Cycle to Work?

Schoie81 Posts: 749
edited September 2013 in Road beginners
Morning guys,

So Thursday 12th September (tomorrow) is National Cycle to Work Day. So who's cycling to work tomorrow? And is anyone cycling to work just because it is Cycle to Work Day?

30mile ride home tonight and then i'll be doing a 20mile (ish) commute to the office in the morning.
"I look pretty young, but I'm just back-dated"


  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Sorry - not tomorrow - I did Mon/Tue & today ... off work tomorrow & Friday :) so can't do it :(
  • Will hopefully be on the bike tomorrow, aim for 4 commutes a week but not been feelin to special this week
  • Would do if I hadn't fallen off testing my commute route on Sunday and doing my wrist in (the one that didn't hit the ground). Just got to wait a week to see the doctor. :cry:

    First outing on the bike I bought through the cycle to work scheme too :oops:
  • Unfortunately it's one of the days where I can't cycle to work. The missus insists on being picked up despite her work being less than 10 minutes walk from home. Quite frustrating as I'd love to be cycling every day rather than the 2 weekdays I can currently manage.

    I have however made sure our internal comms experts are aware of the date. The company are quite keen to promote cycling so have made sure to include it in our weekly emailed newsletter.
  • I'm cycling to work for the first time tomorrow. 80 miles there and back with 4500ft of climbs...

    All my clothes, gels, food, etc are here today. then I can cycle in only carrying what I need to rather than an extra backpack.
  • OwenB
    OwenB Posts: 606
    I'll be riding into work tomorrow but not just because it's cycle to work day, I do two days one week, 3 days the next to save funds ( for my next bike :wink: )
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    dazza12 wrote:
    Unfortunately it's one of the days where I can't cycle to work. The missus insists on being picked up despite her work being less than 10 minutes walk from home. Quite frustrating as I'd love to be cycling every day rather than the 2 weekdays I can currently manage.
    Get a tandem ... 10 minutes walk and she wants a lift?! FFS ...

    If you can't MTFU and tell her to walk then call her and say you'll be 30 mins late ... then 30 mins later call her from home and ask why she didn't bother to walk 10 minutes home and get your dinner ready ...

    seriously ... 10 minutes walk and she wants a lift ... ?!?!?!
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    bushpixy wrote:
    I'm cycling to work for the first time tomorrow. 80 miles there and back with 4500ft of climbs...

    All my clothes, gels, food, etc are here today. then I can cycle in only carrying what I need to rather than an extra backpack.

    Now - that's a respectable commute! :mrgreen:
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    edited September 2013
    dazza12 wrote:
    Unfortunately it's one of the days where I can't cycle to work. The missus insists on being picked up despite her work being less than 10 minutes walk from home. Quite frustrating as I'd love to be cycling every day rather than the 2 weekdays I can currently manage.

    Aside from the obvious that you clearly need a Missus who can walk a few yards unassisted, if it is a 10 minute walk then it is a two minute drive. So it will only take you four minutes extra to get home, dump the bike and pick her up - and then hopefully your wife can see how ridiculous she is being! :wink:

    Of course, in that four minutes she could have got almost half way home on foot.......
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Slowbike wrote:
    bushpixy wrote:
    I'm cycling to work for the first time tomorrow. 80 miles there and back with 4500ft of climbs...

    All my clothes, gels, food, etc are here today. then I can cycle in only carrying what I need to rather than an extra backpack.

    Now - that's a respectable commute! :mrgreen:

    Ditto!! Good effort!! I'm hoping to do my first 40miler on the way home tonight, although it does depend on the weather. I'll be cycling regardless of the rain, but if its chucking it down, I'll probably taker a shorter route home.

    We're trying to talk one of the guys into cycling in tomorrow - he lives 13miles away. I've offered to cycle to his house (24miles) and then cycle in with him, meaning i'd do over 37miles - and he's still not up for it - spoil-sport!
    "I look pretty young, but I'm just back-dated"
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    For those not used to doing a distance - don't under-estimate the need for feed ...
    Especially on the way home - I'd suggest you make sure you've had a snack about 30-60 minutes before leaving and if you're out for >1hr then something to nibble (foodwise) would be good - just some jellybeans/babies should suffice ...
    Otherwise you could be running on empty when you get back!
  • Tomorrow just happens to be the only day this week when I have to go further affield than the office (about 50 miles further!) so I can't, which is annoying.

    I tried to make up for it yesterday by doing my usual 18 mile route in to work, then a 55 mile 'detour' back home. Fantastic evening for it as well, over the Kirkstone Pass (via the Struggle), around Ullswater, to the A6 through Lowther, Shap, to Orton and Tebay then back to Kendal, all whilst watching the sun drop over the Lake District - now that's what I call a commute!
  • Rolf F wrote:
    Aside from the obvious that you clearly need a Missus who can walk a few yards unassisted, if it is a 10 minute walk then it is a two minute drive. So it will only take you four minutes extra to get home, dump the bike and pick her up - and then hopefully your wife can see how ridiculous she is! :wink:

    Of course, in that four minutes she could have got almost half way home on foot.......

    I know - all these arguments and more have been given to her yet she plays her joker card whenever I insist on her walking - the back injury. This is a back injury (slipped disc) that I also have, and even though evidence suggests that exercise is the best thing for it, she's apparently got some rare form of it that stops her. No evidence of this however.

    She also appears to have some fear of an overcast sky. I think the reality is she saw what water did to another witch on the Wizard of Oz so avoids rain wherever she can.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    dazza12 wrote:
    She also appears to have some fear of an overcast sky. I think the reality is she saw what water did to another witch on the Wizard of Oz so avoids rain wherever she can.

    I think we all feel for you! :lol:
    Faster than a tent.......
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Rolf F wrote:
    dazza12 wrote:
    She also appears to have some fear of an overcast sky. I think the reality is she saw what water did to another witch on the Wizard of Oz so avoids rain wherever she can.

    I think we all feel for you! :lol:

    yer - but you need to MTFU

    <runs to hide behind the sofa>
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,096
    Ironically tomorrow will be the one day this week I won't be riding to work. Judging by some of the muppet fair weather cyclists I've encountered this week it might be a good thing to not be riding though!
  • dazza12 wrote:
    She also appears to have some fear of an overcast sky. I think the reality is she saw what water did to another witch on the Wizard of Oz so avoids rain wherever she can.

    She doesn't play cricket by any chance does she? "Aaaah, bad light!! Get inside! Save yourselves!" :roll: :wink:
    "I look pretty young, but I'm just back-dated"
  • I cycle to work everyday,saying that its only half a mile each way :P :P :P :mrgreen::mrgreen:
    Lapierre Aircode 300
  • awavey
    awavey Posts: 2,368
    I felt a bit guilty filling in the mileage pledge as I usually cycle to work when I can anyway (another one of these cycling things that actually isnt aimed at the likes of me) but hey ho it all helps :)
  • Mikey41
    Mikey41 Posts: 690
    I won't be, as I have the day off. I will still be riding a bike though if that counts :D
    Giant Defy 2 (2012)
    Giant Defy Advanced 2 (2013)
    Giant Revel 1 Ltd (2013)
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Well - change of plans and I'm in the office ...

    yes I did cycle in ...
  • Well my first attempt at 40miles failed last night :( got to about 33miles and could do no more so had to take a short cut home. Still 35.5miles though, which is my longest ride so far! Its the hills that killed me - 3500ft of climbing. Didn't stop my cycling to work today though, 16.5miles in this morning, got a pinch flat after hitting a hideous pot hole that I didn't see because it was full of water :( luckily i was literally 100yds from the office, so it didn't spoil the ride.
    "I look pretty young, but I'm just back-dated"
  • zardoz
    zardoz Posts: 251
    I took early retirement last year and so don't have a workplace to cycle to. I feel so left out that I'm thinking of riding into my old office just to gloat at the poor b*ggers still there. I'm sure they will appreciate my effort. :D
  • zardoz wrote:
    I took early retirement last year and so don't have a workplace to cycle to. I feel so left out that I'm thinking of riding into my old office just to gloat at the poor b*ggers still there. I'm sure they will appreciate my effort. :D

    Yeah, go for it!! :D
    "I look pretty young, but I'm just back-dated"
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Schoie81 wrote:
    Well my first attempt at 40miles failed last night :( got to about 33miles and could do no more so had to take a short cut home. Still 35.5miles though, which is my longest ride so far! Its the hills that killed me - 3500ft of climbing. Didn't stop my cycling to work today though, 16.5miles in this morning, got a pinch flat after hitting a hideous pot hole that I didn't see because it was full of water :( luckily i was literally 100yds from the office, so it didn't spoil the ride.

    Bum - still - >30 miles after a days work is pretty good going. I do that occasionally - but none of my routes include 3500' of climbing!
  • Day off work today so no ride to work for me but I did fit my new pedals to the bike. Does that count? :wink:

    I ride every day that I'm in so tomorrow and saturday are ride days and when I'm back at uni in a couple of weeks then I'll also be riding there too.

    Why do I need a day to ride to work when I can do it anyway :P
  • I cycle the last bit of my commute every day (an 8-mile round-trip). Today, ironically, I only went the half-mile or so to Evans, where my bike's in for a service and the steerer shortening. Alanis Morrissette re-writing lyrics, even as we speak.
  • Schoie81 wrote:
    Well my first attempt at 40miles failed last night :( got to about 33miles and could do no more so had to take a short cut home. Still 35.5miles though, which is my longest ride so far! Its the hills that killed me - 3500ft of climbing. Didn't stop my cycling to work today though, 16.5miles in this morning, got a pinch flat after hitting a hideous pot hole that I didn't see because it was full of water :( luckily i was literally 100yds from the office, so it didn't spoil the ride.

    Make that TWO p*******s!! :( The back went down straight away, so I knew the crater (I've upgraded its status from 'pot-hole') had done the back tyre, but I went to sort that out at lunchtime and noticed the front was flat too. Not a happy bunny... :evil:
    "I look pretty young, but I'm just back-dated"
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Time to get a track pump for the office?
  • Yes i cycled to work tonight. even left the house early to do extra. only 7 miles to work so im happy with the 30.8 miles i did in total. its great whipping past all the rush hour traffic. just hope i dont fall asleep at my desk in the wee small hours now.... 8)
    Cube Cross 2016
    Willier GTR 2014