
BigLights Posts: 464
edited September 2013 in Commuting chat
I wasn't brought up in the UK, and I was brought up with strict guidelines about litter. ie, just don't, it's disrespectful.

can anyone explain why it seems entirely natural for people to just drop their rubbish while they walk, or out a car window, or in a tube train? I mean, seriously.

Someone had clearly had a puncture next to where I lock my bike up yesterday. Left an old inner tube, an inner tube box and latex gloves.

This isn't a rant. I'm just genuinely puzzled.


  • monkimark
    monkimark Posts: 1,878
    Because they are a-holes
  • rubertoe
    rubertoe Posts: 3,994
    in the last 20 or so years people have developed an "I dont care" attitude.

    Thats why we have all these social problems, littering being one of them.
    "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."

    PX Kaffenback 2 = Work Horse
    B-Twin Alur 700 = Sundays and Hills
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    my friend said to me the other day when he threw something out his car window, there are people paid to clear up my rubbish.

    i had asked him not to litter and said i'd put it in the bin when i got out the car
  • mpatts
    mpatts Posts: 1,010
    Some people just litter, and a percentage of litter is by accident.

    Simple solution is just to pick what you see up and bin it.

    I do a lot of hill walking, and I always return with assorted bits and bobs to bin. I always think that if everyone did this, there wouldn't be a litter problem.
    Insert bike here:
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    what gets me when out for a ride how many gel packets you see lying around grr really grinds my gears

    oh an oh people who empty ashtrays at traffic lights
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • shadow4532
    shadow4532 Posts: 133
    mudcow007 wrote:
    oh an oh people who empty ashtrays at traffic lights
    one of the few thing that i agree with jeremy clarkson on. pick it up and at the next set of lights empty it on their lap.
    GIANT PROPEL SL1 for racing and posing
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  • jds_1981
    jds_1981 Posts: 1,858
    I said 'oi' to a WVM who dropped litter out of his window. His response was a half-hearted drive at me....
    FCN 9 || FCN 5
  • BigLights
    BigLights Posts: 464
    or adopt the Middle East approach. 'ashtray is full, time to buy a new car'.
  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    rubertoe wrote:
    in the last 20 or so years people have developed an "I dont care" attitude.

    Thats why we have all these social problems, littering being one of them.

    IMHO this co incides with the growing culture of "I know my rights".

    In the past we were taught to be considerate for others - eg kids learned to give their seats up for adults etc.

    Now we teach children to know their rights, but do not teach them about their responsibilites.

    This develops over time into people only thinking how things affect the. In the example here, person with puncture thinks its quicker to leave their rubbish so leaves thought as to how that affects others.
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  • BigJimmyB
    BigJimmyB Posts: 1,302
    mpatts wrote:
    Some people just litter, and a percentage of litter is by accident.

    Simple solution is just to pick what you see up and bin it.

    I do a lot of hill walking, and I always return with assorted bits and bobs to bin. I always think that if everyone did this, there wouldn't be a litter problem.

    Er, no.

    If nobody dropped it in the first place, there wouldn't be a litter problem!

    I, like you though, pick it up on beahlf of the arrogant ar$eholes who drop it and I put it in a bin for them.
  • Same mentaility as people who let their dog C**p on the pavement. I recently told one individual to stop letting their dog c**p outside my front gate. Now he drags his dog further along the pavement and lets it c**p outside someone elses front gate, unbelievable.

    Also told a guy with diplomatic plates that he dropped something when he emptied his ashtray at a set of lights, he responded by saying I didn't have it on camera so there was nothing I could do about it, WTF.
    Fat lads take longer to stop.
  • jamesco
    jamesco Posts: 687
    shadow4532 wrote:
    one of the few thing that i agree with jeremy clarkson on. pick it up and at the next set of lights empty it on their lap.
    This is for you :)
    monkimark wrote:
    Because they are a-holes
    Not sure it's that simple - we probably all have a mate who, despite being a great guy, drops his fag ends on the ground. What to do?
  • peat
    peat Posts: 1,242
    It is literally the thing i hate most.

    I once chased an attractive young lady down the road (bear with me....) and said "Excuse me, you dropped this" and handed her the confectionery wrapper i watched her just discard on the pavement as she walked. Such a shame as she was really pretty. The only way she could have repelled me more was to have a cigarette hanging off her bottom lip.
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,870
    Does my head in too, can not abide it, but I do think it boils down to the recentish attitude that seems to prevail which appears to be 'it's not my problem' and just a total lack of consideration for other people, or even noticing that they are there or matter in anyway.

    Other ways I see this more and more now include:

    Very few people indicating at roundabouts, it seems to be the 'cool' thing to do to just go onto the roundabout, and just choose your exit without letting anyone else know = Inconsiderate, means I have to wait as I do not know where they are going, or do I risk being T-boned?
    More than one person walking on a foot path towards you side by side, and not dropping into single file until you both have to completely stop or they nearly walk into you, and if they do stop they then look at you in surprise......

    It's a slippery slope I would sadly wager.

    I always take my litter with me, even when I go to the cinema or what have you, I pick up any cups/packets, and put them in a bin (If there is no bin or it is too full, I take it home) - it doesn't take long, I'm going that way anyway, and it means people do not have to clear up after me.

    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
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  • I live close to the Mon/Brecon canal and ride part of it during my commute, also walk the dog along there.
    The amount of discarded drinks cans, bottles (plastic and glass), crisp packets, sweet wrappers, carrier bags, cardboard and food wrappers is astounding and depressing.
    I did try taking a carrier bag a few times and picking up as much as I could during the morning walk with the dog - took no time at all to fill it. I gave up doing it after a while as, by the time I went for the evening walk, there was just as much crap again dumped along the same stretch.
    Also amazing that, walking through empty fields and woodland next to the canal, you'll come across drinks cans/bottles and bags/wrappers that have been dropped; not just one or two but hundreds, no exaggeration.
    Sad to think that so many people have no regard for anything outside their little bubble of self importance.
    A massive change in our selfish culture is needed but I can't see it will ever happen.
  • My commute is rural and for part of it I use a B-road. This morning I saw a carrier bag full of pop bottles, crisp packets etc on the verge. Someone had filled the bag, tied the handles and then dumped it on the verge. What sort of f***wit goes to this trouble and then cannot be ar*ed to put it in a bin :x

    And the number of beer cans discarded is appalling. There are no footpaths, so I can only assume they are discarded from passing cars. Hopefully it's the passengers and not the drivers tossing cans out of the window. And then the farmer "cuts" the verge using a massive rotating blade. The cans are shredded along with everything else, some of which ends up in the road. Grrr
    Ecrasez l’infame
  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,812
    Watched a guy drop a fag end out his window at the lights, threw it back in (still had a nice red tip) for him, he didn't seem very interested in me (too busy trying to find the fag end!).

    Watwched a girl throw a pop bottle out of a car, followed the car and had a go at the next junction, they reported me to the Police for Harrasemnet, (clearly 'I know my rights' type) admitting dropping the bottle, the girl got an official caution for littering, me nothing (I'd done nothing wrong).

    Come off the M25 at the A13 (Essex - says it all) the amount of rubbish thrown from cars in an outrage, you can't see the grass at all!
    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.
  • Stag on
    Stag on Posts: 99
    Dont think it's a new issue, as worse when I was growing up. We have a higher quality of litterer around here, bottles of flavoured water rather than the usual red bull and beer cans and full fat coke (why always full fat, never diet?)

    Seems to be worse around bin day which suggests much of the time, it's the bin chaps in a rush to empty the recycling containers and not a scrote being a mong.

    People are simply incredibly lazy.

    In central london, there is a lack of bins on public transport and at the major hubs due to the security imperative which probably makes it worse than elsewhere.

    If I saw someone littering, I'd catch them up and hand it to them back. IIRC it is enforcable with a fixed penalty notice by the plod.
  • BigJimmyB
    BigJimmyB Posts: 1,302
    The Rookie wrote:
    .....(Essex - says it all) the amount of rubbish thrown from cars in an outrage, you can't see the grass at all!

    I'm fom Essex and take that remark with offence.

    People in Essex are no worse than any one else, including with regard to littering. Did it occur to you that it might be visitors to Essex dropping the litter?
  • BigJimmyB wrote:
    The Rookie wrote:
    .....(Essex - says it all) the amount of rubbish thrown from cars in an outrage, you can't see the grass at all!

    I'm fom Essex and take that remark with offence.

    People in Essex are no worse than any one else, including with regard to littering. Did it occur to you that it might be visitors to Essex dropping the litter?

    I thought no one voluntarily visited Essex and outsiders only went there "on Her Majesty's pleasure" :wink:
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
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  • daddy0
    daddy0 Posts: 686
    BigJimmyB wrote:
    The Rookie wrote:
    .....(Essex - says it all) the amount of rubbish thrown from cars in an outrage, you can't see the grass at all!

    I'm fom Essex and take that remark with offence.

    People in Essex are no worse than any one else, including with regard to littering. Did it occur to you that it might be visitors to Essex dropping the litter?

    Whenever I visit the in-laws, who live in Essex, I always take some rubbish with me to throw out of my car window because Essex is a $*i+hole :lol:

    Seriously though, yes there is loads of litter everywhere, including a floating island of rubbish in the Pacific which is twice the size of America. The thing that really brakes my heart on a daily basis is seeing cycling related debris. In particular I notice lots of CO2 bottles everywhere. Shame on you if you don't tidy up after a visitation - if I ever catch anyone leaving their old tube by the side of the road they will suffer years of my pent up anger I tell you!
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Daddy0 wrote:
    The thing that really brakes my heart on a daily basis is seeing cycling related debris. In particular I notice lots of CO2 bottles everywhere. Shame on you if you don't tidy up after a visitation - if I ever catch anyone leaving their old tube by the side of the road they will suffer years of my pent up anger I tell you!
    Oo ... don't think I've ever seen a discarded CO2 bottle. Plenty of tubes and obviously the "Pro Team"* discards of gel wrappers during sportives ...

    that's Pro Team as in "it's what the Pro's do init ... "
  • BigJimmyB
    BigJimmyB Posts: 1,302
    Essex jokes aside, I think it's sad that people think it's OK to litter or just perhaps don't even think about it.

    I've seen evidence of joggers and bikers leaving crap in rural areas and I just cannot fathom it.

    The other fave is the 'responsible' dog owner that clears the poop up into a nappy sack, then flings it into a tree. I'd rather they just left the poop to (eventually) decompose and run the risk of me walking in it or riding through it than look at bags of shoot dangling from trees.
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    this is one of the few things that really annoys me to the point of action, i see people everyday getting off trains having left their rubbish on the table or stuffed it down the side of the seat, or in many cases just dropped on the floor.

    I'd ask would these people do this at home but i suspect they do, so i usually tap them on the shoulder and loudly point out they seems to have dropped or left something behind.
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
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  • Where was the OP brought up?

    The Brits are dirty horrible oiks, I agree. But I've seen a good deal worse in South America and things are somewhat similar in parts of Europe or pretty much anywhere which isn't touristy. So whereas lovely hamlets in Dordogneshire might be nice and clean, or central Vienna, you won't find too much conspicuous litter in the old town of Edinburgh, central Bath or Finchley either, will you? Its very tempting to make unreasonable comparisons.

    The problem to me doesn't seem to be the Brits, but human beings. Revolting creatures - the main difference is how many of them are packed into one space, and how many of them are employed to clean up after them.
  • Agreed with FirstAspect. Britain is by no means the worst for littering. I have seen much, much worse elsewhere. For the most part, people do respect the environment here and take pride in it. Of course, there is littering and I wish there was less of it and I applaud all the effort that other forumers are going to to reduce it. For my own part, I will take back my gel wrappers, mars bar wrappers and banana skins back home after a ride.
    Ridley Fenix SL
  • That's true - Paris is dog doo-doo central. You need wellies for the amount of small-dog turds on the pavement.

    I suspect in the UK people sometimes get caught out by the lack of a bin to put the dog poo bag - there's a particular place I walk my dog sometimes (and lots of other people do too) where there are no bins whatsoever - so if you pick up you end up having to take the bag home in the car with you which absolutely reeks. No wonder some people don't bother picking up or through the bag away when they realise there is nowhere to put it.

    And I live on the classic London/Brighton route. My street is frequently littered with discarded inner tubes, often just a few yards from a bin.
    Never be tempted to race against a Barclays Cycle Hire bike. If you do, there are only two outcomes. Of these, by far the better is that you now have the scalp of a Boris Bike.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,625
    Jeez you lot. I come back from NYC and am reminded how clean and litter free london is.
  • My street is frequently littered with discarded inner tubes, often just a few yards from a bin.

    This really winds me up in our local park. There are lots of bins but people still drop rubbish even if they're right next to them. Just pure laziness.
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    I left a snapped chain in the undergrowth at the roadside earlier this year. I know it was wrong, but I was kind of pi**ed off at the time and it would have been a really difficult thing to carry. That aside, littering does get on my t*ts, including people who think its perfectly acceptable to just throw a fag end down (which tends to include people who you'd think would know better). I reckon its arrogance, lack of intelligence or a combination of the two.