the 1st ever pure Bollox spouting (Open) competition



  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,910
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    arran77 wrote:
    It's like you said in the kicking off thread, you're an outcast :P
    I meant from a Communter forum point of view, you retard :wink:

    On behalf of A77, I am deeply offended because you called him a retard.

    ...erm, on second thoughts - you're quite wrong: he's a mad, swivel eyed, 3 toed shirking swamp tw4t from Straight Handlebar city.

    BTW - I am offended by the fact that this thread is no longer pure bollox. As a result, I am going to hand out CC disciplinary's. If found guilty, you will spend one whole week posting in 'road beginners'.
    One whole week of:
    How do I make sure my front wheel doesn't fall off?
    If I do more than 5 km's a week, will I suffer dehydration and fatigue?
    Hi there, I am new to cycling and wondered if there was an alternative to lycra 'cos I think I look a plonker in padded shorts?
    What are the best wheels to buy for less than £20?

    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,367
    arran77 wrote:
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    arran77 wrote:
    It's like you said in the kicking off thread, you're an outcast :P
    I meant from a Communter forum point of view, you retard :wink:

    I resemble that comment :P
    My mental image of you was a tad different to this.


    Edited to say, I'd better stop now as otherwise Pinna is going to go a bit psycho/Begbie on us. I told you lot before, don't touch his ears !
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    arran77 wrote:
    It's like you said in the kicking off thread, you're an outcast :P
    I meant from a Communter forum point of view, you retard :wink:

    On behalf of A77, I am deeply offended because you called him a retard.

    ...erm, on second thoughts - you're quite wrong: he's a mad, swivel eyed, 3 toed shirking swamp tw4t from Straight Handlebar city.

    BTW - I am offended by the fact that this thread is no longer pure bollox. As a result, I am going to hand out CC disciplinary's. If found guilty, you will spend one whole week posting in 'road beginners'.
    One whole week of:
    How do I make sure my front wheel doesn't fall off?
    If I do more than 5 km's a week, will I suffer dehydration and fatigue?
    Hi there, I am new to cycling and wondered if there was an alternative to lycra 'cos I think I look a plonker in padded shorts?
    What are the best wheels to buy for less than £20?


    I am offended that you are offended on my behalf, I do not need the assistance of a rubber glove licking, machine drip sucking mock Scott to make me look like a complete 'tard :P :wink:

    Steveo 666 is more than capable of tarnishing my reputation on his own :lol:
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    Point of order your Majness…

    I am experiencing a dilemma, a zugzwang if you will, a Morton's fork, in the land of the blind the one eyed man is whatever he wants to be as no-one can see him, but the fact still remains, if in an altered reality all are, in fact, as Chomsky said just colorless green ideas sleeping furiously, how can being contributive be considered anything but de rigueur or more importantly de jure, one then has to question the adroitness of the adjudicator.

    innit :D

    just wanted to clarify things before entering.
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    team47b wrote:
    Point of order your Majness…

    I am experiencing a dilemma, a zugzwang if you will, a Morton's fork, in the land of the blind the one eyed man is whatever he wants to be as no-one can see him, but the fact still remains, if in an altered reality all are, in fact, as Chomsky said just colorless green ideas sleeping furiously, how can being contributive be considered anything but de rigueur or more importantly de jure, one then has to question the adroitness of the adjudicator.

    innit :D

    just wanted to clarify things before entering.

    Quite right, I hear he's a complete fruit :wink:
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,910
    "A Morton's Fork is a specious piece of reasoning in which contradictory arguments lead to the same (unpleasant) conclusion."

    The articulate, intelligent and eloquent fruit cake T47b has just written the most profound statement ever to be posted in a bike forum and he expects me to enter this into a competition for pure bollox. I don't think so.
    I also think it should be rejected on account of the way it rattles like an old train left over form the empire over rails that are skinnier then Twiggy's springy bits, lacking in pauses and full stops to which anyone who espouses good English and grammer, should be ashamed.
    'Nil points' (en Francaise) on the bollox scale, 'nil points' for poetry and rythmical articulation.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    "A Morton's Fork is a specious piece of reasoning in which contradictory arguments lead to the same (unpleasant) conclusion."

    The articulate, intelligent and eloquent fruit cake T47b has just written the most profound statement ever to be posted in a bike forum and he expects me to enter this into a competition for pure bollox. I don't think so.
    I also think it should be rejected on account of the way it rattles like an old train left over form the empire over rails that are skinnier then Twiggy's springy bits, lacking in pauses and full stops to which anyone who espouses good English and grammer, should be ashamed.
    'Nil points' (en Francaise) on the bollox scale, 'nil points' for poetry and rythmical articulation.
    Deliberate error?
    Tee hee. :lol:
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    oi, steady on gov! That wasn't my entry to the boll0x spouting competition :D

    That was me saying if the norm is to spout nonsense then to spout nonsense makes sense, whereas to spout sense would in fact be nonsense.

    The Morton's fork, superficially plausible, but actually wrong, was a way of saying either way it will be boll0x to someone, either conclusion of the two forks will give the same outcome.

    I wanted to clarify this before I got started, didn't want to start talking boll0x without your take on this, would be a waste of boll0x :D

    Dissin' my poetic 'rythmical' (sic) articulation is not on, I was going for a trochee followed by an iamb, a classic Greek Choriamb :shock:

    (Still not started on the boll0x yet)
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    team47b wrote:
    oi, steady on gov! That wasn't my entry to the boll0x spouting competition :D

    That was me saying if the norm is to spout nonsense then to spout nonsense makes sense, whereas to spout sense would in fact be nonsense.

    The Morton's fork, superficially plausible, but actually wrong, was a way of saying either way it will be boll0x to someone, either conclusion of the two forks will give the same outcome.

    I wanted to clarify this before I got started, didn't want to start talking boll0x without your take on this, would be a waste of boll0x :D

    Dissin' my poetic 'rythmical' (sic) articulation is not on, I was going for a trochee followed by an iamb, a classic Greek Choriamb :shock:

    (Still not started on the boll0x yet)

    Are you sure?

    Either that was complete boll0x or I'm seriously tired, I doubt its the later as its only monday, that statement just went flying right over my head :wink:
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    sure. :wink:
    my isetta is a 300cc bike