C it was fitted to so barely rode it, hence changing to a supposedly better frame :roll:

    Will have words at work and see what they say, in the mean time, since my other bike is 100 odd miles away, no bike riding for me :(
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    Well the frame is being returned in exchange for a full refund, reverb sent for a service by my LBS as well, may have take the cost of having the post repaired but given everything that's gone on I'm just happy to be getting my money back and moving on :)
  • lawman wrote:
    Well the frame is being returned in exchange for a full refund, reverb sent for a service by my LBS as well, may have take the cost of having the post repaired but given everything that's gone on I'm just happy to be getting my money back and moving on :)

    I just hope they don't try and pass the frame off to some other poor sod as a new frame. Good result though, at least its not been a long drawn out affair getting a full refund, unlike the replacement frame saga.