BC road safety article

rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
edited January 2014 in The hub
I went on to the British Cycling website, just to have a look at the race calendar and on the front page an article caught my eye. It's an article about improving road safety and they chose to use a photo of a woman riding on an urban road with no helmet and then in the article they blame all cyclist deaths on other road users.

http://www.britishcycling.org.uk/campai ... -Cycling-0


  • Nowt wrong with the photo and as for your assertion that they blame all cyclists deaths on other road users, I'd grateful if you could point to that specific statement in the article. Thanks.
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    I went on to the British Cycling website, just to have a look at the race calendar and on the front page an article caught my eye. It's an article about improving road safety and they chose to use a photo of a woman riding on an urban road with no helmet and then in the article they blame all cyclist deaths on other road users.
    I see nothing at all wrong with an image of a female legally riding a bicycle on the road. It is an entirely worthwhile image and one which needs further promotion.
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • rockmonkeysc
    rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
    Anyone who rides on the road without a helmet is an idiot who deserves whatever happens to them. In an article about safety they should surely be promoting looking after your own safety and using at least minimal PPE.
  • Its not the law to ride with a helmet. Don't see the issue.
  • rockmonkeysc
    rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
    When promoting safety to reduce cycling deaths do you not think helmets are an important part of that?
    You can't expect other road users to take cyclists safety seriously if cyclists are not taking it seriously themselves and using protective equipment?
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    I don't go to London much but after going there a few times for work, I'm surprised there isn't more cyclist deaths than there is.

    It's a two way thing, lets not all get hung up on blaming the driver here. Twatish cyclists in the city (and others across the country) need a serious slap, not all but a good majority act like total dicks and weave around traffic and through red lights dangerously.

    No wonder this sort of stuff happens, however mirrors on large vehicles to eliminate blind spots is also a good thing.
  • When promoting safety to reduce cycling deaths do you not think helmets are an important part of that?
    You can't expect other road users to take cyclists safety seriously if cyclists are not taking it seriously themselves and using protective equipment?

    So why aren't car safety adverts done in a car with a full 10 point safety rollcage, bucket seats, harnesses, with a driver in a helmet and overalls.

    1) Its not the law.
    2) Its not what happens in the real world.

    I'm all for the helmet and think everyone should wear one.
    However, there are people out there that don't wear helmets and have their own reasons not to wear one.

    Maybe she was wearing one of these:
  • Another day and another thread by someone not only wishing to impose their MyWay Code upon others but now also wishing to deny people a right to life if they don't. Nice.

    So the OP is misinformed about the Highway Code and people's rights to be on the road and as the OP hasn't been able to show where the article writer blames all cyclists deaths on other road users, we can only assume that the OP is choosing to be willfully misinformed rather than just holding a view borne of ignorance.
  • rockmonkeysc
    rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
    So are helmets a waste of time?
    Should helmets be optional on motorcycles? I don't see a difference on the roads.
    I know its not the law but maybe it should be. The roads are overcrowded and dangerous and the emergency services are overstretched.
    The law on protective equipment for road users does seem a bit inconsistent. Car drivers have to wear seat belts, motorcyclists have to wear helmets, horse riderd have to wear helmets and high visibility vests but cyclists don't have to have anything.
  • Kowalski675
    Kowalski675 Posts: 4,412
    Should helmets be optional on motorcycles?

    Yes - would help rid the world of some stupid people, lol.
  • rockmonkeysc
    rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
    Should helmets be optional on motorcycles?

    Yes - would help rid the world of some stupid people, lol.

    Shame that theory isn't working in America.
  • eric_draven
    eric_draven Posts: 1,192
    Should helmets be optional on motorcycles?

    Yes - would help rid the world of some stupid people, lol.

    Shame that theory isn't working in America.

    there's no proper corners for them to fall off on,
  • Kowalski675
    Kowalski675 Posts: 4,412
    Should helmets be optional on motorcycles?

    Yes - would help rid the world of some stupid people, lol.

    Shame that theory isn't working in America.

    Oh it does, they've just got a very large supply of idiots. :lol:
  • Kowalski675
    Kowalski675 Posts: 4,412
    Should helmets be optional on motorcycles?

    Yes - would help rid the world of some stupid people, lol.

    Shame that theory isn't working in America.

    there's no proper corners for them to fall off on,

    Never seen Deals Gap then?
  • eric_draven
    eric_draven Posts: 1,192
    Should helmets be optional on motorcycles?

    Yes - would help rid the world of some stupid people, lol.

    Shame that theory isn't working in America.

    there's no proper corners for them to fall off on,

    Never seen Deals Gap then?[/quote

    No sorry I haven't,they might have a few good roads,but i would sooner do a motorbike trip in Europe than America
  • Kowalski675
    Kowalski675 Posts: 4,412
    No sorry I haven't,

    That surprises me, if you ride a bike. Deals Gap (a.k.a. "The Tail Of The Dragon"), North Carolina - one of the finest, most famous (and most crashed on, lol) biking roads anywhere. Kind of like a Nordsclieffe with two way traffic. Just watch out for the over-confident idiots, and the occasional logging wagon taking up both sides of the road round the hairpins, lol.


    And one of many examples of how not to do it, lol:


    "A few good roads"? You do realise just how big America is, lol?... It ain't all straight lines.
  • eric_draven
    eric_draven Posts: 1,192
    No sorry I haven't,

    That surprises me, if you ride a bike. Deals Gap (a.k.a. "The Tail Of The Dragon"), North Carolina - one of the finest, most famous (and most crashed on, lol) biking roads anywhere. Kind of like a Nordsclieffe with two way traffic. Just watch out for the over-confident idiots, and the occasional logging wagon taking up both sides of the road round the hairpins, lol.


    And one of many examples of how not to do it, lol:


    "A few good roads"? You do realise just how big America is, lol?... It ain't all straight lines.

    Yeah i realize how big the place is,I did go about 15 years ago and travelled down california,
    but it'snot quite like France where it seems like nearly every non main road is a good one,with a well maintained surface,will watch the youtube clips
  • rockmonkeysc
    rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
    I did a bike trip up the west coast and there are three problems. Firstly American bikes are sh1t. Secondly the speed limit is only 55 and thridly if you break that limit you get pulled over by some in bred pig fooking cop with a gun who will treat you as if he has mistaken your mild speeding offence for a multiple murder of his family members. Oh and lets not forget American bikes suck hairy dogs balls.
  • Kowalski675
    Kowalski675 Posts: 4,412
    I did a bike trip up the west coast and there are three problems. Firstly American bikes are sh1t. Secondly the speed limit is only 55 and thridly if you break that limit you get pulled over by some in bred pig fooking cop with a gun who will treat you as if he has mistaken your mild speeding offence for a multiple murder of his family members. Oh and lets not forget American bikes suck hairy dogs balls.

    So don't ride an American bike, lol. Most Americans don't. As for the speed limit, it's only 5mph more here, and you'll get the same treatment from British traffic plod (you'd be hard pressed to find anywhere where the moronic "speed is evil" mentality has taken a firmer hold than good old blighty). Usually without the gun, admittedly, but I've never heard of anyone being jailed for speeding in America...
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    Are all stab victims to blame too, because they're not wearing stab vests? :roll:
  • rockmonkeysc
    rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
    njee20 wrote:
    Are all stab victims to blame too, because they're not wearing stab vests? :roll:

    What's your point?
    When you ride on the road you are choosing to put yourself in to a dangerous situation so it's only right that you take sensible precautions.
    No one puts theirself in to a situation where they know there is a risk of getting stabbed.
    Cyclists who don't wear helmets are probably a good source of healthy organs though so I guess it's not all bad.
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    You're blaming the victims for the outcome of events likely outside their control. The stabbing example is exactly the same. Are you suggesting that drivers are ok to mow down unhelmeted riders with impunity, because they've not taken proper precautions? Drivers are only to blame if the rider is wearing a helmet? Struggling here...
    No one puts theirself in to a situation where they know there is a risk of getting stabbed.

    Of course they do. It's a small risk, but one that everyone puts themselves at risk of! Ever been to London? People have been stabbed there.

    Presumably hit and run victims are to blame as well? Should wear full body armour just in case.
  • rockmonkeysc
    rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
    I went to London once. Didn't like it and left very quickly.
    Are you saying helmets are a waste of time and do nothing to save lives which in turn saves the time of over stretched emergency services who could be saving the lives of other people?
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    Are you saying helmets are a waste of time and do nothing to save lives which in turn saves the time of over stretched emergency services who could be saving the lives of other people?

    No, that strawman is even more stupid than your opening gambit and you know it.

    But while we're carrying on your tack - they're being selfish by cycling at all, if they didn't then they wouldn't get runover, and the emergency services wouldn't need to rescue them at all. The helmet is an irrelevance frankly.
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    Should helmets be optional on motorcycles? I don't see a difference on the roads.
    The difference is in the EVIDENCE. The evidence for the benefits of motorcycle lids was unequivocal. Helmet legislation also came with the additional "benefit" of it being likely to discourage motorcycling - which it did.

    None of this is true for cycling.
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    Well it will discourage cycling, but that's not a benefit.
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,116
    Anyone who rides on the road without a helmet is an idiot who deserves whatever happens to them. In an article about safety they should surely be promoting looking after your own safety and using at least minimal PPE.

    I don'tmind you having the freedom to express that view but I am aggrieved that I'd be banned if I expressed my opinion of you.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • rockmonkeysc
    rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
    Anyone who rides on the road without a helmet is an idiot who deserves whatever happens to them. In an article about safety they should surely be promoting looking after your own safety and using at least minimal PPE.

    I don'tmind you having the freedom to express that view but I am aggrieved that I'd be banned if I expressed my opinion of you.

    Please express your opinion. I'm interested now. It really takes a lot to offend me and I'm not the type of person to report offensive posts so please, lets have it :D
  • paul.skibum
    paul.skibum Posts: 4,068
    Anyone who rides on the road without a helmet is an idiot who deserves whatever happens to them. In an article about safety they should surely be promoting looking after your own safety and using at least minimal PPE.

    I don'tmind you having the freedom to express that view but I am aggrieved that I'd be banned if I expressed my opinion of you.

    Please express your opinion. I'm interested now. It really takes a lot to offend me and I'm not the type of person to report offensive posts so please, lets have it :D

    I will express that the opinions you have stated in this thread are moronic.

    If one states that a helmet should be mandatory (purely from a point of view of some moral obligation to stop using up emergency service time if for no other reason) then presumably you also believe that when mountain biking we should wear appropriate PPE - pressure suit? elbow and knee pads? mouth guard? FF helmet? Njee's point too I believe.

    In order to save our overtaxed medical services everyone should have personal health insurance, we shoudl send our kids to private school to save the education system and so on and so on.

    The safety benefit of wearing a lid on a road bike are that they save you from mild injuries at slow speeds - I am all in favour of people wearing them but if you are hit by a truck turning left the helmet is not going to save you from being dragged under a wheel. Road safety education has to be the better answer.
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.