


  • njee20 wrote:
    I still stand by the fact that the average (ie run of the mill, lurking at the tea shop on a Sunday) roadie is fitter than the average run of the mill MTBer. By a long way.

    That's not stronger, better, faster or anything else. Fitter.

    Agree... no need for complicated VO2/blood lactate testing either. If you took an average waist measurement of a random selection of trail centre punters vs a random sample of roadies out for a Sunday spin, I reckon it'd be fairly conclusive. I think the same would apply to chatting/faffing vs actual cycling time ratio... I was at Llandegla of Friday and was chuckling into my coffee overhearing a bunch of guys talking about how time pressed they were but then spending 20 minutes plus debating what to ride.
  • On the road it's generally you aganst the clock. On trails / XC it's more you aganst the terrain. Stands to reason that roadies tend to view their sessions more seriously in terms of keeping up a cadence / pace, as opposed to projecting the line over roots / shingle etc - roadies generally are not there to appreciate the view so much. Therefore, it makes sense that a roadie may not be in such a 'social' frame of mind as a XC rider.

    Anyway, I had my own brand of karma the oher day. Heading home from work with a friend (in the car), we passed by a couple of roadies at a junction. I jokingly said, imagine if I wound the window down and shouted 'roadie w@&£ers!' to which we had a good chuckle. The following morning I was passed by a roadie on a climb whilst on my trusty 29er XC bike. He greeted me as he passed (and I duly responded in kind) and simply left me for dead, despite my best efforts to maintain a minimal gap. As the good ol' Glawster saying goes: 'That'll learn ya...'
  • Tim.s
    Tim.s Posts: 515
    Meh, ive happened across just as many ignorant MTBers as roadies. We are all cyclists at the end of the day.
    "Didn't hurt"
  • If you took an average waist measurement of a random selection of trail centre punters vs a random sample of roadies out for a Sunday spin, I reckon it'd be fairly conclusive.

    That's because roadies wear lycra, and anyone with a bulging waistline would look like this:

    Still, at least he was eating a salad :)
  • DanDax1990
    DanDax1990 Posts: 1,201
    No matter what sport, you're only as fit as the effort you put into it.