Most bizarre thing you saw out on a ride?

supermurph09 Posts: 2,471
edited July 2013 in Road general
I guess with the amount of miles we have covered we've seen some odd things out on the road. A few weeks ago I was out on a club ride going up a tight country lane and we had to dismount while about 30+ tractors came down the road. They all looked related and I'm sure they had the theme tune to deliverance playing!

But tonight I was out on my own on some really tight, quiet country lanes when I as I approached a bend, barely wide enough for a bike and car to squeeze past a brand new Ferrari 458 Italia had to come to a quick halt. Nothing too odd about that you might think, apart from the car had a camouflaged paint job!

Id be interested in hearing other stories! :shock:


    APIII Posts: 2,010
    3 of us went out on the cross bikes last winter for an evening ride. Passing through the car park by the local playing fields, in unison 3000 lumens of front lights on a ford fiesta, male driver straddled by his lady friend with her norks out. They were quite surprised I can tell you.
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    I saw a 3 person tandem, that didn't look safe at all - a site for sore eyes
  • wavefront
    wavefront Posts: 397
    .... two guys jogging bare feet down a quiet residential street, in wetsuits, with surf boards under their arms. It was raining heavily and there was no lake/beach/river for miles and miles that would even remotely explain what they were up to.
  • mallorcajeff
    mallorcajeff Posts: 1,489
    I was cycling a back road here in mallorca last summer and passed an old little house in the middle of nowhere. Lady on the front lawn crouching to pick something up? Oh no, she is having a piss right in the middle of her front lawn? I just said hola as i coasted by and she casually said hello back. I freewheeled away not quite sure what to think.....
  • Buckie2k5
    Buckie2k5 Posts: 600
    a lady walking her dog. Only the dog was sitting in a childs buggy. I had to look twice.
  • marylogic
    marylogic Posts: 355
    An ebullient lady cyclist clad only in bibshorts. Don't know what had happened to her jersey and I'm not sure the straps of the bibshorts gave her quite enough coverage but she was so cheerful, she really made me smile :D
  • englander
    englander Posts: 232
    I accidentally diverted down a mud path which cut through the middle of a field and came across a guy wearing only boxer shorts hopping around avoiding the sharp stones.
    Specialized Allez 2010
  • sancho_panza
    sancho_panza Posts: 183
    a wild boar about the size of a cow crashing through the undergrowth and onto the tarmac in the pinch of a tight lacet high in the Alpes Maritimes. Frightening.
  • bernithebiker
    bernithebiker Posts: 4,148
    Riding in a big peloton at quite high speed last week, and seeing a big mouse cross the road at speed, right through the middle of all the bikes - it made it unscathed!
  • mrfpb
    mrfpb Posts: 4,569
    Badgers can run! I came across two badgers on a bike ride a few nights ago on a country lane **. One dived into the bushes and one ran ahead of me on the road. I think I was doing about 18 mph, and it took me a good 1/2 mile to overtake it. Once I got past, it made a dive into the bushes, and presumably headed off to find it's friend.

    ** Just to clarify, I was on the bike, the badgers were on foot.
  • Chris Bass wrote:
    I saw a 3 person tandem, that didn't look safe at all

    Was it the Goodies? ... ts-wanted/
  • Guy on a road bike pacing a guy in a skin suit and aero helmet, inline skating
  • andy9964
    andy9964 Posts: 931
    A huge fibreglass clowns head, presumably off a fairground ride. Dumped about half a mile into an off road track that is barely wide enough for two bikes. Quite eerie when going past in the dark, seeing a big manic grin staring at you out of the bushes
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Party of young ladies today on the camel trail presumably on a hen do... The prospective bride was in full regalia with stockings and suspenders. On the back of her bike was 'roger' a very obvious male blow up doll with its legs sticking out... Happy days...
  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    A few years ago while cycling down the coast road i could hear a very faint sound of music as it got louder i realised it was bagpipes. I live in the Netherlands and thought bagpipes, there must be an event or something going on nearby. On climbing up the dike i saw a man standing in a field playing the bagpipes with sheep and cows standing around him.
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
    Gazelle Vuelta , veloce
    Giant Defy 4
    Mirage Columbus SL
    Batavus Ventura
  • TakeTurns
    TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
    I saw someone on one of these:
    With wheels(I assume), going around Richmond Park. :lol:
  • TakeTurns
    TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
    Possibly! Although if I recall correctly (3months back), he was moving his arms back and forth.

    I was doing a timed lap, head down, chewing the stem and therefore didn't get a great look - so I could be wrong.
  • Hollow-legs
    Hollow-legs Posts: 142
    A few years ,a good few years ago ,maybe 3 years ,i saw a heat haze coming off the hot tarmac of the road,,Never seen one since in years ! :D
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    A few years ,a good few years ago ,maybe 3 years ,i saw a heat haze coming off the hot tarmac of the road,,Never seen one since in years ! :D

    I had steam coming off the roads on Thursday night as I rode home at 22:00 where the roads were wet and the ambient temperature high.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    ademort wrote:
    A few years ago while cycling down the coast road i could hear a very faint sound of music as it got louder i realised it was bagpipes. I live in the Netherlands and thought bagpipes, there must be an event or something going on nearby. On climbing up the dike i saw a man standing in a field playing the bagpipes with sheep and cows standing around him.

    This has happened to me...twice :shock:

    First time in the new forest, Hampshire, second time at Cabo sao Vicente south west point of Portugal.

    Glad to hear he is now following someone else, I was starting to get worried :D
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • beinbhan
    beinbhan Posts: 52
    Out early one summers morning spinning along when I spied a young lady in the field next to the road being photographed as nature intended. Must have been the slowest i have ever cycled that bit of road fair made my day especially as she waved back after I waved to her.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Bag piping in fields is on the increase or so it said on radio 4 the other day... The cows love it
  • 1964johnr
    1964johnr Posts: 179
    Out for a ride one evening recently. Slowed down to let a car coming in the opposite direction to pass. Lady driver with a parrot sitting on her shoulder.
  • clickrumble
    clickrumble Posts: 304
    In my MTB days. Early one morning on the southdowns way, came round a bend to be confronted by 2 young lady MTBers squatting down right in the middle of the track making water.
  • Unknown to me and my mates we cycled out of Vienna straight through a Nudist camp to be greeted by a rear sight of a very old overweight man bending over, his man jewels quite literally sagged lower than his knees and would have looked more apt on a prize bullock. I nearly brought up my bratwurst.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Rode through a village this morning that seemed to be populated by stuffed dummies / mannequins dressed in country attire, with photos of people's faces stuck on their face, we saw no people at all !?! Very creepy !
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Initialised
    Initialised Posts: 3,047
    APIII wrote:
    3 of us went out on the cross bikes last winter for an evening ride. Passing through the car park by the local playing fields, in unison 3000 lumens of front lights on a ford fiesta, male driver straddled by his lady friend with her norks out. They were quite surprised I can tell you.
    Broad daylight by the banks of the Tyne I saw a couple "at it" none of this in a car or hidden behind bushes. Right near the Sea Cadet Training centre by Scotswood Bridge.
    I used to just ride my bike to work but now I find myself going out looking for bigger and bigger hills.
  • I7 Extreme
    I7 Extreme Posts: 228
    A week or two ago I was cycling in the forest of dean and I saw someone pulling there dog in a child tag along trailer. My brother says he saw a dog in a child bike seat on the back of someone's bike.
  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    I7 Extreme wrote:
    A week or two ago I was cycling in the forest of dean and I saw someone pulling there dog in a child tag along trailer. My brother says he saw a dog in a child bike seat on the back of someone's bike.

    In Holland you regularly see a dog in a child seat or on a basket front or back of bike or somebody taking the dog on a lead for a walk on the bike in the cycling lane.
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
    Gazelle Vuelta , veloce
    Giant Defy 4
    Mirage Columbus SL
    Batavus Ventura